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Advice on Chesterton/ Kings Hedges/ Arbury for a family move

Our house is on the market in St Neots and we are looking for a family home closer to Cambridge. We have been looking villages within cycling distance (approx 5 miles from Cambridge) like Histon, Oakington, Haslingfield, Harston, Fulbourne etc but have seen some houses in Chesterton, Kings Hedges and Arbury that meet our requirements and budget. We rented in Cambridge for 6 years until 2008 and know that Arbury has a bad reputation (we mainly lived around Mill Road). However, we are wondering if this reputation is justified? We are a family with two small children, aged 5yrs and 1 yr old. Tell me great things about living in Arbury, Kings Hedges and Chesterton with children.

Published by Ronnie at 2:14pm on Wed 11th April 2018. Viewed 5,016 times.

I've no idea about the kids side of things but I don't think Arbury/KH is at all rough these days. In fact I think its reputation is largely based on how things were in the 70s and 80s. Demographically it's possibly a slightly poorer area but rough? Nah.

Published by B-bam at 4:37pm on Wed 11th April 2018.


Arbury has culinary outlets that are sublime.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:37pm on Thu 12th April 2018.

I lived in Arbury for a number of years in fact very near to the Kingsway Flats mentioned above.
While district does not have good reputation it has really been picking up recently thanks to the new train station north of the city. There is a number of new builds for example on Alex Wood road and Verulam Way. Arbury, being ex council area benefits from massive house gardens being great for families. It is a 10 minute cycle from city centre and Science Park. It has also recently noticed one of the highest increase in house prices in the city.

Flats itself are also selling well. There is one for sale in there at the moment actually and frankly it does not look bad at all.....

Published by hawk2014 at 7:16pm on Wed 25th April 2018.

Published by hawk2014 at 8:07pm on Wed 20th June 2018.

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