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As is traditional.

Best Cambridge Band:
Best New Cambridge Band:
Gig of the Year:
Album of the Year:
Event of the Year:
Disappointment of the Year:
Venue of the Year:
WANner of the Year:
Twat of the Year:
Best Film You've Seen This Year:
TV show of the year:

Published by Silent Rob at 2:03pm on Wed 9th December 2009. Viewed 7,888 times.
This topic has been edited, last edit at 2:05pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

I can only think solidly of

gig: Psychic Paramount (Crushing Death and Grief)
I wont name the WANner Im most fond of
twat: maxedman, obviously

Published by Space News at 2:12pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

This thread just makes me think I ought to study less and go out more :( I feel unable to answer anything apart from Twat of the year and that's maxmanplus and mates.

Edited to say
Best Cambridge band: Winter Kings
Event of the year: changing jobs
WANer of the Year: all of you but special mention for Ax, BB, ArthurCRS and his ghost.

Published by ispeak (not active) at 2:16pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:11pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band:Lonely the Brave
Best New Cambridge Band: Unit nine obviously
Gig of the Year: Personally Unit nines first ever gig
Album of the Year: Alice in chains : black gives way to blue
Event of the Year: Snuff gig
Disappointment of the Year: Myself
Venue of the Year: Portland arms
WANner of the Year: Henry the bear/Monkey bum
Twat of the Year: To many to mention
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Not seen one that sticks in the mind really.
TV show of the year: Life

Published by DeathProof Promotion at 2:38pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 2:39pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Winter kings
Best New Cambridge Band: Kadesh
Gig of the Year: Paul Weller Thetford forest/ Karine Polwart junction 2
Album of the Year: Editors
Event of the Year: going to Canada
Disappointment of the Year: pass
Venue of the Year: Junction
WANner of the Year: oh there's several Jude, Simon, old rocker, bigmal, Dr Rhythm DJOmygod etc
Twat of the Year: The Tory guy with the Duck house
Best Film You've Seen This Year: pass
TV show of the year: The wire (new to me)

Published by steve w at 2:47pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Fuzzy Lights
Best New Cambridge Band: C Joynes & the Restless Dead (if that counts)
Gig of the Year: Peter Broderick or Sculpture or something else I'll remember in a minute...
Album of the Year: Ray Rumours - Le Pont Suspendu
Event of the Year: Indietracks
Disappointments of the Year: Tupolev Ghost split, Jock Rose dies, BFB call it a day
Venue of the Year: Portland Arms
WANner of the Year: Jude1, as ever
Best Film You've Seen This Year: White Ribbon or Mary & Max
TV show of the year: Life

Published by Mattstep at 3:09pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Tuppy Ghost (RIP) :-(
Best New Cambridge Band: Um... god, you can tell I've not gigged much this year, err... Cavalier!
Gig of the Year: BFB Farewell Gig, Portland, Halloween Night.
Album of the Year: Hidden Cameras - Origin: Orphan or David Sylvian - Manafon
Event of the Year: SB_ and kirstym's wedding. So so lovely.
Disappointment of the Year: Pink Mountaintops at May's ATP vs The Fans
Venue of the Year: The Portland (Cambridge) or Union Chapel (London)
WANner of the Year: I think it's been all about Doris this year
Twat of the Year: WANwise - the obvious who shall go unnamed, IRLwise - editor of Daily Mail, perhaps?
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Milk (on DVD, does this count?)
TV show of the year: The Wire (on DVD again), if that doesn't count, then The Thick Of It.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 3:09pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Haha you really haven't been to many gigs if you're nominating us after one ropey gig...

Published by SB___ at 3:17pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by Spanky (not active) at 3:21pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Disappointment of the Year: Chasing Melfina splitting up.

Published by Your Tourniquet at 3:24pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: It seems that nearly all the better bands in Cambridge have split this year and I've not been out enough to form an opinion on any new blood (if there is any). I'll say Um, as I usually do because he's always good.
Best New Cambridge Band: Dunno, see above.
Gig of the Year: Drum Eyes, Portland Arms
Album of the Year: The only album I've bought this year which actually came out in 2009 is Dan Deacon's Bromst
Event of the Year: Buying a flat.
Disappointment of the Year: I've had the worst year in living memory and there have been too many disappointments to list.
Venue of the Year: There's only the Portland in Cambridge isn't there?
WANner of the Year: Jude1
Twat of the Year: Spanky ;)
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Moon.
TV show of the year: We actutally got a TV towards the end of this year and I quite enjoyed the BBC4 Krautrock Doc last month.

Published by Silent Rob at 3:26pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by Spanky (not active) at 3:27pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Fuzzy Lights
Best New Cambridge Band: I'll come back to this.
Gig of the Year: MBV @ Roundhouse
Album of the Year: Joy Formidable - A Balloon Called Moaning
Event of the Year: Getting married
Disappointment of the Year: my attempt at filling this in
Venue of the Year: Junction 2/Portland
WANner of the Year: Jude 1
Twat of the Year: Maxman/Batty/Lord Lucan
Best Film You've Seen This Year:
TV show of the year: How I Met Your Mother.

