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We are called Romany~Gypsies

I am a proud Romany~Gypsy who is about to give the very "Dinlo Gorga?s" that post here, slandering my race, a piece of my mind. For those who do not know Gorga means non-Roma~Gypsy. So my fellow gorga humans what is it you all hate so much about us? Lets list 10 things that are hated most, while your thinking I shall list ten things that Romany~Gypsie?s hate about you gorge?s
1./ We hate when reading the papers or seeing on the news story's of the murdering Gorga's.
2./ We hate when reading the papers or seeing on the news story's of the gorga rapist?s.
3./ We hate when reading in the paper or seeing on the news story's of the gorga child molesters.
4./ We hate when reading in the paper and seeing in the news the gorga child abusers.
5./ We hate when seeing on the news and reading in the papers about "the old house dwelling gorga lady" who's found dead of starvation and has been there for weeks.
6./ We hate that the old peoples homes are full to bursting has none of you gorge?s want to take care of your mum's and dad's.
7./ We hate that the social workers are worked to death because young gorga teenage girls are sleeping about and getting pregnant (thank god there not getting aids).
8./ We hate that the hospitals are under strain where the gorga are out binge drinking and needing medical attention.
9./ We hate that our hospitals are strained because of the gorga who are taking drugs then needing medical attention.
10./ We hate the fact the gorge?s look at the ?minority? of bad Romany~Gypsies because all the time they are concentrating on us they don't have to look at what the majority of there own gorga community are doing.

Published by tacho at 4:49pm on Tue 24th January 2006. Viewed 72,541 times.


Published by gramsci at 5:07pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

Thank you

Published by tacho at 5:21pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

I hate driving past the A14 traveller site and seeing numerous burnt out cars and masses of rubbish dumped over the fence. Otherwise I don't have a problem with Romany~Gypsies, though I think there is a serious image problem, and the current state of the site on the A14 doesn't help at all. The state of the site is an ongoing problem, as well. It is cleaned up fairly regularly, but within weeks, soon becomes an eyesore. Thousands of people drive past it *an hour*, and everytime they see it, it reinforces the negative stereotype.

So, as a close knit community, I'd suggest putting pressure on those who are allowing this negative sterotype to flourish.

Recently, we had some travellers (ethnic origin unknown) in our office car park for a few days. They were polite, tidy and caused no problems. The fact that they tidied up after themselves made me see them in a different light. However, a few months later we had a further encampment in an adjoining carpark who left human shit everywhere, threw rubbish around the carpark and the next day a car parked in the carpark had been trashed, undoing all the good work of the previous occupants.

So, in short, I don't think anyone object to people who behave in a civil fashion. In fact, I'd go as far to say some - maybe even many - people sympathise with the problems travellers face. I think I'd be right in saying that the traveller community is self-policing, and therefore internal encouragiment of all encampments to behave in a civilised fashion and tidy up would go a long way to undoing the negative image.

FWIW, I agree with many of your points about the "Gorgas"

Hope that helps.

Published by makeitfolky at 6:32pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

Seems like a lot of hate and generalisation going on in the post by Tacho.
I take it that the Gorgas poor behaviour is reflected by your fantastically good behaviour, and none of the Romany Gypsy population take drugs, get pregnant or get pissed for instance or use hospitals.
What we are seeing here, by the generalisations, and sweeping statements is a crude form of racism, or at least an ?ism? of some kind.
The invitation to list ten things that are hated in the behaviour or activities of any group is asking for trouble and should be discouraged.

Don't Romany have to have their origins in Romania/Hungary, being originally from India?
That's why ethnic gypsies are dark skinned and Asian looking.
Has the phrase now become a general term for ALL gypsies?

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 7:05pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

And by the way, being 'proud' of something you have had no influence over, by your actions. IE: your race. Is a behaviour of someone that thinks they are better than others, or more dagerously other races.
No one is better than any one else, untill you take into account their actions.
It is your actions, not your origins that you should be proud of, or ashamed of.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 7:11pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

Couldn't have put it any better makeitfolky.

I'd just add that I think you can apply a lot of tacho's post to a majority of human life. A romany gypsy family lived close to my family when I grew up and were extemely nice people and it's a shame that there are those who have tainted the image in such a horrendous way that makes the debate on this board so offensive. I'd rather have that family living next door to me than the community project who bought a house in our street and gave us a series of occupants who thought nothing of threatening people with knives, breaking into property, driving a extremely high speed around the road without car lights, music at all hours...the list is endless. Not the fault of the occupants so much as bad manners on the part of the housing co-op who failed to give support to the people they are meant to be helping or acknowledging complaints. I also know that when I was a student I wasn't the most considerate neighbour in the world! I bet that applies to a majority of us.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that life is about give and take. It's probably a bit much to say 'love thy neighbour' but it doesn't hurt to be considerate, and it doesn't cost a penny.

