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Happy Days!x

Hi folks!x Just popped in to give you all the heads advance!x Cambridge has been blessed over the years with distinguished and the the not so distinguished visitors. It has absorbed the impact of Philby's philandering's....The Kray's kaniving...and most recently Harris's horror. The name Cambridge still rises above these 'characters' ...and even a Duke and Duchess are proud to have the name....and rightly so. However...there is a new 'storm' brewing in which Cambridge...and the Shire was pivotal during the 70's/80's right up to the 90' featuring as a hub in the forthcoming Westminster 'lost' paedo dossier disclosures. When they get around to discussing or disclosing the will find that Cambridge was a frequent haunt of the 'titled' Very Important Paedo's. A paedo ring was established here under the noses of Cambridgeshire County Council and ultimately protected by individuals employed within CCC in which over 300 compensated victims...or 'Survivors'....have been acknowledged so the form of over £3 million for sexual abuse suffered whilst in their homes...around Cambridge and area. I have interviewed over 230 of the Survivors who suffered the abuse during the 70's & 80's. 6 years had been spent up to 2003 trying to get recognition for these victims by a dedicated local Solicitors. I joined them as a research and investigation officer in 2001. I trawled through every document available covering the past 30 years of abuse and discovered this Cambridge rings customer base extended to London...Leicestershire...Lincolnshire...Yorkshire and Lancashire in the main. During my research I had consistent profiled names and dignitaries popping up from the survivors. I then researched the 'rent boy' and Gay Community in Cambridge to see what knowledge they had to support comments made continually by the Cambridge survivors. I was astonished.....the information was consistent. We had a list of names developing...which....10 years ago.....would have been well....unbelievable. Some were local and in positions of authority....but many were from afar....and far bigger names.....and in some of the greatest positions the UK offers.

I won't bore you with the details......but after doing a 'blog' in 2001-3 in which I named and shamed some high end locals....I was approached by the Govts 'Parliamentary Agents' Sharpe Pritcharde no less with a 'promise' that my life was finished and I was to be hung drawn and quartered to start for my wicked wicked assertions and deformation of lovely peoples characters! So I sent them the undisclosed 'proper list' and said put up or shut up. They...the CCC and Zurich insurance company shut up.....and paid £4 million+ to date through accepting Generic Liability for any damage caused to a victim of abuse suffered whilst in their so called care. 1 head of Cambs Social Services was removed upon our insistence....yet ended up in Suffolk CC instead....sigh. He had been the cover upper for the jailed Paedo they had employed....and had dodgy dealings in his own Homosexual life to include being involved in murder investigations that happened here in Cambridge connected to this paedo activity! Incredible eh? More incredible is that his title was...Assistant Director of Cambridgeshire Social Services....! To this day....none of our findings were investigated by our local Police....especially as they were tainted by some of their past officers acts within the ring and since....Politicians...poo'd themselvs....or indeed the CCC itself who couldn't produce a document to tell what lessons they learnt out of it all....cos nobody wanted to know about it!!!....yet we informed them all of our findings. Anne Campbell seat loss was contributed to by her about turn during her election campaign. She had promised support for the victims....yet when discovering how high this abuse went....she cr*pped herself and ignored us. I weren't happy about that....she discovered to her ambitions detriment. I also from a Media perspective approached the BBC...ironically Max Clifford and other so called 'moral crusaders' of the time....and nobody wanted to know the detail or was brave enuff to tackle it. Since being paid off.....shut up kind of thing...that knowledge has remained with us in the main However....during 2003....I had meetings with Media folk and retired investigators who referred to the Westminster dossier. Apparently....names and events tied in with that knowledge base gathered in the 80's....20 years earlier. But as said....within a couple of weeks of London discovering what knowledge we had....the case was closed' with the dosh as such! Until now...!
For you conspirator theorists.....I don't fink our investigation which covered the 70's/80's and tied in with 20 year knowledge on file at Westminster had anyfing to do wiv the potential that we may have reminded them they had it....for the file being 'lost' shortly after receiving that 'reminder'....I don;'t fink so anyways up. Would be naughty if it was tho'....init.......?
As prepared for be the centre for Education for the World.....proud of that I am. You heard it here first....'neighbours'...X
X owe me one for not landing you in one...! Many profiled folk have received that knowledge who are 'local' to us all....none of them did a thing. You aren't on that choice....not yours!x It is beyond your ability to sort anyway mate with all takes more bottle than what you've shown to date.....and most of the Survivors I know would cringe at your presence. Many perpetrators sported Hippy beards like you choose. Just a simple fact and unfortunate co-incidence.....I did allude to it before......!x

The pic was taken quickly by a passer by as we were all taken by surprise at the expedient one could say 'award' granted a week after 1 letter to London's Westminster Legal team and features our 'winning' team as we left the Cambridge County Court after the CCC capitulated...........after a 6 year battle in which they said they weren't guilty of owt and caused 6 years grief to victims........overnight capitulation. Must have been inspired by summink pretty pretty serious eh?x I've always put it down to them being 'caring'.....cough.

Published by SOOTY at 8:12am on Sun 6th July 2014. Viewed 16,277 times.

Disclaimer....I categorically refute any claim that the 'harassment' I may have received by Local Authorities and Enforcement in the past 10 years has anyfink to do with the am just a pariah apparently. The Limo business malarkey I endured was done by East Cambs Council where the jailed CCC peedo Employee lived and was Captain of the Golf Club. That was the only connection to the above.....oh....and his Magistrate friends.....Heads of Departments and Police pipped folk who frequent this Comittee and that in their retirment Just co-incidences I assure you all cross me heart and hope to die laffing.

Me football Club banned me....because I have too much confidence...too many connections and knowledge. My fault....oh....and they had figured Sooty was a racist Murdoch did....but then they invite Ron as a guest to educate them further. So I understand.

The Local Media have helped me for definite in unrelated ensure I didn't give them anything 'serious'. The Police....I am their friends....the good ones.....but I know of too many bad ones....and they know it. So....being a 'whistleblower' as me only crime really......means I am a 'wrong un'....and accept all of their genuine approaches to me in the past 10 Court....or the Terraces....and even through my children!x I will smile each time we meet....because I can. Life is too short....I reckon.


Published by SOOTY at 9:08am on Sun 6th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 2:25pm on Sun 6th July 2014.

Some 'background' fwiiw

Can't argue with your commitment Sooty. Fancy trying to smuggle ciggies and then using the most preposterous defence known: I was doing it to raise money for my football club. Fabulous!

As for 'huppy' owing you one: how so?

Published by DeFrev at 3:25pm on Mon 7th July 2014.


Hi DeFrev...X I was honest about the whole cigarette affair. In fact too honest to the point that the C&E poo'd themselves and stopped their enquiries with me! They didn't have the resources to tackle 'the truth' about the smuggling and how it was connected to the Irish Peace Agreement settlement and folk in Ireland wouldn't be pleased. The C&E dropped me like a bad penny at Parkside instead of Dover and prison!!!x A Crown Court Judge assessed the evidence and found my assertion to be the case. Otherwise I would have got 5 years instead of 300 hours Community Service of which I did 308...a record which I am proud of...X
Remember....I was in a 'battle' to save the club from asset strippers and pi** takers. I couldn't lose in front of these other folk who were see me crumble and fail in Whitehall and Westminster and Castles around the Kingdom. When I was told there was no way we as a fan base could raise the required £150k to buy further shares to have the shareholding have an impact in a voting scenario for control of the club....I had no option but to try. Why go smuggle fags? power. I knew I wouldn't go to prison for it.....and they knew if I did...I wouldn't go quietly. We found a resolve...300...and 8 of me own....happy hours!x