Published by SB___ at 3:28pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 5:47pm on Sun 13th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by BooBoo (not active) at 3:45pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:46pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band:
Best New Cambridge Band:
Gig of the Year: The Queensberry Rules - Twickenham (Have a go Hero... tear to the eye)
Album of the Year: Electric Dirt - Levon Helm
Event of the Year: Stone balancing in Lyme Regis...
Disappointment of the Year: not getting an allotment as of yet...
Venue of the Year: Junction and John's nights at The Hopbine
WANner of the Year:
Twat of the Year: Prof Pat Michaels and his shady $100,000
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Man on Wire
TV show of the year: BBC 4, John Martyn: Johnny Too Bad

Published by happyted at 4:03pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Aww thanks Jude1 :-)

Best Cambridge Band: Wouldn't have a clue
Best New Cambridge Band: Ditto
Gig of the Year: World Music Sunday I suppose, haven't really been to much else.
Album of the Year: Crikey. Er. Don't know, sorry.
Event of the Year: G20 protests/ Iraq inquiry maybe.
Disappointment of the Year: Failing to find long term stable employment (personally). Copenhagen almost certainly being a damp squid.
Venue of the Year: La Raza, I love it.
WANner of the Year: Silent Rob for services to planning.
Twat of the Year: Dunno.
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Synecdoche, New York.
TV show of the year: The Paul O' Grady show.

Published by Doris (not active) at 4:15pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Lonely The Brave
Best New Cambridge Band: Beverley Kills
Gig of the Year: Snuff/Stars in their Eyes
Album of the Year: Southport - Armchair Supporters
Event of the Year: My first potty poo
Disappointment of the Year: Potty too small for first potty poo
Venue of the Year: Portland
WANner of the Year: Silent Rob for services to planning (I concur)
Twat of the Year: Mr Griffin and on here Nightflyer
Best Film: Black Sheep... possibly not.
TV show of the year: Scrubs/QI/In Betweeners/Peepshow

Published by ababoonsass at 4:29pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

I'm thinking a WAN Lifetime Achievement Award for Jude 1 - if that's not too worrying a concept!!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 4:37pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Seconded. :)

Published by BennyG at 4:39pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Belated yeast

Published by arthurCRS at 4:39pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:29am on Thu 10th December 2009.

*accepts award*

*dies shortly after*


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 4:40pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

art: James f'booked last night/this morning. I lose track.

*hides again*

Published by lozzy at 4:41pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

*resurrects self*

Yes, I heard via facebook, so assumed it wasn't a secret. I hope I've not spoken out of turn.

*goes back to being dead*

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 4:47pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

I've not been on here enough recently to really justify a post about it. It's no secret. Very disappointing but life gets in the way sometimes. Just before we split everything was starting to happen - we had an album offer from Hassle Records (Thrice, Rolo Tomassi, Alexisonfire etc.) and were in discussions with Coda Agency about us being taken on. Real sad, but when we lost our guitarist to Get Cape Wear Cape Fly (knew we shouldn't have let him sing on the record!) and then our bassist to his girlfriend it just felt like, nah, don't want to become Spinal Tap and a revolving door of a band. Also felt like we just wouldn't find people who were both as good friends and as technically proficient as the people we'd just lost. We tried out a new bassist and guitarist but by that stage it had just stopped being fun. Surely that's the point of a band. I didn't want to be teaching people endlessly the same songs we'd written two years beforehand. Sorry to hijack this thread but felt I should explain it. Label will "announce" our split soon I guess.

Best Cambridge Band is either Lonely The Brave (biased) or Fuzzy Lights (not biased). That's my contribution to this thread.

Published by barksdale at 4:58pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

*SR realises that he's not exactly sure what the situation is with the others and decides to delete the post just in case pending further enquiry.*

Published by Silent Rob at 5:01pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 5:14pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

People, eh?

Published by saline drip at 5:05pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

When someone says 'this will be our last gig until [time]' I normally take it at face value and as an encouragement to bother catching that band live, rather than as meaning an intentional hiatus. So that's the first time I'd heard that properly SR :-.

[Cue SR posting exactly where it is made explicit and me getting my coat etc.]