Published by Smithy at 8:07pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

I am also a Romani~Gypsy and proud, however I have been brought up in a house and have had the best of both worlds as I was growing up. I have seen the differences in behaviour, morals and standards, and more importantly have 'felt' the difference in how I am sometimes treated by gorjas. By the way gorja is not a derogatory term, and I have never known any Romani~Gypsy or indeed Traveller to have a derogatory word in our own languages about gorjas... gorja's have 'many' for us! Gorja exploit our ancient and beautiful language whith disregard and disrespect taking our words and making them 'dirty' and negative.
We have all read the comments by some of you, and you have made yourselves very clear as to how you 'perceive' anything Gypsy. Discussing our people in such an horrific way on a public forum is living proof of the way in which we are treated, whether we travel, live on a site or in a house. Laughing about setting us on fire and watching us burn is not funny as we are human beings just like you and we also feel pain just like you, bleed the same colour blood as you and have family and friends who love us enough to morn the loss of our lives to yet another racist attack by gorjas. Some of us are refused service in various establishments... not for drunken loutish behaviour, not for being rude and insulting, not for innapropriate dress... simply for being Gypsy. Some places hang signs on their doors stating "No Gypsies" This is the 21st century when 'racism' is a highlighted issue, and such offensive actions and descriptions which have been given to us here on this site would never be neither allowed nor accepted if it were Asians or blacks you were slandering. Years ago, yes Asians, Blacks and the Irish had the same treatment in this country, yet it still seems acceptable for gorja to treat us in this way to this day!
The first thing my father ever did before moving into a house was to have all the floor boards lifted and cleaned, including the loft, so while you are calling us "dirty gypo's" you may consider that cleanliness is part of our culture. Then think on more as you run a vacuum round your homes with your nice expensive carpets and the filth is festering underneath it!
I may add another thing to Tacho's list which I hate about gorja's... and that is when I see on the news and read in the papers about what many gorja's do to animals.. the cruelty and neglect is shameful. This is something you never see within Romani~Gypsy societies, we have kept horses for eons. One of my own family trades was that of horse dealers, and some of my uncles knew the secret of horse whispering. It is a fact that we Romani~Gypsies pride ourselves on horsemanship and never mistreat or neglect any animal. We are renown for our knowledge of herbs and their uses because wherever we have Travelled and stopped we have always had a great respect for the land... we learned about herbs from having respect and not abusing any land we have stopped at. Next time you are in your local pub, take a good look around at the frosted glass designs and remember that this was a skill introduced by our people as a passing trade as we travelled from one place to another. Compare those designs with the great skill and craftsmanship of our old horse drawn vardo's you will see for yourselves where your pub window designs come from.
Finally I just wish to add that I am appauled by some of the comments I have read from you on this site, and if we were to class ALL gorja the same as you, then you would all be sick minded murdering individulas, without moral, class or dignity.

Published by Rawnie at 8:08pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

To Goose Speaking Bread I am interested in what you wrote here "And by the way, being 'proud' of something you have had no influence over, by your actions. IE: your race. Is a behaviour of someone that thinks they are better than others, or more dangerously other races."
This in its self is good advice but a few years to late, Hitler and is hunch men have already confused pride with importance (I think that?s what you are trying to advice me of ,being careful of having to much pride?). You see, I am proud that doesn't mean I hold myself in higher importance as Hitler did. My ancestors were on the receiving end of self importance, percentage wise more Gypsies than Jews were murdered in Hitler?s time. There for my human sister you will understand that you misinterpreted what I meant. To be proud of what I was born is my way. I know Rom who denigh their origin through fear of negative repercussions for being rom. This to me equals sham, the opposite to shame is to be proud it is as simple as that. I shall repeat in case you have not read the post. My list is for the gorga who have slandered my people on this site, there's an old saying about fighting firer with firer, some times we have no choice. I can not recall reading any one on here putting straight the gorga's who are so full of hate they talk of death of my people. I will not slander nor defend the travellers as they are made up of all walks of life including the new agers who are gorga, you know the ones who are not clean who shit every where with their flowing dread locks that run alive with head lice, travellers are also Irish Scottish Welsh I have no interest in defending this group of people and can only agree with what?s said about them.
I knew by posting a word that ment "clubbing" together all these hatful people her would up set others, I think i have proved that, whats the difference in righting The gypsies or the gorga's? I'll tell ya tyhe posters on her say that along with barstard and setting them alight and theives. See like I have already said I am giving it back but by the look of it the slanders are only happy slandering they can not handle being slandard........again i am not sorry for that.
Just a little more insite into my person, I do not hold importance to creed, colour, social class, religious prefference or any of the such. I judge by what I see and read, there is no hatred in me my sister I believe in live and let live and commen sence tells us all there is good and bad in all, NOW ONE LAST TIME MY LIST IS FOR THE GORGA'S WHO HAVE POSTED BEING SPITFUL TOWARDS GYPSIES. I'll hold my hands up in saying that i am a tad childish in my wanting to get them all back..............but who's perfect?

Published by tacho at 9:09pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

Good night all looking forward to chatting again soon, to the rawni rackle cam tute tacho kushti romany phen xx

Published by tacho at 9:11pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

Tacho you are a person after my own heart and I couldn't agree with you more my phen! Remember we are a race of people with pride and dignity we are Rawnie's and Rye's, in its true sense of the word ... perhaps this is something to which these gorja's who have slandered us may learn from us?
Trees with 'deep roots' do not fall down in a hurricane but withstand the winds of time, just as our people have always done. You are correct to mention Hitler, as not many gorja even know that our people were in those camps being experimented on, kept in the most appauling conditions, starved and killed in the most heartless, cruel and inhumane way possible. Perhaps these gorja's are not aware that our little children were also experimented on and kept in filth not fit for animals... innocent little children who didn't know that humans could be so cruel and heartless as our children only learn love from us .... but child abuse in ALL its forms is from the gorja world and not ours. The reason many of these gorja's are not aware our people were in those camps with the Jews is because of racism and refusal to recognise the importance of the pain this caused. There is no justice in a racist mind or heart... only hatred and a lust for all things evil.
We do not teach our children to hate, and this is a word which is never uttered by us in front of them, yet they soon learn the word from gorja's, who sadly also teach them the true meaning of the word.
I also wish you all a good and peaceful sleep, and hope that the bed bugs don't bite or the dust mites don't make you sneeze!
To Tacho, kam tute. Tatchipen se avree! Acoi se amaro nevi atching tan! Sal ... Del O dinilo's bengalo tan!!! Opre Roma!! xxxx

Published by Rawnie at 10:19pm on Tue 24th January 2006.

