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The intellectual desert

That is the evening news comments section never ceases to amaze me! That is all.

Published by pan-pan at 5:08pm on Tue 21st June 2016. Viewed 4,301 times.

Actually that's not all. Cunts, the lot of them. Now I'm done.

Published by pan-pan at 5:09pm on Tue 21st June 2016.

It's a fucking pile of shite, the whole thing. I blame Raymond/Britney.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 10:18pm on Tue 21st June 2016.

You can't even read an online article now without moving the advertising back and fourth every sentence.

Published by bigmal at 12:05am on Wed 22nd June 2016.

I miss the Cambridge evening news message board. You got much a better class of nutter on there. The comments section is just a pale imitation.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:16am on Wed 22nd June 2016.

Re. The adverts - I get the impression that most local news are struggling and the advertising revenue is just about holding them up. I can't view the CN at work though because the adverts just crash my creaky work computer and the ads cripple when you view on a mobile. Seems rather foolish.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:18am on Wed 22nd June 2016.

Has anyone else noticed how so many of the local news websites in the country share the same design, layout, advertising policy etc?

Clearly there's a company of some sort which is providing website services to all these local papers.

Cambridge, of all towns, should not be using a service like this...

Published by Wrongfellow at 7:48am on Wed 22nd June 2016.

Quite agree Wrongfellow, this is Cambridge after all.

Published by bigmal at 8:33pm on Wed 22nd June 2016.

Most of the supposedly 'local' papers in the country (including ours) are in fact owned by just one single company, which is called t r I n I ty m I r r o r. Head office sends them stories to run at the same time. Da ve g orm an did a show about this a while back e.g. d o gg I ng happens to turn up as an 'issue' in all the local papers at the same time, and you'll see some just print what they're sent and others tweak it first. They plan the news they're going to tell us a long while in advance.

I don't bother much with our newspaper anymore, too hard to read online, and the fact there are now so many grammatical errors makes me wonder if it's actually bots that write it.

Published by MissRegaling at 11:36pm on Wed 22nd June 2016.

"Has anyone else noticed how so many of the local news websites in the country share the same design, layout, advertising policy etc?"

Couple of years back, the CN claimed it'd been awarded a prize for its website's "unique" layout. I had to email them with links to several local news websites that have identical layouts.

"makes me wonder if it's actually bots that write it" - I KNEW that was Raymo I saw plugging himself into an electric car charging point at the petrol station last week!

Published by John Techno at 11:57pm on Thu 23rd June 2016.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 1:09am on Mon 27th June 2016.

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