Published by bad-timing at 5:07pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 5:08pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Been away from Cambridge for over a year, so I have no idea. :(
Best New Cambridge Band: See above :(
Gig of the Year: I went to see QI being filmed this year. Does that count? Probably not. OOh actually, I went to Latitude, so Regina Spektor playing at Latitude.
Album of the Year: Far by Regina Spektor
Event of the Year: (Sorry to mention this Joosey) getting a BOYFRIEND ;)
Disappointment of the Year: Not making enough money from my proofreading and copywriting business. Failing my first driving lesson.
Venue of the Year: Dunno
WANner of the Year: jooseypigeon who always makes me laugh and ispeak, who is always supportive and lovely :)
Twat of the Year: personally, a woman who I was volunteering for who decided to turn nasty and made threats towards me and told the police that I hacked her website (WTF?!). In the world - the leader of the party who must not be named here.
Best Film You've Seen This Year: District 9
TV show of the year: Lost or Life

Published by ax_coterie at 5:10pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge The Resistance
Best New Cambridge Band: Errrrr . . . Manda Panda's new band :)
Album of the Year: don'no!
Event of the Year: The Strawberry Fair Film Festival :)
Disappointment of the Year: had an event I was planning fall though . . . it would have been good :(
Venue of the Year: The Portland
WANner of the Year: Bigmal . . . he really posted some sense . . . he must have been drunk! :)
Twat of the Year: Any racist homophobes that might have posted
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Malcolm
TV show of the year: Micro Men

And one for me
Best Radio Show: The New Quiz

Published by joosypigeon at 6:10pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Dear SB__,

I have made DJOMG obsessed with How I Met Your Mother, it's the only thing i'll let him steal off the internet for me.

Lots of Love,


Published by Rocket Dog at 6:30pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Vile Bodies (RIP)
Best New Cambridge Band: haven't seen enough to say
Gig of the Year: did I go to a gig?
Album of the Year: Cass McCombs -- Catacombs
Event of the Year: hard to top the USA electing that black dude, though the ashes win was quite good.
Disappointment of the Year: good friends moving away from Cambridge.
Venue of the Year: feel guilty that I live near the cornerhouse yet never go out, so that
WANner of the Year: either Silent Rob or choaspes, perhaps a tie
Twat of the Year: whoever was responsible for the current BMW advertising campaign
Best Film You've Seen This Year: I haven't seen a film this year
TV show of the year: Air Crash Investigation as ever

Published by sam i at 7:54pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: The Puncture Repair Kit
Best New Cambridge Band: Venus Smiles
Gig of the Year: Chad Van Gaalen in 40oC dazzling sunlight in Barcelona
Album of the Year: Merriweather Post Pavillion by Animal Collective or Unmap by Volcano Choir
Event of the Year: Simon & Kirsty getting married/Ciaron leaving the Portland to join the 5:0
Disappointment of the Year: Mandelson being back in Government
Venue of the Year: Well, I couldn't possibly comment
WANner of the Year: ArthurCRS* and that fella from Pony that keeps changing his name :p
Twat of the Year: Spanky comes a close second to Messrs Griffin & Co
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Anvil \m/
TV show of the year: The Thick Of It

Published by Back in Blag at 9:31pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: PRK/ Fuzzy Lights
Best New Cambridge Band: Beverley Kills
Gig of the Year: Hold Steady at the Junction. Neil Young in Barcelona. Shitty Limits Cambridge/Reading. Sleep at ATP
Album of the Year: Nite Jewel/Cold Cave/Animal Collective/Converge
Event of the Year: Cohabiting. Getting three tattoos. Speaking to Wes Eisold. Pink Eyes lifting me off the ground. Lozzy winning a box of Monster Munch at the bingo.
Disappointment of the Year: Death of Teletext (sob)
Venue of the Year: Parc Del Forum
WANner of the Year: goatwolf
Twat of the Year: Whoever decided to end Teletext
Best Film You've Seen This Year: It's from 1972, but Hayao Miyazake's 'Panda!Go Panda!' came out on DVD this year and made my heart burst with joy. 'The weather is nice also, and your bamboo is exceptional!'
TV show of the year: The Thick Of It.

Published by Ugly Barney at 9:45pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Lonely the Brave.
Best New Cambridge Band: there are probably a few around but I missed them.
Gig of the Year: Attack! Vipers! from Portsmouth at The Portland, who'd have thunk it :) Deftones at the Forum (just before Reading) were pretty good too, I got completely wrecked.
Album of the Year: 'Blazing Fires and Helicopters on the front page of the Newspaper. There's a War going on and I'm marching in Heavy Boots' by Suffocate For Fuck Sake. Technically it was released in '08 but I only heard it a couple of months ago and about a couple of dozen times since. 'Y' by Daitro is from this year and is pretty damn fine and with me on every gym workout.
Event of the Year: The first Japanese bondage festival in London (being selfish). Bigger Picture: the Green Movement in Iran (seems like it failed but could be sign that change in the Middle East isn't impossible without us having to bloody illegally bomb the shit out of the region).
Disappointment of the Year: The economy, stupid. Oh and, four oh, and being single. Who said good things come in threes?
Venue of the Year: no surprises, The Portland.
WANner of the Year: Joosy for sticking with it even when things got politically messy earlier in the year, and still having an unchanged id :)
Twat of the Year: maximum double plus twat.
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Coco Before Chanel. Surprised me! (edit: after reading Barney's reminded me that of the many Miyazake/ related films I've watched this year and its hard to pick just one it would be 'Whisper of the Heart').
TV show of the Year: I know its already finished, but I watched the 1st series of The Wire last week, all of it.