> Some places hang signs on their doors stating "No Gypsies"

I cannot recall seeing any public place hanging such a sign in recent years - In fact I can't recall ever seeing such a sign. If you care to give an example of where such a sign exists, I will happily support you in making a formal complaint, which I'm sure will lead to very swift prosecution.

Published by makeitfolky at 4:44am on Wed 25th January 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by d-wayne-love (not active) at 5:47am on Wed 25th January 2006.

I'm afraid I have chaps, quite a few times and on one occasion when all that was happening was that they were burying one of their own who had died young and needlessly.
One of these venues was a pub a lot of us hold dear to our hearts as well....

In fact I remember that day well, you couldn't get a drink in Cambridge all away along the river and into town.

Published by 209radio at 10:34am on Wed 25th January 2006.

Hello 'makeitfolky' ... I hope you are well today? With regard to the question you ask me, I have copy and pasted several examples from various sites, which proves this is a widespread problem. It has become such a problem that The Commission of Racial Equality (CRE) has become involved and are currently pettitioning the government to act on this issue. Hanging such signs on establishment doors etc, has been illegal since around 1960, however, with regard to Gypsy's & Travellers most establishments who practice this form of blatant racism and discrimination have evaded prosecution. The CRE have found in their research and studies into this matter, that the writers of these signs evade prosecution for the simple fact that racism towards Gypsies and Travellers can be found at all levels including goverment. I have included the links to each site, as if you would like to take the time, there is a lot more in-depth information regarding the daily issues of racism for Gypsy and Traveller people. Thank you for listening.
Like racism against asylum seekers, racism against Gypsies is socially accepted. In some parts of Britain you can still read signs declaring ?no Gypsies or Travellers?. If similar racist literature were produced against Jewish or black communities there would be uproar. In a recent case a ?bonfire society? burned a caravan effigy bearing the number plate ?pikey? (a racist term for Travellers) and escaped prosecution.
Travellers also have problems getting on GP?s waiting lists.
"Every piece of government legislation for Travellers comes in the form of criminal law. There are anti-social families on every housing estate but the estate is not closed down for that reason. Yet that is what happens when there is one disruptive Traveller family in a community," said Fr Brown.
"No Caravan-Dwellers" and "No Travellers" signs are still widespread, despite breaching the Race Relations Act, and 63 per cent of caravan parks admit to refusing accommodation to families, even if pitches are available. In Scotland, less than 20 per cent of Gypsy children attend secondary school regularly.
Shocking to me was the content of the information on the current living conditions of the Roma. They are truly an oppressed people group, not only in Romania but all over Europe. One of the most disturbing facts that I learned from my research was the practice of signs hung near the entrance of shops and restaurants that state: "No dogs or Gypsies admitted" or similar sayings such as "The management reserves the right to refuse service to Gypsies?".
Research by Save the Children (1996) into healthcare for women in Scotland showed that almost a third of the women interviewed had been refused registration at a GP surgery at least once. This is due partly to bureaucracy and paperwork, partly to ignorance about Gypsies? and Travellers? needs, and partly to indifference stemming from prejudice.
In a recent representative poll conducted by MORI in England, more than one-third of the adults who took part admitted to being personally prejudiced against Gypsies and Travellers. This was greater than the levels of prejudice reported towards lesbians and gay men, other ethnic minorities and people with disabilities (Stonewall, 2003).
The bonfire celebrations in Firle, East Sussex, in October 2003, where an effigy of a Gypsy caravan was paraded through the streets before being burned, only served to confirm the extent of open public hostility, especially towards unauthorised encampments.
Discriminatory signs and advertisements in the 1960s were partly the reason for the first race relations legislation in Britain. Forty years on, ?No Travellers? and ?No Caravan-Dwellers? signs still appear, in blatant breach of the law.
CRE to remove all 'No Gypsies and Travellers' signs from Wales by May 2006 Back
04 May 2004
The CRE today announced that it is to work towards the elimination of all ?No Gypsies and Travellers? signs from Wales by May 2006, as part of their two-year 'agenda for change'.
Sarah Spencer, CRE deputy chair said:
Discrimination against Gypsies and Travellers appears to be the last 'respectable' form of racism. It is still considered acceptable to put up 'No Traveller' signs in pubs and shops and to make blatantly prejudiced remarks about Gypsies and Travellers.
"It has been offence to display an advert or sign which discriminates against certain groups since the Race Relations Act came in 1965," he said.
"If you saw a sign banning black people from a shop there would be outcry, yet signs banning travellers and Gypsies are still being used.
"This has been unlawful for almost 40 years and yet these sorts of signs are being used.
"People know exactly what they are doing when they put these signs up and they think they can get away with it.
"The main area where it happens is in pubs and some shops especially where there is a travelling community.
"It is public racism and we want to eliminate it in Wales by May 2006.
"It is not the biggest or the worst problem in Wales but it is one thing we can do something about," he said.
The CRE is relying on the support of the public to report any discriminatory signs or notices in businesses across the country.
With regard to the burning of caravan and efiigies in Firle: "There seems to be a wider issue there of anti-Catholicism, all happening under the watchful eye of the east Sussex constabulary, so it would be interesting to know their view on race crime," said Father Joe Brown of the Catholic Church?s Traveller Chaplaincy. "There need to be steps taken to ensure that this year will never be repeated."
The Irish deaths in custody group CEART has likened the burning of the effigies in Firle to "the cross burning carried out by the KKK in American states during the Black peoples fight for civil rights during the 1960?s."
Seven people have now been charged by Sussex Police with inciting racial hatred over the actions at Firle.