Twice I was in Magistrates Courts for trivial motoring offences as a result of 'harassment' I believed. At the first in Cambridge.....I presented each Magistrate with a folder containing information and evidence as to why I thought I was there really....for being a whistle blower. They retired....and only 1 Magistrate returned...shaking....and said his colleagues couldn't return as their ability to Judge had been impaired due to the fact they were implicated by my folders content. He returned them and dismissed all charges. That happened a further 2 times where they didn't even give me a chance to present the folders!! 7 other Court appearances in other County's were dropped too. All fines I ever received were reduced or anulled! There has been a 'battle' among the upper echelons. Those who are 'compromised' and fighting for their positions...and those who are untainted. I have been battered from Court to farce over the past 10 years as this 'moral' fight has raged all around us about a 30 year+ cover up. Just a messenger me......and survived the lot of em....yeeehaaa!x
X for Huppy......I threatened to send him the info a few months ago in here....over his Syrian slop out. I threatened I would send him info that would really challenge his ability...whilst annoyed with him. I didn't. Compromising stuff it is and so I did him a tongue in cheek favour by not sending him it init! However....every profiled/so called do gooders and fleecers of your taxes....who has been privy to my knowledge over the past 10 years....will be held to account for their in-action. I lost a 29 year marriage...failing but grief added too....the relationship with my children at critical times of their lives as my focus was this investigation 24/7 for months.....I was sectioned as a consequence of pressures around me....businesses attacked and all kind of 'pariah' attitude aimed at me to 'rubbish' my good self and kill my 'cred' as a consequence of having such knowledge. Well...after all i've endured and sacrificed so much....all I will insist upon is justice....for what is right. Nowt else. I would have had a 53 year old unhappy wife now but I got a 23 year old full on Girlfriend. So not all is bad...she keeps me young....which has helped throughout the past few years as perpetrators and protectorates all around me grow old.....and decrepit....with fear. I'm happy!x

Published by SOOTY at 5:01pm on Mon 7th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 7:24pm on Mon 7th July 2014.


P.S....there is a super side to these upper echelons too. They reward effort handsomely. I have informed a few of the following.....I believe sincerely that the Duke of Westminster's Company Grosvenor....made a sudden purchase of the Bideawhile Lease for Cambridge Uniteds ground as a direct consequence of my support and defense of Prince Charles in the slanderous attack by Murdoch in the 'Sooty' debate and for my 'good egg' approach to confronting the 'queens' in mens trousers....i believe may be the vernacular! Nobody has laughed in my face....but nobody took it serious either...or could. They need too. What's £4 million? Somebody in the Govt made a decision to pay that for silence....overnight. Reasonable to conclude it could be done to thank someone too by someone who has such resources...isn't it?x the right hands and with the right intentions...I find!x

EDIT: (Sorry Ed.....fella running Grosvenor/U's project for Grosvenor just fell off his chair! He's been scratching his head since the plot landed on his desk wondering what on earth it was all about and why was it happening to him.......!x It will work mate...invested 10 years in the bu**er before you were given such an opprtunity!'ll be alright....I promise!x)

Published by SOOTY at 5:41pm on Mon 7th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 7:30pm on Mon 7th July 2014.

Who are you talking to?

Published by troll at 9:34pm on Mon 7th July 2014.

And why do you litter your writing with crosses?

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 11:02pm on Mon 7th July 2014.


...I am reading're welcome!x You just happen to be 1 of the 300+ hits to the thread here!x Not many hits really....but decent for here and I do know there is 'quality' among em...!x
I fill my posts with kisses Boudicea b'cos I express me type with 'feelings'....done it in forums since 1985.....where u been?!x It's called 'Sootification' in educated circles.....consider ureself educated friend!x

Published by SOOTY at 2:00am on Tue 8th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 2:06am on Tue 8th July 2014.

Thinking about it, if I had the inside deal on sex rings and the like, I'd probably post it on here rather than send it to the police or central govt. And I'd definitely get myself all over three local football clubs - whether they liked it or not - as a away of gaining credibility.

I KNOW one shouldn't ever respond to Sooty because it only encourages him.

If you're looking for a walking, talking definition of self-delusion, look no further than Sooty.

If you're looking for a man who can't run his business legally look here: Mind you, that was probably a right pwoper stitch up an' make no mistake guvnor.

I 'ad that Professor Anthony Clare in the back of me cab once y'know. Told him all he needed to know about psychiatry...

Published by DeFrev at 8:22am on Tue 8th July 2014.

Yawn. I have posted the above in in a few pert places.....and I consider WAN as one of those patches that gets some intellectuals from the locality....some. The 3 local football clubs have been part of that Journey. Who else would I share that info
I refused to have my business and confidential activity be scrutinised by East Cambs Council.....the Huntley crew? Their Committee's/Council are riddled with those that protected a Paedo and certainly have had damage limitation exercises going on since Huntley. I chose to not run my business according to their less than I required conditions. Here is my reply to that Council at the time of the Court Case...a quarter of a million hits at the time.......which was replaced by the current page on my Limousine website.....AFTER they had accepted MY terms DeFrev....catch up....X

....and no apology is required! Taxi website....whatever next.....hehe!x


...ooops...this will make you happy......never paid a penny to date.......and no grief. Every time i go to the Magistrates to see how i'm doing on a review.....we all smile at each other and they give me more time. Times are hard init.....and.....they are more considered than you appear to be DeFrev....!x I have 3 brown A4 envelopes waiting just in case......but ain't been necessary in 2 years.

...'ere....u don't work for a local Council or owt do ya?....that would make sense!x Shoot the messenger init.....classic!!!x Had that coming my way friend via IT when you were figuring how to switch ure ZX Spectrum on....1985....remember it well........but that's another story of self delusion and stuff..........wouldn't want to bore....educate or inform the likes of you who just......type! In this thread....i'm talking about what done about summink under my own name....u...are commenting on character....anonymously????!!!X There are those that do...and those that comment on those that do.....I ain't paed'od anyone so go easy eh!x

Edit.....deluded...hmmm. My name is's on me passport and car. are called Defrev..........really?....dooodle doo dooooo.

Published by SOOTY at 8:51am on Tue 8th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:21am on Tue 8th July 2014.

Real name!!x

Mine's real......your a pile of bricks or summink init?!x

...and here is the 'latest'....after the Council's 'response DeFrev....and has been that way for 2 years. I haven't spoken to any of them....until sending an email on Monday asking what the Licensing and Enforcement Officer did with the information I provided him....3 years ago. Must go....suns out.....and I need to top me tan up.....some white as a ghost folk around these parts....don't want to look like that....ever!!!x


Published by SOOTY at 9:23am on Tue 8th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:25am on Tue 8th July 2014.

Like I said, I regret responding to Sooty's posts. But there's something pathologically fascinating about how his mind 'works'.

And yes, much better to post on 'pert' sites than have the brass whatsits to go public. Mind you, keep pressing f5 and bang those hits up Sooty!

Do you think 'pert' is a shortened version of 'pertinent' or does Sooty think that WAN has cheekily bobbed hair and dancing eyes?

Published by DeFrev at 9:43am on Tue 8th July 2014.

...I missed you as you posted.....a way out for yer....
" over DeFrev.....listen up. I have endured 'scrutiny' from some of the most powerful people our Kingdoms have. Some wear uniforms too. For 10 years....I have had to be whiter than white......b'cos I knew....the day would come. All my actions over the past 10 years has been to let 'them' know out there......I ain't full of sh*te....or....that i don't not follow through....and succeed. 3 football clubs fans....representing the largest slice of the local populace....have witnessed my truth. I do what it sez on the tin...and have done for them all. Mostly done with a cuppa in hand. My real 'fight'.....was with those onlookers. Today.....and since last week....I feel 'relieved'....that 'pressure' on me to stay 'clean' and off me. That focus has turned on them. Let me have my moment of joy.......and share it.....I deserve it......I reckon...X"
Luv u Defrev.....whoever you are!!!x


Published by SOOTY at 9:48am on Tue 8th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:50am on Tue 8th July 2014.

Thanks but keep the 'luv' Sooty. I'm pretty choosy in these matters. If you really have evidence, put up or shut up and do everyone a favour. Unbelievably, it's not all about you.