Published by clarissa (not active) at 10:34pm on Wed 9th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:38pm on Wed 9th December 2009.

clearly you should be an MC

Published by Space News at 12:58am on Thu 10th December 2009.

takes a bow, scratches head, wonders if I'll ever be in a cambridge band...

Published by clarissa (not active) at 1:09am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: C Joynes
Best New Cambridge Band: I don't know one
Gig of the Year: Fuck knows
Album of the Year: Trembling Bells Carbeth/C Joynes'
Event of the Year: Getting to DJ with the legendary Paul Sadot every two weeks
Disappointment of the Year: The fact that Snow Patrol still exist
Venue of the Year: I guess it has to be The Portland Arms
WANner of the Year: I love you all
Twat of the Year: Me, probably
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Fish Tank was the only film I've seen. Was a good one.
TV show of the year: The Wire (for me etc..)

Published by bigsoulstew (not active) at 1:55am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Lonley The Brave
Best New Cambridge Band: I have only seen one so Beverley Kills
Gig of the Year: AC/DC
Album of the Year: AC/DC Black Ice
Event of the Year: Sonisphere
Disappointment of the Year: Missing the Answer in Cambridge this week because I was Skint
Venue of the Year: The London Astoria, I love this place and am gutted it has closed
Twat of the Year: Maxman plus
Best Film You've Seen This Year: The Dark Knight
TV show of the year: The Wire (I watched it over the course of this year) or for something that actually had a new series this year any of The Inbetweeners, Peep Show and Generation Kill.

Published by hunts_kopite at 8:16am on Thu 10th December 2009.

> WANner of the Year: Joosy for sticking with it even when things got politically messy earlier in the year, and still having an unchanged id :)

I thought this too - JP is always here whatever the mood of WAN and is our unsung hero. Maybe we should have a best male and female WAN'er? Like the TV Quick awards but much more stylish naturally.

Published by ispeak (not active) at 9:00am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: C Joynes
Best New Cambridge Band: Barney Brown
Gig of the Year: Omar Souleyman & Group Doeuh @ Unitarian Church Hall
Album of the Year: Hypnotic Brass Ensemble - S/T or Local Flavor by Blues Control
Event of the Year: First minute of the FA Cup final
Disappointment of the Year: Remaining 89 minutes of the FA Cup final
Venue of the Year: Cambridge - CB2; elsewhere - Cafe Oto or Union Chapel, London
WANner of the Year: daggggggggggg
Twat of the Year: too many to mention
Best Film You've Seen This Year: In The Loop
TV show of the year: probably The Thick of It

Published by carney at 9:32am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by choaspes (not active) at 9:47am on Thu 10th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:05am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band / Best New Cambridge Band: I wish I knew. Been too long. :(

Gig of the Year: I kind of gave up on live music for a bit. well, a year.

Album of the Year: Most of my favourites have eben from other years, but I think Diagonal - Diagonal was 2009, a marvellous prog album from a Brighton band. Makes me proud.

Event of the Year: Personally, the week I spent with the band, recording and being awesome. Generally, maybe Bush not being leader of the free world anymore. Though the credit crunch was pretty special.

Disappointment of the Year: *whispers* A few of my good friends having kids and retreating into 100% conversational focus on domestic routine. Total absence of a fatal knife showdown between chart R&B / hip-hop and La Roux. The continuing rise of Daily Mail style kneejerk outrage and complaints. Like a new age of Mary fucking Whitehouse.

Venue of the Year: The Windmill, Brighton. Venue of good times with many great friends. But no live music - does that count?

WANner of the Year: Choaspes / Old Rocker. Jude1's close, but spread herself too thinly across social networks.

Twat of the Year: Griffy's probably a popular choice, but La Roux just wins out.

Best Film You've Seen This Year: Let the Right One In. or In The Loop. Or all of these:

TV show of the year: The Thick of It. Absolute belter!

Published by arthurCRS at 10:02am on Thu 10th December 2009.

arthurCRS and spanky. for very different reasons.

Must be my raging confidence at Fantasy Fitba.

Published by arthurCRS at 10:03am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Fuzzy Lights
Best New Cambridge Band: Don't know
Gig of the Year: Fucked Up the other week, bits of Fest were it not for the shitty connotations that now has, I've been a bit quiet this year I think.
Album of the Year: Merriweather Post-Pavillion or many of the 'new to me this year' albums I bought at gigs.

Best Film You've Seen This Year: Pontypool or In The Loop.
TV show of the year: +1 for The Thick of It

Choaspes, you coming to Candid Cafe next Thurs?