Published by Rawnie at 10:52am on Wed 25th January 2006.

Please feel free to ask us as many queations as you wish, providing they are decent, intelligent questions worthy of an answer! Perhaps you gorja's could explain to us why you so avidly 'hate' a race of people you know nothing about? To hate my people is to hate me, and I can assure you, non of you know me enough to hate me or even dislike me. Perhaps you could tell us why you assume so many derogatory myths about us? Why you assume us to be liars and thievs? I would like to know if you even know the differences between Irish Travellers, New Age Travellers and we Romani's?
Very best wishes to you all.

Published by Rawnie at 4:09pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Phen, I think this will answer your question re' do these people even know the differece?
I've been awake for 7 hours and I'm still learning stuff! How cool is that!
OR, oop North we tend to be quite blunt about it - either "gypos" or "dirty thieving gipsy bastards" usually does the trick.
Published by Yorkshire Lad at 1:11pm on Tue 7th October 2003.
Fuck off. They're all pikey scum.
What red and yellow and looks good on Pikies?
Wankers. The lot of them. Find me an honest one who's never stolen or handled stolen goods and I'll show you my red baboon ass.
Published by Father_Shabooboo at 5:38pm on Thu 16th October 2003.
If anyone here can honestly say they don't believe it's part of their culture and that they know a pikey who's not nicked anything, ever, then I'll back down. Along with backing down in believing Hitler was the most brutal, prejudiced human ever and that nationalism is the banner of ignorant hate.
Published by Father_Shabooboo at 3:12pm on Fri 17th October 2003.
Does anyone know which pub in Cottenham was bought by the aforesaid "Roma / Gypsies / Travellers"? Was it the Chequers? Because there was a murder there on Saturday night ...
Of course, it could never have been anything to do with them ...
Published by Old Rocker at 12:16pm on Tue 2nd December 2003.
Enough said don't you think? What hatred?

Published by tacho at 4:35pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

I agree Tacho... its very sad, especially as our own children don't even know the meaning of the world until it is taught to them in EVERY aspect of the word by gorja's.
Yes, Romsni's 'hate' we hate lies and deception, we hate murder and cruelty.. these things we can never understand. We have to remember that these people are of the same 'breed' which invaded the American continant and butchered to Native Indian's to near extinction! Centuries later their seed are still the same caliber!

Published by Rawnie at 4:57pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

What key opens any door.
A Pikey.

Published by TheBaron at 5:09pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

I was pretty disgusted to read the comments on the "pikeys" thread - which I haven't bothered getting involved in.

There is a lot of misunderstanding between the various cultures. I think travellers don't do themselves any favours, and I'll repeat, I think there is an image problem. I respect the self policing culture,and I think the lack of community and family is one of the biggest problems in our society. However, I think this can and has opened up a divide and created a "them and us" attitude on both sides.

This suspicion isn't helped on the occasions where "unfortunate" circumstances have surrounded facilities provided for travellers. The condition of the A14 traveller site *IS* a disgrace (why the burnt out cars? There really is no need), and the behaviour at the Meldreth travellers site were a site was all but destroyed by travellers (not my words: was similarly disgraceful. The behaviour at Smithy Fen certainly hasn't helped any image problem, and there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest the suspicion and contempt is a two way thing.

The fact that the travelling community is self policing means that this minority which causes the problem - and there is a problem - should be dealt with internally, and if that doesn't happen, it's not particularly surprising that us "Gorgas" look into the closeknit traveller world with a bit of suspicion. That said, a thread like "Pikies" really doesn't help build links.

Rawnie: Thanks for the links. I will have a look through

209: I enjoyed the program put together by travellers by the way. Will there be another one? I do remember the occasion now you mention it. The funeral of Fred Moss I believe? There is also one Sunday a year when the pubs in town don't open - when the showmen are leaving town I think (what is the relationship between Romany & Showmen? Showing my ignorance, I know). There have been some incidents involving the fair over the years which I think led to this.

Finally, I used to work at a club way back in the 80s when the local travellers hired it out for birthdays etc. Some were rude, some were indifferent, some were polite and some were very friendly, just like a normal night at in a club, and it was never as bad as people said it would be. (I remember an *awful lot*of money used to go over the bar on those nights. Huge amounts...)

Published by makeitfolky at 6:16pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by pupik (not active) at 6:30pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

hey phren,

I am upstanding gypsy, and I support you.
but at the same time we can find many things we hate about eachother.
if both sides of us, try to find about atleast 1 thing we like about eachother, maybe we can solve the prejuidice.

custi bok and cam

your romani sister and phren
upstanding gypsy

Published by upstanding gypsy at 6:44pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Hello Makeitfolky! Hey thanx for your great reply, and very respectful and intelligently written if I may say so!
To answer your questions as best I can:
The link your provide is regarding Travelling Showmen and NOT Romani~Gypsies.
The Smithy Fen travellers site in Cottenham is not only a hot topic in our local press, but regularly makes the headlines in national newspapers too. A group of IRISH TRAVELLERS arrived on the site 18 months ago. Since their arrival, tension has been high between the villagers and the travellers. Local people have blamed the travellers for an increase in anti social behaviour.
I hope this helps dispel any further 'myths' about Romani~Gypsies morals, standard and behaviour within our own communities and those of others. As I stated before a big part of our culture is that of 'mokkadi' which is adhering to strickt hygien at ALL levels! We have travelled for centuries, and many Romani's are renown knowledge of herbs, wildlife and fish life... in order to survive our nomadic life we HAD tolearn, HAD to adapt AND HAD to have a deep rooted respect for the land and wildlife!
Very best wishes to you!