Published by DeFrev at 9:57am on Tue 8th July 2014.

...ah but it is. I'm real...I wrote it...did it....and am sharing it with you DeFrev!x As for evidence......currently....even after May's rhetoric......there still ain't the grounds/process or even folk in place....that could handle it. It's took them 30 years to get to this point.....I can wait....Survivors....survive.......we is cool.....!X


P.S.....respects tho' DeFrev....!x Out of 30,000 hits across websites i've posted the above it!!!!!!x Nobody else has said a word....nice 1!x Honest.....we'd get on!x Observe the masses....and do the me far! Learnt that in 1983 from the Yanks!x

Published by SOOTY at 10:03am on Tue 8th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:09am on Tue 8th July 2014.

Sooty, I'm trying really hard to take you seriously but with your eccentric style of writing it's near enough impossible. Any chance you could decipher what you are saying in your above posts in a style which could be made sense of? i.e without the constant crosses and the @@. It just makes you sound like a jabbering idiot who still needs sectioning.

Published by bigmal at 12:36pm on Tue 8th July 2014.

Don't take me too serious Mal....I'm always smiling in the real world!x I will cut down on the 'casual' ok!x
I said above that what 'the system' intends to tackle is too big for any system currently in place. I heard 5 minutes ago the guy heading up the new inquiry has stated he doesn't feel 'empowered' enough to deal with it...! I knew that 10 years ago...they are getting there!x Until they do...I will hold my Counsell further mate!x At present....there is nowhere to go with it! Been alone with that as such for 10 years. Perhaps i'll start a new club or summink for us all!!x
Dying to put a funny face @@ job....but will resist just for you!!x What is there to be serious the moment?!x

Published by SOOTY at 1:02pm on Tue 8th July 2014.

Sooty I have just finished my first year of uni in social work and will soon be doing child welfare placements for CCC so I am genuinely interested at what your hinting at, but I honestly can't make heads or tails of it. I think that coherency when dealing with such things is of top priority, don't you?

Published by bigmal at 2:32pm on Tue 8th July 2014.

Lol, that's rich bitmap.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 2:56pm on Tue 8th July 2014.

Hi Bigmal...and well done on your choice of Career....we need as many good folk as we can get!X
I would love to think your innocent request was the way it is! But it ain't!x My Social Services report made without talking to me or anything when sectioned 11 years ago....presented as 'true' to officialdom here and there....yet the intro starts like this....Name...Sooty Edwards......Sex....Male.....Colour.....WHITE. I pointed the reality out that after our 40 year 'relationship'....I thought they'd have got that right at least!!!!x

...brown....all me life....and proud!x

Published by SOOTY at 4:28pm on Tue 8th July 2014.

BigMal sez..."I think that coherency when dealing with such things is of top priority, don't you?"

Peter Wanless, the Gentleman tasked with dealing with the Inquiry into Westminster...has said that everyone who puts their Company/Organisation or departments 'qdos' above abuse...should be treated as a Criminal and pursued as such. With my best coherent vocabulary BigMal....that in essence means there is by my reckoning around 50 people who have had high profiled positions and privilege around Cambridge and Shire...who are now considered villains. Some on that list have Judged you as Magistrates. Some directed Police to do their bidding. Some became Assistant Director of Cambridgeshire Social Services. Many became Councillors hiding in Shire Hall. I knew that 10 years ago. I told them all I knew that. What would you do a conscientious and caring person looking to do you start out on a new career......among them all? Genuine Q that should feature in any exam....!x

As for Lady Butler-Sloss heading it all up? Her Bro was in the heart of it all doing Leon Brittans bidding as Attorney General. He would have been aware of 'the craic'....end of. What would she do if he was implicated? She's in the Establishment and considered a dizzy mare among her own. I read her report on the abuse case she 'oversee' in Clevelend. Clueless. Next.

Published by SOOTY at 8:39am on Wed 9th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:44am on Wed 9th July 2014.


In response to an E-mail emanating from this is my answer....X

Whoever was appointed from within the establishment....would pull the 'Official Secrets Act' and genuinely say it threatened National Security. Look at Nelson....hero....taught to 1000,s of kids including myself. Yet it was a guy called Collinwood who lead the battle at Trafalgar......14 minutes after it had started as that is when Nelson was killed. The actual fight raged on for a further 7/8 hours. Yet you try and say he was the 'hero' and deserved the Nelson treatment....even Wikipidia doesn't allow you to put the time frames in for Nelsons death. 'They'....and even 'we'...can't have history re-written....tooooo much....can we? There is always a greater good to serve I have found. Collinwood was collateral to that. Exiled to far off lands...out of sight out of mind job...and never given the respect or appreciation he deserved as theee fighter and Master Commander at Trafalgar by us...the people he served......consider it done...X

Published by SOOTY at 9:43am on Wed 9th July 2014.

Oh FFS. Either name the names or shut up!

Published by sam i at 9:52am on Wed 9th July 2014.

^ no, he's too busy 'saving' local football to do that.

Ah. To recap. United. Paying rent, no home to call their own.

City. Paying rent. No home to call their own until the Satchell's stump up the ££££ for Sawston.

Histon. In freefall. Have a home but no money.

But thank god Sooty intervened otherwise they would have been RIGHT in the mire.

BB, I think each time he puts a little cross it's to indicate a spelling, punctuation or grammar error.

As Sam i said: Put up or shut up. Don't mind which really. Or at least take your stories to people who need to know. What's a polite way of saying Bugger off'? Anyone know? You've had your fun, you've pressed f5 and you've really got your 'story' out there.

Of course, if anyone took him seriously, they'd snap his hand off for his info. But nobody does. And that's your problem, Sooty.

Published by DeFrev at 10:04am on Wed 9th July 2014.

To who? Lady Sloss? Behave!!!x Locally....where do you start? Over 300 victims of abuse whilst in CCC's care over a 10/15 year period...yet only 1 conviction a Keith Laverack....whom they moved from 1 home to another when the going got tough due to complaining kids and parents. He has never dared speak about the ring or who else other than give his name at his trial and throughout his sentence end of. An individual named Graham Wrycroft who had the title of Assistant Head of Cambridgeshire Social Services....responsible for kids and the vulnerable as his remit......cleared Laveracks mess up. He is a Homosexual and known among the local Gay Community. Not 1 of those respected folk among them liked him. His actions were severely suspect as well as his personal life. When it all kicked off as described above....he was 'moved' Suffolk CC. The local Gay Community were so happy I helped run him out of Town that they gave me the privilege of hosting the stage at the first ever Pink Picnic held in Cambridge. It was a deserving reward and was a happy occasion for us all to celebrate. Many from the Gay Community work within the Councils. They do a lot for Charity and others....more than what most do I have found. It has always been a joy to 'work' with that attitude. My Mam being gay all her life helped me feel 'cool' about life whatever. So there's 1 'big titled' local name that needs reeling in wherever he is lurking these days.

Another? Dr Mcgloughlin....a Psycho whom I actually met myself as a 15 year old when signing a voluntary care order. He assessed me at the time. Fortunately for me....he never came into my life again until 2001 when being told that many of my Kids Home 'brothers' had been victims of sexual abuse whilst I was there. I never knew anything about it. Felt guilty....hence my decision to 'volunteer' my experience and expertise in dealing with people to the Solicitors who were fronting the a research and investigation officer. He drugged kids....prepared them. Retired in France. Visited him....cra**ed himself.....wouldn't talk. Got away with it all. Operated down Trumpington Rd 70's/80's. We've never got past them in our time! I have other names that make them irrelevant in the grand scale. Still nowhere to go with them and hasn't been for 10+ years.

Not giving it large......just saying it as it is. Going off line now as I have to get I have for 10+ years facing whatever 'challenge' was put in front of me. I hope it gives you what you want....sensationalist stuff.