Published by lozzy at 10:37am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by choaspes (not active) at 10:49am on Thu 10th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:51am on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by lozzy at 10:50am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Um
Best New Cambridge Band: Dunno.
Gig of the Year: Dananananaykroyd at the Portland / Three Trapped Tigers at Digital Brighton
Album of the Year: Wall Of Arms by the Maccabees or Dark Days/Light Years by Super Furry Animals
Event of the Year: Moving to Brighton
Disappointment of the Year: Not having a job after moving, and becoming totally skint as a result.
Venue of the Year: The Portland / The Freebutt
WANner of the Year: I always find Silent Rob's posts to be very interesting, and arthurCRS has been extremely helpful on a number of occasions. So them two.
Twat of the Year: Anyone with any links to that party
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Let The Right One In / District 9 / Paranormal Activity
TV show of the year: Lost

Published by BennyG at 10:51am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Is "How I met your mother" the show with Doogie Howser in it? If so, I find it a terrible viewing experience... it sets up punch lines so far in advance it makes Friends look slick!
It's also got that girl "One time in band camp I put a trombone up my ass" who a fine contender for extermination.

Anyway, just surprised anyone would be into that show... as in a fave show.

Published by ababoonsass at 10:51am on Thu 10th December 2009.

That's what I thought until I started watching it. I watched 8 episodes last night :$

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 10:58am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Oh, I missed Cakesiegate from my events of the year. Dammit!

Published by arthurCRS at 10:59am on Thu 10th December 2009.

I can only echo DJOMGs sentiments. It's an american sitcom where the characters don't all seem prematurely middle aged and going to a bar and drinking booze isn't a rare occurrence like in Friends. Plus the scripts are fucking funny.

Published by SB___ at 11:01am on Thu 10th December 2009.

No. It's rubbish.

Published by carney at 11:05am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: fuzzy lights

Gig of the Year: woods@lexington a couple of weeks ago, frankie stubbs.

Album(s) of the Year: the new richmond fontaine, eiafuawn - birds that stay, arrows - modern arts and politics, woods - songs of shame, eternal tapestry - palace of the night skies

Event of the Year: getting sky sports has improved my life immeasurably, wolves getting promoted

Disappointment of the Year: wolves in the premiership.

Venue of the Year: cb2

WANner of the Year:everyone who puts effort into keeping the cambridge music scene great.

Twat of the Year:everyone on the times game podcast especially Gabriele Marcotti, Tony Evans and Patrick Barclay

Best Film You've Seen This Year: inglourious basterds
TV show of the year:harry hills tv burp, football first at 10.15pm every saturday night on sky

Published by iain the pitman at 11:06am on Thu 10th December 2009.

I agree - How I met your Mother is Aceness. Booboo - it's been a while since we had a Stinson-off.

I realise I've been absent for a large chunk of this year but I still love 87% of you and I'm leaving the county in 5 days so I thought I'd chuck in my opinion - for what it's worth.

Best Cambridge Band: Sugarbeat *high-fives Old Rocker*
Best New Cambridge Band: I don't know.
Gig of the Year: Muse at Teignmouth
Album of the Year: The Resistance, Muse (surprisingly)
Event of the Year: My best friend giving birth to the most beautiful little boy
Disappointment of the Year: Going off bacon
Venue of the Year: The lovely Portland Arms, how I will miss thee
WANner of the Year: It's always really been about Jude1 and Old Rocker for me. Are we still doing male and female categories?
Twat of the Year: Too many nominees to narrow it down to one.
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Up
TV show of the year: The Thick of it

Published by knock_down_ginger at 11:49am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Actually, disappointment of the year has to be KDG being foolish and buggering off to the West Country. Silly girl.

Published by SB___ at 11:50am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Hehe get in there KDG! Who wants to see a vid of KDG playing fiddle and me shouting?

Published by Old Rocker at 11:56am on Thu 10th December 2009.

^^Father Ted plotline? ;-]

Published by daggg at 11:57am on Thu 10th December 2009.

Yay I'm a disappointment!

Published by knock_down_ginger at 12:01pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Lonely The Brave
Best New Cambridge Band: I'm not sure I've seen any
Gig of the Year: Snuff/Stars in their Eyes
Album of the Year: Southport - Armchair Supporters
Event of the Year: ababoonsass all-dayer
Disappointment of the Year: Kevin Seconds UK tour cancelled and therefore no marriage proposal for me!!!!!
Venue of the Year: Portland
WANner of the Year: Haven't been on here much for a while but I'd say Knock_down_ginger because she makes me giggle
Twat of the Year: A good friend (now ex-friend) who let me down in every way possible. I don't think I've ever felt so angry for such a long time. Argh.
Best Film: Can't remember what I have seen
TV show of the year: Scrubs

Published by MissG at 12:14pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

I don't think I deserve a vote having deserted WAN for so long but I'll smooch ya when I see ya, G!