Published by Rawnie at 7:55pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

hopefully mate, Jake Bowers is pursuing funding to carry on the work

he is also coming in for the RSL to talk about bullying in schools and to talk about the media in general. He's in a great position as both Romani and a respected journalist (Grauniad, Auntie etc)

here goes my impartiality but I am very glad that Romani people are now using this board and I feel they are making good points in a less than black and white situation. And never doubt there is fault on both sides.

much better than a lot of reactionary morons that have crawled from the woodwork, I cannot believe some of the words being used and frightening assertations. You make me sick.

All of our saving grace is that thankfully the travellers guilty of wrongs are like the gorja guilty of wrongs- they are a minority. Most folk of any walk of life are decent.

It's just like school, you always get the idiots disrupting the others who are trying to get their heads around a difficult subject, which this matter of understanding certainly is.

I don't claim to be Romani but I certainly have a portion of Romani blood. It will be a great day indeed when Gypsies can walk proud and tall in Cambridge(shire) and no-one bats an eye. There's work to be done on both sides to achieve that.

Published by 209radio at 7:57pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Hello Upstanding Gypsy! Its wonderful to have you on board our vardo here! Welcome to the discussions! There are actually a few of these gorja's who are gaining my respect more and more! Like our people have always said 'there's good and bad in all walks of life' and we judge as we find without generalising!
Kushti bok!
Miri phen! R

Published by Rawnie at 8:00pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

The underlying issue is Trust.
When two people dont trust each other there will always be conflict.. I have read pretty much all the posts on this subject and I refuse to post under the 'pikies' heading but I want my say.
Fact is, I have to say that I have been ripped off twice to date by travellers and I hated them for that, not because of the money but because they made me suspicious of all travellers. But the universe works in a big circle and I am also delighted to say that I trade on a regular basis with others who treat me with respect and pay me.
Recently we found an advert for a fridge freezer which we really needed. We arranged a meeting with the seller at Chesterton and who turned out to be a Fen Rd Lad. We were very concerned but followed them into the park. And was greeted by an imaculate FF and a very polite and house proud Lady Traveller. We got a real bargain no doubt about it. And it wasn't nicked... I have the receipt to prove it.
I love Irish music and play on regular basis in Cambridge, it has occured to me that Irish travellers must have sessions (irish music played almost like a jam session) and if I can ever summon enough courage I intend to try to get invited to one, as for Romani Gypsies I am sorry to say that I dont know any, but I have been to Romania a few times and they really do get a rough deal there.

The travellers that ripped me off can go to hell as can the thieving bastard solicitors, wheel clampers, corporate accountants, and politicians that rip us ALL off whenever they can.

Correct me if I get this wrong but I believe they have a saying there...
'When i die, bury me on my knees because thats how I lived my life'

Published by customize at 8:11pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Hello Customize, I enjoyed reading your post, and I am glad that you are starting to note and recognise the differences between other groups of Gypsies and Romani~Gypsies.
The saying you have quoted "Bury me standing, I've been on my knees all my life" is a Romani saying, and there is a book of the same title by Isabel Fonseca. I have added a link where you can read about her book, and it also gives a good insight to more about Romani peoples and our history, and more importantly what this saying means.
Here are a few more Romani sayings:
"You can't hide a cat in a sack, its claws will show themselves (through it)" ... This means the truth will eventually reveal itself... Romani's despise lies and liars!
"If you want to see the fish, don't stir up the water" ... Approach a situation carefully, don't be rough of hasty. Romani's would rather try to understand a situation by communication and good customs rather than 'fight' it out.
"The rain may come tomorrow but the wind will dry it" .... Always optimists, behind every cloud is a silver lining.
"The wind doesn't recognise whose waggon it blows over" ... Misfortunes affect everyone regardless of their wealth or status.
"Don't scratch where you don't itch" ... Don't make trouble. Let sleeping dogs lie. Romani's are a peaceful people and don't like trouble.
"The Romani steals a chicken, the gorja steals the farm" ... Like the differences in society, Romani theft is correspondingly minor when compared with gorja theft.
Very best wishes to you.

Published by Rawnie at 8:52pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

And to you..

Published by customize at 8:54pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Incidentally, whilst in Romania a Priest from Bucharest managed to steal a quantity of the aid we were delivering. We were 'fined' constantly by Romanian Police just for being British whilst just North of Bucharest Romanian Gypsys were reported to be adopting street kids and raising them as their own.

Published by customize at 9:03pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Re Gypsy music / Culture. There's a good album by Charles Parker & Ewan MacColl "The Travelling People". It's actually a radio documentary originally broadcast in the early 60s mixing recordings of gypsies talking about their lives, heritage, culture etc. with some traditional music and some new songs. If your interested in the human aspect rather than the tabloid anecdotes it's a fascinating album. The most interesting bit for me is the old guy talking about the his Great Grandfather telling him about the land they used to camp on being fenced off by a Lord and them being left with no where to go.

Worth a listen:

Published by makeitfolky at 9:13pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

I just wanted to add that Romani~Gypsies are not Rumanian! There are Romani's in Rumania, as there are in other countries all over the world, but we originated from India, Punjab & Rajasthan many many moons ago! I have added a link to a pretty good site which will tell you quite a bit about our history as well as other interesting things!
Once again thank you for according us respect and giving us your time!

Published by Rawnie at 9:19pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

So anybody who is not a Romany Gypsie is called a Gorga- OK. And we are responsible for the worlds ill's?