Well.....i'm mindful of the sadness behind those names i've mentioned. So my focus is on the possible 500+ victims as a result of these 'villains' that were perpetrators or protectorates of abuse....and will divulge what I consider appropriate on their behalf. They trusted me with it 10+ years ago.....they still can today. However....this post may be removed as it does feature names. I wouldn't have put them if they weren't bang to rights as much as Coulson...Harris or Mengler my humble opinion.

Sorry Webby if it is o.t.t....but am happy to be accountable for my words and actions...Mr Wanless is in agreement already....sometimes 'justice' does take it's time to catch up!x


Edit: Webby....if it is any comfort....when I said the names above 10 years ago....I was threatened by Westminster Legal beagles with.....near death actually. Since then.....Jim fixed that sh*te for us......I reckon...X They can't 'tie us down sport' anymore........'the Public'...would be outraged init!x Freedom isn't free....someone somewhere paid the price for it. I did my bit....don't abuse it....use it....X

Published by SOOTY at 10:24am on Wed 9th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:16am on Wed 9th July 2014.

"To recap. United. Paying rent, no home to call their own.
City. Paying rent. No home to call their own until the Satchell's stump up the ££££ for Sawston.
Histon. In freefall. Have a home but no money.
But thank god Sooty intervened otherwise they would have been RIGHT in the mire."

DeFrev.....hand on heart cross my heart and hope to die but I think....I'm sure...I am the only 1 that has voiced...canvassed...screeeeamed for 'Unity' among the 3 Clubs to tackle the very points you make! I am...!x Grosvenor....WORLD respected developers with loooads of dosh and connections. 12,000 Community Stadium......just needs viable tenants.....such as the 3 local clubs....init. What a chance for us....this 'teach' the Nation what can be save 'Community's around the land. For 800+ years the University has treated us with contempt. 'The Establishment' show an interest in 'the locals' for the first time in 800 years......and we 'the people'...have learnt wot?...we do what? I believe we deserved that investiture. I fought for it...fended off pretenders and vagabonds who came to steal it...was prepared to go to prison for it. Not Tollpuddlian teritory granted....but......however that potential has's here. They need to get together...sit down....pool resources.....and go shake Ed's hand. Job done. Next?


Published by SOOTY at 10:48am on Wed 9th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:50am on Wed 9th July 2014.

Well done Julian Huppert MP...X Your performances at the Committee and just now in 5Live discussions and your apparent sincerity has gained respect in this corner. Credit due where credit is due...X Nothing like 'direct motivation' tho' is there?!x

Published by SOOTY at 1:31pm on Wed 9th July 2014.

Yeh, our MP wouldn't have done a thing without you in his corner. Do grow up. I'm sure he's delighted to have your respect. I'd fucking resign if you backed me.

Published by DeFrev at 1:55pm on Wed 9th July 2014.

...the level of it.....sigh. DeFrev...if Julian was about 10 years his current approach and apparent commitment....he would have had around 50 people removed or imprisoned and certainly outted before now. There is an old adage....clean your own house up first. With his current apparent commitment Nationally then it would be a good start. The Solicitor has volumes of files...going back 30 years and naming many local folk who were a party to the original local cover up as well as those who came to cover the cover up once Laverack had been imprisoned in 1997.
The scale of it? He wouldn't have 'quality' time to invest beyond that as an MP or certainly National issues.....i'd say.
There are new 'class actions' in homes elsewhere in Cambridgeshire ongoing now totally unconnected to this case yet protectorates of those victims truth are still all around. That was as recent as the 90's. Folk don't really realise what's gone on out there en masse in Local Authority places.....honestly they still don't. North Wales??? 'Normal' in my understanding yet treated 'special'. Our own case....over 300 victims to date.....never got National exposure as recent as 2003 when the CCC capitulated. 300+ survivors of abuse least 3 deaths/murders connected to the abuse...yet only 1 conviction among it all....and no Public outcry....for 10 years since it's been known of. No inquiry into lessons learnt one disciplined.....for a 30 year cover up. Do you think Julian wants that on his start?

You don't like me using 'luv' in your direction. Fine. I don't need to read unnecessary or unfunny swearing DeFrev....and neither do survivors who read this. We're all 'neighbours' and need to have a 'level' ok?!x


Published by SOOTY at 2:28pm on Wed 9th July 2014.

Stop playing the martyr. You've had your say. Anyone who is interested will have read your deluded rantings by now. Thanks for posting. Bye!

Published by DeFrev at 4:36pm on Wed 9th July 2014.


We want their identity to remain concealed. The sheeeeeeeeep's thought will not be scrambled.

Published by Grape Face at 9:00pm on Wed 9th July 2014.


Martyrs die for their cause DeFrev.....I assure you I have lived every moment of the past 10+ years....and intend to carry on living...with a cheer up!x I have paid respects to your website which i've had in my favs folder for possibly 10 years or so. When I pop in it is usually brief and perhaps I have had to stay a while longer on this it was my thread! You are welcome....and certainly without your input we may not have explored as many avenues as we thank you for the let's say.....'stimulation'....sincerely!x I will let you have your 'stage' back now..!x I don;t 'need' it friend. But I can't help being so dynamic wherever i go that has what is it???....1000ish 3 days......'massive....awesome' for WAN or wot geez?!...x I see the 'lol' name and shame thread is still going and steaming ahead......perhaps when I do come back I will go there. It will blow the current figures off the accumulator when I do.....honest!!!x

10 years ago I did a 'test'. I emailed directly over 500 Councillors and titled folk with my blog exposing local dignatories roles in the cover up and the like. It covered folk in the 5 local District Councils and CCC...police and Media. It was the biggest unspoken 'chat' in this City for weeks....until resolved behind the scenes. They say they learn from lessons and stuff. So do I. I learnt how to collate 500,000 emails of EVERY DISTRICT Council in the UK as a result of that 'project'....10 years ago. It's called efficiency and my kind of Social Networking.....lerndeded it form the Yanks in 1983....!x
Thanx for your bye...X ...i'm off on the prowl.....looking for innocent sheep.....or so they'll bleat.......I reckon...!x

Webby...I will only return to answer sensible comment/questions further. Thank you for your 'freedom of speech' approach to the topic. I made just 5 links to this thread from other sites. 2 closed the thread down their end. None of the football clubs have. It seems us 'locals' are ready to deal with life anyway.....THANK YOU.....Sooty's official and they know where to find me...!x Who on earth would have the ba^^s to suggest i'm outta order eh and threaten legal begal bo**ox??? print....! Wouldn't dare. They daren't 10 years ago........nowt new.....chill bruvs....sorted....X

Published by SOOTY at 9:49pm on Thu 10th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:10pm on Thu 10th July 2014.


...'ere DeFrev...Lady Gloss has 'stepped down' today in heading up the inquiry........!x I am not deluded or owt....but was in London this weekend. i said. It's bigger than anyone whom they could put in her place...and the system as we know it.....couldn't deal with it....anyway. As I have said in this thread....there is always a greater good to 'serve'. It's just whether that good is decided the good....I reckon.

Theresa Mays 'judgement' in this matter is again less than what 'we the people' need. She made a decision 18 months ago to say it was all 'put to bed' and happy with her whitewash of it all.....fancy volunteering Julian....her's or Lady Floss's job?!x

Published by SOOTY at 12:42pm on Mon 14th July 2014.


...perhaps Ex Minister Andrew Lansley is free to commit some of his new spare time? It's his patch....and indeed he is aware of things.....i'm sure...for nearly 10 years........X

Published by SOOTY at 8:41pm on Tue 15th July 2014.

Hi all!x I have agreed to appear at Cambridge Magistrates Court Monday for those interested. I have 3 'new' letters in hand. I have always written to the Magistrates on each review to explain why I believed I was being 'victimised' by the Local Authorities...or by individuals within it...hence my appearances. The information disclosed in my letters on 'local' issues compromises everyone that reads they stopped taking it from me years ago. I haven't had to appear for about a year and have not paid anything towards the fine either. An admin problem.
However...since the last hearing....the Westminster malarkey has reared its lubberly head. I now feel empowered to include the wider knowledge we gathered back in early 2000's which indeed implicates numerous V.I.P's....and now resigned/retired Ministers. I had supplied this information to Westminster Solicitors in resulted in capitulation of the abuse case 'overnight' and cost the local authority's insurers up to £4 million in compensation to date.....BRILLIANT....especially as the Zurich Insurance co had taken the P out of victims for 6 years leading up to it to save their champagne fund.