Published by knock_down_ginger at 12:25pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Nice to see Bev Kills have had a mention. Thanks guys! :-)

Ooooh K_D_G you've got me all excited! ;-)

Published by MissG at 12:27pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

*explodes for good measure*

Published by arthurCRS at 12:27pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

*rubs thighs for top pleasure*

Published by knock_down_ginger at 12:29pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

*gets camera out*

Published by Old Rocker at 12:29pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

A quick aside, I'm having a leaving party at the heavily-mentioned-and-voted-for Portland Arms on Saturday. All welcome, providing you kind of know me and aren't a mental.

Thread hijack over - as you were.

Published by knock_down_ginger at 12:37pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

How drunk are you going to get? Me thinks plenty.

Published by ababoonsass at 12:51pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Haven't really seen that many this year. Paul Goodwin's band are always good and I enjoyed Vile Bodies when I saw them.
Best New Cambridge Band: dunno
Gig of the Year: Fever Ray at Latitude
Album of the Year: Fever Ray - Fever Ray
Event of the Year: Bloc was pretty good fun
Disappointment of the Year: Getting a new job and it turning out to be pretty much as shit as the last one.
Venue of the Year: The Portland
WANner of the Year: Daggg always makes me chuckle
Twat of the Year: Jan Moir
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Let the Right One In
TV show of the year: East Bound and Down

Published by will_ at 1:29pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

spread herself too thinly across social networks.

This. I don't think I should get WANner of the year noms (not wanting to sound un-gracious) - I feel like my post-rate has dipped quite dramatically this year. Blame Twitter and grandkids. *Pesky* twitter and grandkids...

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 1:43pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Im gonna have to come out of the closet and name daggg as my fave. The rest of yuz can rack off.

Published by Space News at 1:49pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

MissG - I would have thought your gig of the year would have been Social Distortion at Shepherd's Bush Empire???

Published by ababoonsass at 1:52pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Having read others' responses, I also want to add another gig of the year as being the Omar Souleyman / Group Doueh gig at the Unitarian Church. *Amazing* night, and a tie with the BFB farewell gig for bestest of 2009.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 1:54pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Yeah, the Omar gig was special.

Published by Space News at 1:55pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

MissG - I would have thought your gig of the year would have been Social Distortion at Shepherd's Bush Empire???

Published by ababoonsass at 1:52pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Oooh oo ooh! I forgot about that!! Yes that would have to be the gig of the year for me. Mmmmmmmm Mike Ness

Published by MissG at 1:58pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Crikey. A 'funk' record as record of the year. On WAN. Whatever next?

Published by bigsoulstew (not active) at 2:04pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

We can't do male and female "best WANner" catagories because I am not entirely sure what sex some WANners are from their username. (insert pun / jokes here). I guess I could do a poll, but not everyone will want to reveal such information.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:51pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

It's better if you don't know I think.

Published by arthurCRS at 2:55pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by will_ at 3:34pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

I am not entirely sure what sex some WANners are from their username.

Meeting them in real life doesn't always clarify matters.

Also, can I suggest a category for "Three-Letter Internet Acronym of the Year"?

Published by Wrongfellow at 3:44pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Bigmal gets it right every time ;-)

Published by Manda Panda at 3:51pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

"Three-Letter Internet Acronym of the Year"


Published by Back in Blag at 3:52pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

"Three-Letter Internet Acronym of the Year"


Published by hunts_kopite at 3:59pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

"Three-Letter Internet Acronym of the Year"


Published by clarissa (not active) at 4:22pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by ababoonsass at 4:24pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by SB___ at 4:24pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by carney at 4:25pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by Old Rocker at 4:25pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 4:27pm on Thu 10th December 2009.


Published by SB___ at 4:29pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Hehe, neat.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 4:30pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Old Rocker is behind the times, it seems.

Published by carney at 4:33pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

"Three-Letter Internet Acronym of the Year"


Published by AndyC at 5:25pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: T'Kit
Best New Cambridge Band: Zombies Of Death
Gig of the Year: Ungdomskulen at the portland
Album of the Year: i've not bought any :(
Event of the Year: baker marais nuptials
Disappointment of the Year: M&S cafe debacle
Venue of the Year: Portland
WANner of the Year: me
Twat of the Year: me
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Star Trek *rubs thighs*
TV show of the year: How I Met Your Mother. so please it finally got picked up for prime time, if not prime channel, showing after 4 years.

Published by Rocket Dog at 5:31pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

I still havent seen District 9 nor Star Trek. Ive got a good night of Sci-Fi waiting for me.

Published by Space News at 5:36pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

spock gives me the horn.

Published by Rocket Dog at 5:39pm on Thu 10th December 2009.