Well, theres a heck of a lot of Gorga's all over the world- in fact the vast, humungous, overwhelming majority of the human race is non- romany gypsie(just think of them, we could list them if we wanted to, somalian gorgas, brazillian gorgas, jamaican gorgas- i could go on. For about 80 pages.) and the majority of us have various problems . Im sure that many Romany familys have lots of problems as well.

One problem ive seen (not first hand, but on that Killroy lives with the gypsies programme, for my sins) is rampant homophobia. Im sure there are others- in fact i am certain that Romany's experiance all the problems on your angry list. They are members of the human race and, by proxy, will have all the shortcomings of the rest of us 'Gorga's'. All god knows how many billion of us.

Published by The Sword at 9:27pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Just read the rest of the posts and now realise that 'Gorga' is not an offensive term- it just sounded like, in the initial post, it was.

@ The Baron- not big or clever really is it? people are having a serious and long overdue discussion here.

Published by The Sword at 9:45pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Narrow your list of gorja's down and find which of those groups you have listed have also experienced racist abuse and persecution throughout their history. We have respect for ALL walks of life, if we are accorded the same. Consider, we saw and read what was being said about us in this forum... did we come in all guns blazing, and cursing gorja's in general? (despite the fact we had every reason to with the disgraceful and derogatory things said about us as well as slanders, accusations and racial hatered)... no instead we drifted in like a breeze and put our point across in a dignified and mature manner. Does this not say something about the trype of people we are?
Best wishes.

Published by Rawnie at 9:49pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

That is what im getting at though. I don't think you can single a race out and say 'we have no problems but the rest of the world does' which was the definite tone of the original post that started the thread. I do not think that it is possible to judge a race or creed, only the individual. I take as i find. I realise that much of the response from Romanys has been both dignified and mature but, again, i do not think any one race is exempt from the wider problem of being a member of the human race (let's face it, we're a tricky bunch). As for not coming in all guns blazing- the initial post did exactly that.

Published by The Sword at 9:58pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Although, having now read the full thread headlined 'pikeys', i can understand the anger that tacho was obviously feeling when he wrote.

Published by The Sword at 10:03pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 10:11pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

Thank you for giving us a chance to speak and for taking the time to hear us. I can not tell you how much we all appreciate your decency as human beings... respect to you's!
Many blessings

Published by Rawnie at 10:46pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

ello sord my friend, I call you friend as already I can see you are honest and respectful. I shall clarify the first post made by my self (I am a woman by the way)(woman scorned and all that!!).
The top post wasn't just anger, it was sarcasm also that sperd me on and as I have admitted in a previous post childishness as well in "getting them all back". Please understand I believe whole heartedly that "there is good and bad in us all". There are better war's to fight than the "race" issue's. There is no such thing as a perfect any thing.
When I was made aware of this site, it was from a fellow Roamy~Gypsy, who wrote, I feel sick after reading such thing's, please reply them and we can defend our selves. I wrote back to inform all the Roamani and Gorga reader's that I was willing to throw a stone into the water and hope that the ripples continue until they join with the ripples from a stone that's also been thrown.
I shall take this opportunity to apologise to the Gorga's who are caring, intelligent and considerate, who show's respect by the conversation's that are going on, I am sorry for my above post but thank you those who tried to understand it.
Respect to those who do not hold them selves in higher importance over some one else, Sord my freind I am here in peace,

Published by tacho at 10:54pm on Wed 25th January 2006.

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Published by d-wayne-love (not active) at 12:11am on Thu 26th January 2006.

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Published by d-wayne-love (not active) at 12:15am on Thu 26th January 2006.

just like your attitude to your work eh dwl?

Published by 209radio at 12:47am on Thu 26th January 2006.

> i will never judge any one group of people be they italian, romany, spanish

Quite right.

> or worse yet,

Oh, hello, what's this

> the fucking english...

I consider myself suitably judged...

Published by makeitfolky at 12:50am on Thu 26th January 2006.

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Published by d-wayne-love (not active) at 1:19am on Thu 26th January 2006.

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Published by d-wayne-love (not active) at 1:22am on Thu 26th January 2006.

not if you're in the know man

Published by 209radio at 1:25am on Thu 26th January 2006.

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Published by d-wayne-love (not active) at 1:30am on Thu 26th January 2006.


Published by at 8:53am on Thu 26th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 10:03am on Thu 26th January 2006.


Wow!! what a great list of words I shall be sure to learn them all, along with English and Roamaness I?ll teach this to the children, including my own, what language do you call it? Don?t worry answering that one!! I have a name for that language and for the person who uses it, "deprived". I feel for you. I am sorry not to accommodate your offer for a war with words.

Published by tacho at 2:59pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by pupik (not active) at 3:01pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

LOL Pupik!

Published by Rawnie at 3:27pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

How many children do you have Tacho?

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 3:33pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

I have two. Do you have any?

Published by tacho at 3:38pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

Not human ones.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 3:42pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

why is this suddenly all kicking off?

Published by harvey_dangerous at 3:42pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

dogs or cats?

Published by tacho at 3:51pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

what do you mean why is this suddenly kicking off?

Published by tacho at 3:52pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

No it started at 4.49 on the 24th.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 4:03pm on Thu 26th January 2006.

Nope! Sorry I disagree, This all started way back in 2003. Goosey boy (I take it your a man?) How are you today? Any Roamany Blood in ya? Oh and what what is you have? Regarding children that is , if they are not human?

Published by tacho at 10:44am on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by Spanky (not active) at 10:47am on Fri 27th January 2006.