Nobody acted on or pursued the knowledge I supplied about local or National figures implicated by abusive acts or cover ups of abusive acts. Could it be deemed Sharp Pritchard Parliamentary Agents and who they reported too are now the second or third tier of cover upperers? The Solicitors for the Government.....they read and acted upon this information....yet no inquiry...further investigations....nowt...except capitulation 'overnight' and silence on the detail....for nearly 12 years! latest letter does ask what 'the State' intends to do with over 100 names I can supply in positions of authority who have covered up this Cambridge based peedo activity for over 40 years both local...and National.....? Also...who is tasked to deal with it now Baroness Sloss has realised how silly it was to get involved as her bro was implicated in colluding with a cover up end of. I knew that 13 years ago....where's Theresa May been? Who will deal with it now then? Cambridge Magistrates............?!

I am a 'messenger'...and recite Mr Peter Wanless...the Gentleman tasked with dealing with the Inquiry into Westminster...I repeat...he said..."everyone who puts their Company/Organisation or departments 'qdos' above abuse...should be treated as a Criminal and pursued as such." I could include Magistrates in that because they have had the info....retired to read it....only 1 returned shaking saying they hadn't read it but his 2 other Magistrates couldn't return to the bench because they were implicated in knowing of me and felt unable to 'judge' me further...! Shock........1 of them had been wicked to kids as she was married to a staff member during the abuse period. She was always pi**ed and took it out on the kids back in the day....'famous for it' among my brethren. She daren't return to face me.....coward. Yet all 3 denied reading my letter....apparently? I was acquitted of whatever minor offences they wewre at the time and left the Court....calmly. Dunno wot happened during their retirement for it to go pear shape for em all then!hehe!x

Well......i'm up for it. Let's see who is judging my judgement....and willing to take on the consequences of their action....or inaction!x Who would want to be a Magistrate eh?!x (Edit)......well I would....but that's another story of what could have been...I reckon...X


....I will update after Monday...from home....or as soon as I find a prison terminal..........!x

Published by SOOTY at 10:51am on Sat 9th August 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:12pm on Sat 9th August 2014.

What on earth is going on?

Published by Three Headed Lizard at 1:42pm on Mon 18th August 2014.

Grandiose delusions, thought disorder, punctuation.

Published by troll at 3:27pm on Mon 18th August 2014.

What on earth is going on?

I've made an effort to understand what Sooty is on about over the last few weeks but, despite reading his posts over and over again, I'm still confused as to what he's on about. It's a bit like reading those nonsensical bits of test that you get on spam emails and trying to find meaning in them.

Published by Silent Rob at 4:00pm on Mon 18th August 2014.


...sorry folks....forgot this thread had been left hanging!x II have been too......i'll explain!x

'Mork calling Three Headed Lizard....Mork calling Three Headed Lizard'....Wot' on Earth is going on'....well 3HD i've been down to Lizard Point since me last post and popped into Cambridge Court too...spent all day waiting......last in.......suggested I paid £100 per month to keep everyone happy as I didn't want make any waves for 'locals'. Jeremy...the 'clerk'....had an attitude. He in his unfortunate manner cajoled the Magistrates into an 'instant' £100 there and then. I offered to pay it at 9am next day as I had no means to pay it there and then. He manipulated information he had at his disposal by suggesting I had refused bailiffs to my property and needed to have a firm approach taken. It is a good job I am a confident and a conversant individual...where required....otherwise the Bench may have been advised unfairly by him. The truth was I hadn't lived at that address for 3+ years.......he failed to mention that. I have never refused any approach by any Law Enforcement dept EVER. In fact I invite them anytime....and they know it. So I had to make my point to the Bench and advise them that Jeremy's inference was in fact....false....a lie. He insisted thereafter that £100 should be paid now....instantly. I looked at the Judges....they were genuinely feeling uncomfortable with this insistence...I deduced. I appealed to them with....'well how can I do it when my partner doesn't finish work until 4.30pm and I had no access to my means without going back to my car parked out of the City!'. They shook their heads in a quandary at me whilst Jeremy's head remained transfixed to his prepared I took the lead and added....yes with an intimidating manner which I now regret....'well I will make a call to London and see what I can sort out and I will be back as soon as I can' I turned to leave the box....I did let my cool go and suggested under my laudable breath...'this locality needs to address itself whilst I go see what London has to say'....and walked out of the Court without anyone saying a word as I did. That was 3.23pm PRECISELY. I left in anger and shot across to Santander. They have confirmed I entered their building at 3.25pm and exited at 3.26pm. They coudn't help without my ID. I was preparing to go to prison if need be and didn't take anything with me except a will to find middle ground. This wasn't it. I then called my friend who had dropped me in Town as I left Santander.. He had gone out of Town....but said he could return with £100 and I arranged to meet him on the junction of the Folk museum. I walked/ran from the a sunny day. I did the same back....and walked into the Court building at...3.38pm...precisely. 5 minutes each way....eben I was impressed when figuring it! Friend in Security let me through without frisking...naturally and without any request or need from me....we go back a long way as I do with them all and he knows I don't do Religion. Up the lift...into the corridor and to the end Court....3.40pm. Calmly done after exiting the lift and composing myself. Another friend in Security was outside the last Court wasn't mine....or my Bench. My room empty and the Bench gone....along with my new found friend the Clerk. The Security got the attention of another 'friend' the Usher who was sitting in the last Court sitting. 3.46pm she eventually came out.....announced I wasn't back by 3.45pm as asked....and so a Warrant had been issued for non payment......!...................!!!!! I kicked off.....she went around the back to see if anything can be done...came back @ 3.52 and said nope....nowt doing. I don't know who had confirmed that too the Usher in the Magistrates/Clerks quarters.....but will have to find out if need be.

Now...I had already 'calmed down' and took the 'personals' going on betwixt Jeremy and I into account and was happy discontent in paying the money and putting it to bed. End of local 'confrontations' and I move my attention to a more National interest. But no.........another nobody had uttered a word about a time factor whilst I was in Court! Even if they had......I WAS is they...who had done the runner. Passed the buck. Fair does....I was angry and mentioned London and I suppose it could have been left as 'omg wtf is he gunna come back with'....and given my tone at the time....then yeah....job done....! But I din't mean anything by was Jeremy who made me kick off...the donut. Messed it up for us all. I don't know why....he couldn't survive outside of that building in the Commercial world with such an unnecessary attitude. I don't know if he is connected to anyone or scene that he knows i've 'rattled' over the years. I ain't interested in finding out either. So...I called the Cambs Constabulary's lovely Warrant Officer who was eager to hear the next 'episode' as he is aware of the wider picture.....and he was more gobsmacked than I....and harsher in his judgement of their actions....or lack of!x I apologised to him for it heading his way again and he said no worries and will call me to arrange a future hearing! I will pay £ catch up and have it long as there is no 'spanner' or Jeremy in the works. Sigh.