Published by Space News at 6:29pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

spock snogs uhura

! ------>

Published by Rocket Dog at 6:42pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

^^Makes a change Sylar from Heroes kissing someone, unless he is trying to suck out her brains ;-]

Published by daggg at 6:46pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: scrotal threat
Best New Cambridge Band: venus smiles
Gig of the Year: ciarafest 14
Album of the Year: the xx
Event of the Year: me
Disappointment of the Year: dad
Venue of the Year: bigmal's love dungeon
WANner of the Year: me
Twat of the Year: dad
Best Film You've Seen This Year: that one with the bloke in, you know, the one who was in that other film about a man
TV show of the year: breaking bad

Published by Clean and Serene (not active) at 7:31pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Fuckingham Palace
Best New Cambridge Band: That Peter Sutcliffe Thing
Album of the Year: Bat For Lashes - Two Suns
Event of the Year: 12th February
Disappointment of the Year: Loose Women
Venue of the Year: Mullet Boy
WANner of the Year: Jim Bowen
Twat of the Year: Robert Mugabe
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Snowy Farr's Wrestlemania
TV show of the year: Time Team

Published by David at 9:57pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

I don't think I should get WANner of the year noms

WANner of the year nom-noms?

Published by Old Rocker at 10:10pm on Thu 10th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Caimbo
Best New Cambridge Band: Village Pie
Gig of the Year:strawberry fair
Album of the Year:Subo I dreamed a dream
Event of the Year:sheep music
Disappointment of the Year:The name and shame thread failing badly...You Baustards
Venue of the Year:Earl of Beaconsfield
WANner of the Year:Teresas bearded baby
Twat of the Year:split between maxmanpuss and batty
Best Film You've Seen This Year:Up
TV show of the year:Reebus-fucking amazing

Published by bigmal at 11:59pm on Thu 10th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 2:12pm on Fri 11th December 2009.

>>WANner of the Year:Theresas bearded baby

She says thank you!

Published by Teresa at 6:36am on Fri 11th December 2009.

Actually, the big guy slipped my mind, so its a tie in that category.

Published by Space News at 7:25am on Fri 11th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Dunno.
Best New Cambridge Band: Errrm.
Gig of the Year: Broken Family Band at the Garage. Blur at Hyde Park/Glastonbury.
Album of the Year: I'm not sure I bought any except for the Best of Bowie and Ladyhawke.
Event of the Year: Going to New York with the BooBoo. Simon and Kirsty's wedding and the post-wedding dance off on Coleridge Road.
Disappointment of the Year: My job is a constant declining vortex of disappointment and tedium.
Venue of the Year: The Roundhouse. I like it.
WANner of the Year: Silent Rob always makes me laugh.
Twat of the Year: The cocksucker who decided to reverse into me and then claimed it was OK because he "Doesn't look out for cyclists".
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Up
TV show of the year: True Blood.

Published by Three Headed Lizard at 11:45am on Fri 11th December 2009.

I'm going to collate the results on Friday, so get voting peeps.

Published by Silent Rob at 4:49pm on Sun 13th December 2009.

Just edited my selections now, as i needed to do album of the year.

Published by SB___ at 5:45pm on Sun 13th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Micropenis
Best New Cambridge Band: They're all new to me
Gig of the Year: Psychic Paramount
Album of the Year: Nisennenmondai "Tori/Neji" or Sunn 0)) "monoliths and dimensions"
Event of the Year: Playing with Bad Timing and Clarissa
Disappointment of the Year: LHC fails to destroy world
Venue of the Year: Portland obvs
WANner of the Year: ArthurCRS
Twunt of the Year: Guy in the pub who tried to nick my girlfriend's phone and then started on me when I stopped him. Also, my so-called mates for pissing off in a taxi and leaving us to walk out alone.
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Up
TV show of the year: Hollyoaks. As John Peel once said "[Hollyoaks is] always different, always the same"

Published by ed____ at 11:51am on Mon 14th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by Lord Lucan (not active) at 11:59am on Mon 14th December 2009.

Deleted Post

Published by Spanky (not active) at 1:17pm on Mon 14th December 2009.

Event of the Year: Finding myself alive
Disappointment of the Year: It's Newhaven
Venue of the Year: Plumbers Arms
Twat of the Year: Lord Lucan - it's a feeble impersonation
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Bloodlines: Legacy of a Lord
TV show of the year: Spooks, keeps me one step ahead of Richard Armitage

Published by Ghostly Lord Lucan at 1:56pm on Mon 14th December 2009.

Best Internet Meme of the Year:

Published by joosypigeon at 6:43am on Tue 15th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:51am on Tue 15th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band: Karmadillo. Well, we've got to get one vote
Best New Cambridge Band: Chasing Melfina
Gig of the Year: Amanda Palmer, Thomas Truax, Karmadillo at the Dreams of Steam in Edinburgh
Album of the Year: Resistance, Muse
Event of the Year: getting engaged
Disappointment of the Year: not getting round to releasing a single
Venue of the Year: Macbeth, Hoxton
WANner of the Year: Silent Rob
Twat of the Year: Loud Rob
Best Film You've Seen This Year: Moon
TV show of the year: Life - Truly the most beautiful and amazing film work on any documentary ever.