I an sorry for appearing to be dull my friend, all the time there are other's that are still happy sitting on the fence throwing stones, like most bullie's, who hide behind other' this case a pc, you see no difference in the Irish Traveller's? making them out to be a race that are all bad. I need to continue to shout Live at let live and good and bad in all. I have no problem regarding group's of people only the indaviduals, sorry to sound rude to you, but the thread mentioned Gypsy's, pikey's and Rom, can not recall reading once where you all say "you only have a problem with Traveller's". When you use the word traveller's are exsepting that "the travellers" are also Gorga's?

Published by tacho at 11:00am on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 11:02am on Fri 27th January 2006.

Thankyou Pupik for letting me in on that, why would people do that?

Published by tacho at 11:31am on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 11:32am on Fri 27th January 2006.

At the end of the day there is good and bad in every race/religion etc. There are bad Romany-Gipsies like their are bad White/Asian/Black people. But there are also good Romany-Gipsies like their are good White/Asian/Black people.

Romany Gipsies have great, geat respect for their elders, which is something that gorgas dont have. Romany Gipsies only really drink on special occasions. They dont binge drink and dont have a high rate of teenage pregnancies. As Romany-Gipsies have been bought up they have learned how to RESPECT themselves, which is something that gorgas havent. Romany-Gypsy women arent easy like gorga women, they dont sleep around.

I bet there wouldnt be a message board like this about Asian or Black people, so why do it about Romany-Gipsies?

And before you think i am a Romany-Gypsy - I aint. But i believe alot of Romanys have been given a bad name by a small minority.

Published by Charly at 11:40am on Fri 27th January 2006.

If people do register under different names can the board moderators not check Ip's that posts originate from and warn these people, as it is very sad really, if you dont have the balls to post as the same person each time then why bother postin at all?

Published by FuriousGeorge at 11:46am on Fri 27th January 2006.

To Furious George,

I have not posted on here before, so if the comment 'registering under different names' was aimed at me your WRONG!!!

Published by Charly at 11:59am on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 12:03pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by Spanky (not active) at 12:17pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Well put.....
People thaty talk about them selves non stop are boring.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 12:27pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Well, 'spanky' and 'Goose' ... first of all Arabic peoples DO speak up, and they DO stick together AND I guarantee if they came across a message board with a thread about them written in such a derogatory way they would definately bounce in and have their say.. as they would have every right to! I know this as I have Arab and Pakistani and Indian members in my family! The two can not be compared, as the issues surrounding Arabic peoples are different in many ways, and there are more other groups of ethnic peoples in this country than there are Romani~Gypsies who were the first ethnic minority to enter this country over 500 years ago! If you find this discussion 'boring' and not to your taste then don't click on it and enter into it! Simple really! There are many other threads to this site for you to join in, but thank you for your penniesworth in this one!
The discussin continues which is quite within our right, and we are answering every question put to us in a respectful manner without throwing in assumptions, name calling or accusations!
Best wishes

Published by Rawnie at 1:26pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 1:30pm on Fri 27th January 2006.



Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 1:31pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 1:33pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

"To Furious George,

I have not posted on here before, so if the comment 'registering under different names' was aimed at me your WRONG!!!"

ROFL mate, calm down, the post wasn't directed at anyone, I was simply referring to the previous post that mentioned that people do this.

Guilty conscience is it ;)

Published by FuriousGeorge at 1:34pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Sorry I can't be bothered.
Hey Pupik get into the sounds of Hamilton Bohannon (Real funking disco)
I think you'll like it.
Can you recomend a good Labane recipe while you're at it?

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 1:35pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 1:41pm on Fri 27th January 2006.


David Soul

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 1:48pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

spanky, I do not wish to row with you, so i'll prove it.........let's all make friend's, the gorger's , the rom, and traveller's if they so wish!! I can move on but providing that is you are not calling all travellers pikey's? As again, i can not be-frien people who would throw all into the boiling pot together, because they are from one group or one race!! pikey means a dirty, low life scum. If all who are here can write that there are pikey's in all walk's of live then i'll shut up and you'll here no more.....I promis.

Charly, welcome, message board's that I visit welcome the new comer's so i'll hopefully start that new trend here!

Goose, still you do not answer me, you have no human children, as you write it, what then have you got?

Published by tacho at 1:51pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Pupik.... (wink) ;O) I hear ya mush!

Published by Rawnie at 1:52pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Quote Tacho.
"let's all make friend's, the gorger's , the rom, and traveller's if they so wish!" Tach is putting people into groups, unless I'm mistaken.
"As again, i can not be-frien people who would throw all into the boiling pot together, because they are from one group or one race!!"
Sorry is it me, or does that not make sense?
DON'T put people into groups, as you have done all the way through, starting with your comparison between Romany and the Gorges.
People are people, if you were less of a pack animal, would you really care as much? Maybe that is the problem.
Live YOUR life, with out clinging to others.
Get on with the good and diss the bad.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 1:59pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

oh goosey, your off on one again, if using the word 'they' is racist and by that you asume i think I am better than any one, I would love to know where you learned your psychology from?
On the other thread I have asked you several times the same question, you chose to ignor me as if I am not worthy of an answer!!
I shall state to you, my friend i don't think my self better than any one. I believe in live and let live, I have enough commen sence to know that there are good and bad in all, Do you?
I have said sorry for my first post, are you the type of person who can not exsept an oppolagy?
If you don't like my thread that's fine, but why keep posting then?

Published by tacho at 2:07pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

I mean this thread, the question, who many children do you have?

Published by tacho at 2:10pm on Fri 27th January 2006.


Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 2:12pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

wakkdi folki rokker nixxies gal adooey xxx

Published by tacho at 2:14pm on Fri 27th January 2006.


Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 2:23pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Tel te jib shubley patnie!

