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Android recommendations please

Hey wanners, it's nearly time to upgrade my incredibly slow Samsung Galaxy S3. I really really want a Lenovo Smart Cast - which has an inbuilt projector and virtual keyboard. The only problem is, erm, it doesn't actually exist yet... and judging by the scant info avaliable at the moment I think it'll be next year at the earliest before it's available.

So can anyone recommend a smartphone that's great for business stuff and ideally has some kind of inbuilt projector thingy or other amazing business-useful feature?

Published by MissRegaling at 2:36pm on Mon 17th August 2015. Viewed 4,058 times.

I wouldn't recommend an RB Series if you have children - they'll be playing with it all the time.

Published by John Techno at 2:28am on Wed 19th August 2015.

I thought you weren't an Asimov fan JT!

Can't help with the phone question - I prefer my projectors to be a bit more powerful than that.

Published by Wrongfellow at 12:20pm on Sat 22nd August 2015.

Not that much, but not being a fan doesn't mean you shouldn't read these things. Otherwise, how would you know? ;-)

Published by John Techno at 8:52pm on Sat 22nd August 2015.

(I spent a long time - well, a minute or so, anyway - trying to construct a pun involving SIM cards and the name Asimov. Couldn't come up with anything worth typing, though.)

Published by John Techno at 8:54pm on Sat 22nd August 2015.

I'm not sure what an RB series is...?

The phone I want doesn't exist yet and the next best one is only available in Pakistan. So I'm now torn between a Samsung Galaxy Beam, or getting a small pico projector that can be connected to my phone. Have any wanners used a galaxy beam before? Or have experience of using a small projector attached to their phone?

Published by MissRegaling at 3:21pm on Sun 23rd August 2015.

There's bugger all out there in terms of exciting phones, so I'm still putting up with my S3 for now.

But I now need a new laptop too. Does anyone have any suggestions for a laptop thingy, that has long battery life and works without being plugged in for a few hours at a time, fits in a handbag, has a webcam, and has good memory...? Oh and if I can plug a pico projector in to it too, all the better!

Published by MissRegaling at 1:28pm on Wed 21st October 2015.

Deleted Post

Published by Xavier Bollo (not active) at 1:53pm on Sun 22nd November 2015.

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