Published by rishistar at 9:55pm on Tue 15th December 2009.

Best Cambridge Band:
1 = Loney the Brave (both 5 votes)
1= Fuzzy Lights (both 5 votes)
3: PRK (3 votes)
4 = The Winter Kings (all 2 votes)
4 = Um (all 2 votes)
4 = C Joynes (all 2 votes)

Best New Cambridge Band:
Beverly Kills (3 votes)

Gig of the Year:
Snuff (3 votes)

Album of the Year:
Southport (2 votes)
Muse (2 votes)

Event of the Year:
Simon and Kirstys wedding with 4 votes

Disappointment of the Year:
No agreement here

Venue of the Year:
1: Portland arms (15 votes)
2= The Junction (2 votes)
2= CB2 (2 votes)

WANner of the Year:
1: Silent Rob (6 votes)
2= Arthur CRS (5 votes)
2= Jude1 (5 votes)
4= Old Rocker (3 votes)
4=Dagggg (3 votes)
5: JP (2 votes)

Twat of the Year: Maxman Plus (4 votes)

Best Film You've Seen This Year:
1=In the Loop
1=Let the Right One in
1=Up (all 3 votes)

TV show of the year:
1= Life (5 votes)
1=The wire (5 votes)
1= The Thick of It (5 votes)
5=How I Met Your Mother (2 votes)
5= harry hills tv burp (2 votes)

Published by Silent Rob at 8:43am on Fri 18th December 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:56am on Fri 18th December 2009.

WANner of the Year

*Silent Rob goes to the award ceremony to mingle with celebs and to drink the free wine, not in a million years assuming he might actually win. He has a very good time getting extremely drunk with Kate Nash, members of the Ordinary Boys and various mates he smuggled in. He gets David Tennants autograph at the start of the evening. When his award is announced the camera cuts to his table where he is filmed on nationwide TV pouring a bottle of wine into a bowl of twiglets. He doesn't hear the announcement and has to be told to go up by someone at his table. He takes five times as long as the other guests to walk to the stage and stumbles on his way up the stairs. He doesn't have a speech prepared so he thanks everyone he can think of, accidently swearing as he does so at least 3 times. Then he remembers that he should probably use his new found platform of fame to try to make a difference to the world so he launches into an inexplicable expletive-filled theory about the moon landings, GW Bush (forgetting that he isn't actually in power anymore) and why you can't get a plumber on Sunday afternoon, before being finally dragged off the stage in a headlock by Paul O' Grady. He loses his gold award in the taxi home.

This is largely cut from the TV broadcast, but Silent Rob is still denounced as "twat of the year" by most of the media next day, except for Modern Drunkard Magazine and Plumbers: Today who both reveal him to be "man of the century". The Daily Mail do a moral panic front page headline calling him the "sick face of Booze Filled Britain", before explaining who he is to their readership. They get his birthplace and occupation wrong as they do so.

Silent Rob considers that he did quite well, before going to the Portland for lunch for chips and to show off his new Dr Who autograph to his mates and bar staff.*

Published by Silent Rob at 8:47am on Fri 18th December 2009.

Id love to hear your inexplicable expletive-filled theory about the moon landings

Published by Space News at 8:56am on Fri 18th December 2009.

Southport album got 2 votes!! Facking MUSE!! And aaboonsass got 2 votes... although Monkeybum is a little derogatory Mr deafpoof pornotion.

Published by ababoonsass at 9:39am on Fri 18th December 2009.

Edited to include Southport album, sorry, must have slipped through.

I've just done a "find" on this page and ababoonass only got 1 nomination for WANner of the year, so it's not included in the top five.

Published by Silent Rob at 9:57am on Fri 18th December 2009.

*although Monkeybum is a little derogatory Mr deafpoof pornotion.*

you started it Primate rectum!

Published by DeathProof Promotion at 10:01am on Fri 18th December 2009.

Yay Silent Rob. Loved the award ceremony antics - that, my friend, is precisely why you are a worthy winner.


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 10:25am on Fri 18th December 2009.

Three mime-cheers for Silent Rob.

Published by arthurCRS at 10:56am on Fri 18th December 2009.

See, arthur and I are both making like we're all pleased and congratulatory, but really we're FURIOUS, BITTER and JEALOUS that we were beaten by the Silent One.

I'm currently sitting at the computer pulling one of those fake faces that you see on actors' faces when the camera pans to them, just having heard they've *not* got the Oscar.


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 11:04am on Fri 18th December 2009.

See, I'm happy to have made the top 5 in just one category. It's all about expectations.

Published by Old Rocker at 11:07am on Fri 18th December 2009.

Are you "humbled" OR?

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 11:08am on Fri 18th December 2009.

I am indeed.

*weeps a little*

Published by Old Rocker at 11:09am on Fri 18th December 2009.

*applies gauze*

(joke copyright Rocket Dog)

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 11:11am on Fri 18th December 2009.

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