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Cornelius Vermuyden's Big Fat Dyke

Riddle me this: what entered Cornelius Vermuyden's big fat dyke right between the two closest gashes, and penetrated as far as the Gullet?

Answer: the tracked hovercraft route, of course!

Wrongfellow: fancy going to see if we can find any remains of the tracked hovercraft route around Sutton-in-the-Isle at some point?

Not much of it left, apparently, just some concrete and stuff. Might be interesting though.

Published by John Techno at 12:40pm on Wed 30th December 2015.

The building pictured on Wikipedia is just north of Earith here:,0.0447254

The remaining bits of concrete are in the Gullet, which isn't "just" in any direction of anywhere, really:,0.0824158

It looks like a pleasant ride. I've ridden some of that path north of Welches Dam, and it made for some interesting challenges at times.

More info on the hovercraft, and the rest of the Ouse Washes, here:

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:49pm on Thu 7th January 2016. Viewed 4,504 times.
This topic has been edited, last edit at 10:53pm on Thu 7th January 2016.

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