I hope that helps anyone deluded or confused or just plain interested and astonished.....happy!x


I have reported the above in a light hearted manner. I have too. There are many serious folk reading my comment in here...both local and National....i;ve invited them. However.....I have 5 'witnesses' and Court video tapes that can prove my time frame and actions. The witnesses are all trusted by the Courts to do the Courts own bidding. They will stand witness to mine. As I left the building the reception was filled with all the Security as they were about to lock down....and every man and woman of them.....felt for me as well as confirm my time suspicions.....THANK YOU ALL...X Loyalty is earnt....not paid for...I find. I ain't got time for he said she saids next time either....or....I will use the full force of your own confront you...and any 'spanners' will be exposed. Kind of 'nut' I am....if need be.
The many 'army's in different uniforms out there on my friends list!x Good job....init......ain't seeking 'justice' here.....just 'ice' chill with. We all need it.....I reckon...X
Off to Menorca for some business and hopefully some well earnt relaxation...paid for by a Company wanting to use my services........broke and trying to get me feet off the ground at the mo as I told the Bench....and I can manage £100 a month.........they wos happy with was I............flippin' eck can be so much simpler...I tried....I did Sire.....X.........sigh.
Deluded? I wish I was.....they'd gimme some of them happy pills......and I would be happy with that too....sometimes. But not today....X

.....nanu nanu....oh.....and sadly Mork died during this episode.....a great influence in my life.....'from another world'....and will be sadly missed by me....X There ain't many of us about....honest....loads of Pshyco's have told me that over me time! I have to live with with it....Earthlings!xhehe!x

(The edits are to adjust some time quotes i recalled off the top of me head....I didn't have my detailed info with me when I originally posted but thought I better be accurate....just in case a case wants to make a old fruits....!x)

Published by SOOTY at 7:27pm on Sat 23rd August 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:02pm on Sat 23rd August 2014.

P.S. I have been educated and trained by the BEST facilities the Country's 'systems' can offer us mere mortals..since the age of 15. Some of the USA's best minds have added to that bank from 1983 to date. Every individual I meet each day benefits as do I as a consequence. I use all that knowledge and experience to serve my judged greater good these days. I thank 'the system' for doing so. Do not judge me harshly when that is turned on you...for the good. You should be proud. I am the product of all that investment. I am...and it is why I wear the Union Jack every day in some way......proudly...X

LUV...and I mean love....
SOOTY Edwards

Published by SOOTY at 8:08pm on Sat 23rd August 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:24pm on Sat 23rd August 2014.

SOOTY a serious question, do you think Cliff Richard aka Harry Wedd is a pedophile?

Published by bigmal at 2:27am on Sun 24th August 2014.

"SOOTY a serious question, do you think Cliff Richard aka Harry Wedd is a pedophile?"

...hmm.....fair q Bigmal...X To have made the 'hit' as the police have means they have 'something'. Not typecasting but you put...religion....fame/ than though in a pot.....and millions get abused.....ask the Pope!x
I am surprised his name has taken so long to have surfaced as he is an easy perhaps not 'prolific' but has an interest on occasion. 'Love' also takes form in different guises too. My sister now 52 met her husband when she was 15....! He was I think 28 at the time! I take the P each xmas that he is a peedo! However....they have just celebrated their daughters 30th birthday together as as happy a family as you would want!x I was in borstal at the time when it happened so couldn't do a lot about it back then.....and should i have stopped it anyway???!!x Each situation has to be treated on it's merit....and Cliff....may have an innocent explanation why his guard or common sense....dropped!x

Published by SOOTY at 9:45am on Wed 27th August 2014.

....we is blowing the house dooooown....!x

Published by SOOTY at 10:59pm on Wed 22nd October 2014.

I don't think this one will be in the Hall of Fame - even the best 500!

Published by stephen at 5:00pm on Thu 23rd October 2014.


Westminster and local 'elite' spanning the past 40 years hope the topic/subject don't too......honest Stephen!!!x Ain't about ratings tho' friend....but victims. They will be recognised in life where it counts.........I reckon!x


......the tune???'s in the made a Mayor cry....I kid u not........!!!!x
....going to London this week.......this is apt....from our Zoots Collective album called Hopez n Dreamz.....they hoped 'we' would forget.....dream on bruv......back to school......educated in Cambridge init!!!x

....and I don't do 'Hall of Fames' or owt anymore......been there dun it as me award recites from the 90's given by the music industry..........won through drug stimulation back then.......!!!!x I am riddled with endorphin these days.........dangerous sh* too....!x

Published by SOOTY at 8:57am on Sat 25th October 2014.


To recap.....I said this in July in the above thread...."I said above that what 'the system' intends to tackle is too big for any system currently in place. I heard 5 minutes ago the guy heading up the new inquiry has stated he doesn't feel 'empowered' enough to deal with it...! I knew that 10 years ago...they are getting there!x"

....3 months on.....and they are not getting there.......!!!x Cameron screamed like a girl at the 2 Billion Euros slapped on him...........what's heading his way whilst on money will deal with....I reckon! Where's his Rebecca when he needs her???....oh yep.....I remember now....we got rid.....!x It's all connected.....honest!!!x


.....back to keeping it simple....Sugarcanerap from our album.......Simon likes it....!!!!x

Published by SOOTY at 9:22am on Sat 25th October 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:28am on Sat 25th October 2014.


LATEST...went to London Thursday to meet a victim who for 35 years has refused to 'talk'. I spent 3 hours with him....and I was shocked. I thought I had become 'battle hardened' to the reality of humanity out there after interviewing/talking with over 300 victims of abuse wthin 'the system'. But I ain't.....still have 'feelings' for it. I was angry.....sad....and re-energised after listening to this sincere guy. I was so inspired....I reported my findings to key folk involved in the Woolf dilemma. Once informed......she had to go. This new knowledge was gained whilst sitting in front of The Cutty Sark based in Greenwich..a great British icon that rode the waves around the globe. I joked with my new friend......"as opposed to anuver 'famous' Brittan....who rode Brits locally....and with colleagues....was trying to calm the wave of truth heading their way." He laffed....we have too.

As a result of my findings.....I have to say...and have where required....that the Home Office cannot in any way be involved in the inquiry process. The Dept has been complicit in cover up of Westminster wildness since the 70's/80's....end of. Indeed it was that Dept that ultimately got involved in trying to silence me early 2000 through Sharpe Pritchard Parliamentary Agents....who went quiet when I didn't wilt under pressure.
Woolf met Theresa May late Thursday in an unscheduled meeting. May was informed 7 minutes before she met Woolf what it was all about...I understand. May had no option but to accept her resignation. You won't hear this through media or anywhere. Full credit for the decrying of Wolf...goes to 'A'. A street beggar these days.....power to 'the people'....2-0. I renamed him was nearly Halloween!!x His identity is protected....his reason for silence for 35 years??? He had a 'visit' in early 80's whilst still a teenager....from 'official types who were deadly serious' who told him his life was over if he ever spoke. It began his demise and has spent the last 30+ years 'surviving' on London's streets...alone with his truth...Ralph Mctell would be proud of him....I am...X


...oops...nearly forgot....the Warrant Officer contacted me Tuesday this week to say he had the new warrant for my arrest after the last Court described in a post above. He said he had approached the Courts with his understanding that I wasn't given a time frame for returning to pay the £100 as agreed....and apparently expressed disappointment to them at the unnecessary extra expense and effort wasted as a result of the Courts in-action. The response he got was in agreement that that was so! Well done all. I expect to walk the agreed sums to catch up and continue to pay without further discussion on the matter saving further inconvenience and valuable Court time and expense.....kind of guy I am...and they know it...far more important issues that need such dedication out there....I reckon...X

Published by SOOTY at 9:16am on Sun 2nd November 2014.


Arrived 10.15am...smiles and handshakes all round at security...thanx to WAN..x
I arrived upstairs....knew 7 of the 10 cases sitting in the corridor and 'walked the line' and greeted all. Met Ushers....who looked at me clueless....and my 'old friend'....worryingly!! No mpapers or name on the list. So I waited...and after 45 minutes had been supplied enough intelligence to realise I would not be seen before 3pm....if at all. 9 in cells all waiting. I know 'the script'. So I said I am leaving and will come back when less busy. It was noted I had turned up. I then spoke by phone to the Warrant Officer and informed him of the....erm....stalemate. I have agreed to call him with a day next week where he will meet me and sort the papers at Court himself....and it will be put to bed. There....a Cambridge Copper around when you need one!x Thanx Chris!x
But straight up.....I enjoy visiting the Courts. I knew everybody and the places ambience lifted. Smiles everywhere and...well.....I heard loaddddsss of use....good juju all round! Productive day.....for me ...I went and celebrated me freedom with a hearty meal....!x

Off to London tomorrow....and I am going to pop into see the Poppy display thingy. Heard and read a lot.....have drove past it 4 times and forgot it was there.....honest! So tomorrow I am making the trip.....and will relay 'the impact it has on me'....for those interested!x

Published by SOOTY at 7:48pm on Tue 4th November 2014.

p.s.....I met 1 lad at Court who I hadn't seen since we did Community Service together a couple of years back. He looked well....and was really pleased to see me as me him. I mentioned 'Mad Pat' to him as he stemmed from her patch.....he immediately said.....'u know wot Soot....when we wos kids.....these other kids from outta Ditton Fields were taking the pi** out of her. I said to my mates lets get 'em......they said "well it's Mad Pat.".......but he said 'yeah....but she's our Mad Pat from our street.....and lead the charge. That's why I liked him. Neighbourly stuff.....init.


Published by SOOTY at 7:59pm on Tue 4th November 2014.

Oh do shut up.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 3:17pm on Wed 5th November 2014.

But Sooty's... forum postsx... his acquirements entitled him to the honour!.... He possessed some x...that was not allowed to proceed....The Admiral's kind urgency... turned him on shore at the very moment!...and he has been living with all makes perfect sense!!...Sidney saw what was happennning here xx...LOL The police neglected to...x...That certainly wasn't what we were going to be 1976 Auntie Aida....her allottment under Arbury Court!!!...There may as yet be soil uncleared from the vegetable... we'll have to see where Sooty goes next... all of WAN are baited breath.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:35pm on Wed 5th November 2014.

If you carry on like that I'll have to ignore you too :P

Oh and you are following me, but not my personal account :)

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 6:04pm on Wed 5th November 2014.

That's a relief, I thought I was following the wrong person for a bit. :)

Published by Silent Rob at 6:19pm on Wed 5th November 2014.

What did he say? ^ ;P

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 7:01pm on Wed 5th November 2014.

Poor Mad Pat.... She was the greatest.
Ignore the criticising on here Sooty, some people have nothing better to do.

Published by at 12:37pm on Thu 6th November 2014.


"Ignore the criticising on here Sooty, some people have nothing better to do."

!!! Thank you friend but I hadn't been here to know until now since I posted the above!!!!x Silent Rob will be pleased to know I have been constructive with my time since leaving the Magistrates.......done 4,000+ miles around the UK....met officials from Westminster and beyond....also seen the FA's folk of England...Wales...Scotland and Ireland in the past week and the result is Blatter will go and Wolf went. Sorry i didn't give the heads up in here but me Facebook readers are up to speed!!x Can't be everywhere....if u know wot I mean...!x Off tae Scowwtland.....X

(Boudicea......ease up...I never sha**ed ure wos the Romans...init!x)


...I only popped in to get the link to provide it to some folk who are 'victims'. They've dealt with worse horrors than comments above in the real do I............nae bather......X Enuff dots???hehe!x

Published by SOOTY at 11:48pm on Mon 17th November 2014.

Is this thread drunk? Certainly rambling and hard to follow

Published by marcosthebubble at 10:04am on Tue 18th November 2014.


Not guilty Marco!!!x I haven't drunk alcohol since 1980....baaaaad drugs maaaan....!x Sober as a judge...cough.....!x

Published by SOOTY at 11:04am on Tue 18th November 2014.

.Think that's bad, just see how S Club have aged.....

Published by Priority 23 at 12:52pm on Tue 18th November 2014.


Morning all!x Out of respect to those who have followed this update to the above!x

The last Court appearance as reported in the post above was November 2014 where the Magistrates did a runner before my return. It has taken this long for a 'warrant' to be served for me to attend Court again...!!x If you recall there was £10,000 outstanding which i have continually refused to pay as it was a 'licensing' offence against my Limo firm generated by my Local Authority to 'intimidate'...scare....and basically put me out of stop me from pursuing their 'officials' who covered up and colluded in protecting a peedo in their ranks.....for 30 years!x

So I arrived at the Court yesterday suited and booted for 10am.......but as before.....was left until the end.....3.55 pm before I went in.....with nobody else in the building! This 'blog' has been read by the Magistrates and all the legal fraternity.....because i sent the link to them all 18 months ago! When walking in I did not recognise the Bench.......but was told they were considering prison for non payment....over 6 years now!! I was asked about my circumstances......I told them I had had a new baby girl since we last met who is now 14 weeks old......done 100,000 miles since my last appearance trekking the Nation for research and Charitable purposes.....none of which is paid for all done out of my limiting funds since being put out of business by the local Authority and I therefore could not pay a thing! The Chair of the Magistrates said...."I suggest you come up with something as your new Daughter will not be happy knowing her Father had been in prison'....!!.....I replied CONFIDENTLY and boldly whilst piercing his gaze...."Sir......MY Daughter will be proud of me and my stance when she is old enough to understand the full scenario....I believe". Silence ensued as he looked back at his papers and colleagues. He then came back with 'See the duty Solicitor for advice before we make our decision in this matter'. Inquisitively I left the Court and amazingly there waiting was the Duty Solicitor...4.15 pm....!"

I sat with him and told him my truth and this City's predicament. I said I am willing to sacrifice my freedom to protect a greater this City's image and reputation for its locals and the Duke and Duchess and explained my 'relationship' with the Royals over the past 25 years....some of which had hit Global Media. He said as a result of my 'sensitive' comments...."can you afford to pay £100 a month if the Bench are able to remit some of the money??" I was intrigued as at no point had the bench indicated this was possible! I had been 'promised' that by the powers that be on the original case which i didn't attend! I said yes....if it helps this Court to back out of the situation and leave me be!x

Upon returning....he explained to the Bench it was a 'complicated and delicate' matter and that I had refused to pay on principal. He followed with the offer of £100 per month if the Court were able to meet me with a remittance of some sorts against the outstanding fine! With that....the Clerk stood and whispered to the Bench....the Chair asked me to sit.......4/5 minutes later a resolve......the Chair said 'We understand you have had a position and indeed if this came to court now...(post Jimmy Saville exposure was his inference i assumed)....then I may well be considered a 'hero' and those who pursued you as a 'whistle blower' would be considered 'out of order'.....(verbatim!).....on that basis we are willing to accept your offer and have found we can remit £7,400 of the outstanding fine and for you to pay £100 a month for a year and then come back to Court and we may be able to remit further amounts....!" He then wished me a happy future with my new Baby and smiled as i replied with...." 11 appearances over 6 years.....this is the first time the Courts have met this situation as it deserves....i thank you for your understanding and leniency"!x I left.....bounced out of the Court actually....content!x

The new 'PC' world post Saville....has finally reached Cambridge!!x The Warrant Officer who reads this along with Court staff have been gobsmacked at their Courts....prevarication'...over 6 years and all will be will my friends in London and elsewhere who have hoped 'we' can all find a resolve!x We have.....and i thank sincerely the WAN site and its 'Admin' for being 'pivotal' in helping my predicament reach those that it needed too both local and from afar....X

I now continue supporting the effort taken on by the Govt in researching the Westminster abuse case...without further 'threat' hanging over me and my future!x Thanx all again....including you 'detractors'.....!x I've had many folk come to me with laughs and pert comment about some of YOUR comments.....hehe!x I've had the best the UK Govt can throw at me who tried to stop/abuse and rubbish me.....none of you luvly detractors had a chance....honest!!!x



Published by SOOTY at 6:57am on Wed 4th May 2016.

We decrease....xxxx preferably @@@@ thoroughly when.... XX.. Joy much pain view much of their time! Cited young gay XXX would say now... ,. XX... Pronounce we it to convey admitting to security of suspicion!!!!!.... That his West xxxx had left, met up...???!! advantage of do it @@@... perceived domestic participation...!!!....xxxxx...Middleton in contradiction discovery as pleasant......eating tossed.....Edward Restaurant so he mean around....? XXXX

Liked him was another...xxxx... opted for?????....xxxx...Also terrible effort input to end all families!!!!. Income appear peripheral to the thrown in admire....xxxxx....Stanhill on us when near @@@ material looked in.... xxxxx.. XXXX...Him smallest available you asked supplied ecstatic. Garret wanted to stay as expected mr. Covered salons concern expressed to do in visits!!!!! Celebrated my impossible immensely especially introduced by oh....inquiet!!!!!!!


Published by Silent Rob at 1:46pm on Wed 4th May 2016.

...tried to buy tin foil at local shops...sold out innit! What about a colander then mate...? Them sold out too innit...! Conspiracy to stop me...tuning in with them in the know...obvious! Alright I said, what about 20 ciggies then...? can't be done gotta ask for them by name...All right I said...I'll 'import' them with my son...know what I mean...heheheheh. And if I get nicked...I'll tell them about my royal connections...well known on global media.

bzzzztttt...crackle...zzzzffft...annuver message coming in...thanks 4 reading peeps...

Published by DeFrev at 11:01am on Thu 5th May 2016.


...hahahaha....still waffling I see!x I been busy...done 70,000 miles around the UK visiting 1000's of folk of all types and places....documented on my FB...caught 1 serial killer...1 rapist...and 2 paedos in the bag locally with Kit Carson the latest....2 bent Coppers sussed...a local prison 'cleansed'...from the inside...annnnd delivered 15 vans full of aid to Grenfell all done since Silent Rob and DeFrev's posts above....oops and brought £20 mill to the Grenfell folks table working with a couple of DIY folk too. I know...lets start a WAN awards thread....yaaaaayyyy hahahaha! There is type...and there is...action. For those who read this thread with interest...seriously...and there are many....THANX for your personal comments over that time...X....there is an update and is why i popped back. I finally put to bed the confrontation and collateral damage to me by my exposing the paedo ring of 25 years ago operating within Cambridgeshire County Councils Social Services. My fines built up from harassment of my person and businesses by officials and Police Forces implicated in the cover up who abused their position and power to try and shut me up went up to £14,000. Over the past 15 years the Magistrates reduced it to £4000...and I paid my principals said not too. This January I decided to relieve the local Magistrates of the burden of not wanting to send me to prison and having to deal with our annual charade of 'I am destitute' and they 'we'll reduce it and review in a year' malarkey and told them I will not pay the fine...I wanted 30 days in prison to settle it...and could do with loosing weight and stopping smoking....oh...and I hadn't had a rest/holiday since day 2 of Grenfell. They granted me my wish list....reluctantly!! Sadly...5 days later I got a letter whilst in my pad saying I only had 15 days to do....well upset....crash diet ensued!!x Done it...stopped smoking all substances and indeed lost 1 stone since going to prison. JOB DONE...and all outstanding issues with local authority going back to Laverack compensation for the 400+ victims of his peedo ring...are now settled. There...I said i'd sacrifice meself to do it....I did....and survived!!x

Hey DeFrev and please stay Silent Bob to save ure cred.....4 Chair folk of the Westminster paedo inquiry later....and your all still clueless! CAMBRIDGE....for 800 years the Establishment has treated us locals as dipsh* clean their rooms and wipe their ar*es as well as feed em.....and groomed 'us'. Understandable...init!x Collect your |WAN award....YAAAAYYYY. I won't be back...for anuver year...there is a world out there folks...and I am ON IT....using endorphin and no foul language...peasants!!x hahahahah!!!!x Anyone seen Hippy The Huppert...???? cackle...farts.

Published by SOOTY at 10:39pm on Thu 8th March 2018.


Published by bigmal at 3:10pm on Wed 11th April 2018.

Hmm, googling "Sooty Edwards" brings up some cigarette smuggling, being fined for not having a licence and also a number of other forums where he's put similar long and illegible posts followed by other forum members asking "what the fuck are you on about?"

Published by Silent Rob at 6:25pm on Thu 12th April 2018.


"Photoshop", says I.

I can't believe they'd let you have that as a prison mugshot.

(Oh, and do prisons actually issue ID cards? Do you have to show them at the door to be allowed in, or something?)

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:30pm on Fri 13th April 2018.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:35pm on Fri 13th April 2018.

This link certainly implies that Sooty went to prison for smuggling, not whatever moral crusade he's been blathering on about (which I still can't work out what he's trying to say).

Published by Silent Rob at 5:43am on Sat 14th April 2018.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:45am on Sat 14th April 2018.

Sooty was given a six-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work – the maximum amount that can be imposed. Kristian was given three months’ imprisonment, suspended for 12 months, and was ordered to do 150 hours of work in the community.

Suspended for 18 months, in 2012.

If he went to prison in January, as he claims, then presumably it wasn't for the cigarette thing.

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:31pm on Sat 14th April 2018.


hahahaha....a month...and 2 months gets a err....reply of sorts!!x I assure you the 'id card' is genuine! Do you think I would speak as I do and offer a 'photoshop' job as support material? BEHAVE!!!! Correct tho'...the 'smuggling' was a charitable act and unconnected to the abuse case and harassment of my personnage. It was done to assist my local Community...via the football club where a majority gather of the 'locals' raise capital to invest in shares through the fans org to stave off rogue builders! I knew I wouldn't go to prison as I had 'support' in the right places. My position and deeds were 'tested' by a Crown Court and indeed it was accepted that my efforts had been based on a charitable effort and therefore received a lenient sentence of 300 hours CS...of which I did 308...! opposed to a 5 year prison sentence for £1/2 mills worth which would be 'standard' sentence!

BUT...the 'unlicensed' Limos malarkey was directly linked to the harassment of myself and businesses by Ely District Council!!! The same Council and Councillors who protected Keith Laverack as Captain of Ely Golf Club and friends of the high and mighty within the Council. Laverack was an abuser...yet was protected by all for over 25 years! He went to prison ....Google that f***ker!! I was out to expose that Councils truth and those within it and Cambridge County Council who had protected him and covered it up. They spent £30k on a 'muscle man' from Manchester....taxpayers money...gave him the job as License Officer and gave him a single remit of getting me off their patch!!! I refused to do as he names and addresses of all my customers/bookings...etc etc. He also asked for beyond what any Taxi firm is required to I refused...and was fined. I don't do 'trial by media'....folk to this day have never treated me as a wrong un or indeed said anything about that offence. All those who used/use my Limo services...are more than happy. I refused to pay that £12k....and have done for 6+ years now. The Magistrates reduced the fine each year whilst i pleaded poverty...a simple charade we all subscribed too....and as I was down to £3000ish and I go to prison as i needed a rest...weren't gonna pay it EVER on principle...wanted to stop smoking and lose weight....and wanted to put it all to bed including this collateral to my 'crusade' of exposing the truth and getting compensation for the victims. I have a baby girl aged 2....and first 2 children had been affected by this 'fight'...I didn't want the collateral to continue into my new borns. The Magistrate was horrified he was the one sending me...a genuine decent whistleblower...down!!! The pic was taken within hours of that decision upon arriving at Peterborough prison! The Prison Guardess made the same comment although rather more succinctly such as 'Fu** me i've never seen a prisoner smile like you have u cu*t'...whilst giggling profusely....sigh. It began my new crusade to rid the Prison system of an undisciplined 'commercial' run' prison manned by immature swearing uniform. I digress....but it is the truth ure honour!x Mind you...the smile was wiped off my face! I figured i'd get 30 days...and indeed that was the sentence....but on the 4th day a letter said I only had to do 15 days.....!!!!....I was DEVASTATED!!! Lose 2 stone...and stop smoking....and have a holiday...all in just 15 days...???..well pi**ed off.....but did it. Hard work tho.....honest!!x

Published by SOOTY at 1:28am on Sun 27th May 2018.

Anything good on telly tonight?

Published by Silent Rob at 9:06am on Sun 27th May 2018.

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