Published by Rawnie at 2:30pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

ker nevi pals si feter den chingaripen

Published by tacho at 2:37pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 3:10pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Pupik, hello seeings how i have just realised Goosey is a woman, may i ask who it is your calling a man (mush in roamaness)? If you mean me then I have managed to confuse you, indeed I am a woman

Published by tacho at 4:14pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 4:20pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Pupik, may I ask what language this is that you speak? mi - who

Published by tacho at 5:04pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Hey Goosey ... Papagáj means Parrot in Hungarian doesn'f it? Who you callin a parrot rackli?

Published by Rawnie at 5:53pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

phen you crack me up xx

Published by tacho at 6:08pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Hi tacho thanks for welcoming me, because alot of people dont agree with me for stick for tavellers. I hope in the future views of travellers can be taken into account and respected.

Nais Tuke.

Published by Charly at 9:22pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Hello Charly... I know your post was intended for my phen Tacho, but I just wanted to point out to you that we are not Travellers as such but Romani~Gypsies. We prefer to be known as this so that people can differentiate between ourselves and other groups of Gypsies.
Thank you and wishing you well!

Published by Rawnie at 10:19pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Hi Rawnie

Sorry if I upset you, but thank you for pointing this out with me.


Published by Charly at 10:28pm on Fri 27th January 2006.

Again i'll say welcome aboard. Travellers gypsies romany's, i think the problem only becomes harmful, when other's tie these groups together and can only THE WHOLE GROUP as pikey's. But I am begining to learn that that's the indavidual's problem as rasist's.
Did any one see big brother last night? I am pleased she won!the non cerlebraty who won, cerlebraty big brother ah ah aha ah

Published by tacho at 9:37am on Sat 28th January 2006.

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Published by Green Mind (not active) at 10:26am on Sat 28th January 2006.


I think we all get your feelings now, I am glad that you are sumbitting to the board but just a thought how about something new !!

Published by smokin at 10:46am on Sat 28th January 2006.

smokin, thats fine with me
Did any one see big brother last night? I am pleased she won!the non cerlebraty who won, cerlebraty big brother ah ah aha ah
green mind, i know that and you are correct in all you say, but i have opologised, and exsplained that i am a tad childish in my ways of wanting to get them back. I needed them to see how it feel's to be on the receiving end. Did you watch big brother?

Published by tacho at 3:00pm on Sat 28th January 2006.

doesn't really seem like others want to talk in genral!!

Published by tacho at 10:42am on Sun 29th January 2006.

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Published by pupik (not active) at 10:43am on Sun 29th January 2006.


Published by tacho at 11:18am on Sun 29th January 2006.

Tacho phen... seems like gorja can only talk to us when they have something derogatory to say! I'm glad Chanetell beat the celebs too btw!
Rawnie xxx

Published by Rawnie at 8:35pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

Whatch the Videos Rawnie.
Learn from your errors.
Then see friends flock to you.
No one will talk to you untill you are clean.
Untill you learn that the fellowship of man takes in all.
Even the unwashed, lazy and pig faced.
We will be united one day.

Published by Chagsister at 9:28pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

Chagsister... are yousaying I am 'unwashed, lazy and pig faced?'
"Remember to be carnally-minded is death, and to be Spritually Minded Is Life Eternal" .... take the first letter from the last part of the above and see what it spells.........
Are you a Born Again?

Published by Rawnie at 9:39pm on Sun 29th January 2006.


First letter?
Last letter?
Sorry I don't understand you.
I am not suggesting you have the face of a pig,
I am suggesting you need to find a path.
You need to be clear, and winking.

Published by Chagsister at 9:47pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

'S'piritually 'M'inded 'I's 'L'ife 'E'ternal ... SMILE... get it?
So if you are not suggesting I have a pig face .. and quite rightly as you do not know what I look like! Are you suggesting I am 'unwashed & Lazy?'
You didn't answer my question ... are you are Born Again Christian? I would also like to know what gives you the authority and insight into me and my life to assertain as to whether I need to find a path? What path would you suggest I take, and why? I think with all my questions, perhaps it is you who needs to be clear, and winking?

Published by Rawnie at 10:31pm on Sun 29th January 2006.


As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Rawnie went up to heaven in a whirlwind.
I am not suggesting anything. Please realx, and accept the Lord.
I know nothing of your energy levels or what soap you use.
But I do know you aren't a MLP.

Published by Chagsister at 10:49pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

You seem to have a problem in answering my questions Chagsister... are you are born again christian?

Published by Rawnie at 11:13pm on Sun 29th January 2006.


I will pray for you.
One day you will be free of the weight you carry.
To answer your question. No, I am a believer.
You have the heart of a seal and the humour of a turtle.

Published by Chagsister at 11:25pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

I do not see anything Christian or Godly in your posts, you can not seem to answer a strightforward simple question and yet you feel to cast stones?

Published by Rawnie at 11:45pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

Whatever 'branch' of Christianity you may be I'll bet you can not state '17' reasons from your Bible why the church you are a member of is the TRUE church?

Published by Rawnie at 11:48pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

You are the one that can not see.
I throw not even a pebble.
I have complied with your requests.
But still you continue to torment me.
I bless the feet with which you walk your path.
May the buddleia flowers scent enchant you.

Published by Chagsister at 11:50pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

Why 17 reasons.
Is it an auspicious number?

Published by Chagsister at 11:52pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

The Body of Christ Church eh.... are they all as eloquent as you? Or perhaps I should change that to arrogant and ignorant. You personally quoted to me and tell me what I need, yet you can not stand by your own convictions and state 17 pieces of scripture from your own Bible as to why your church is the True church of Jesus Christ! So I will take it you are a phoney and a fake!
Enough said with winks

Published by Rawnie at 11:55pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

If you knew your scriptures you would know!

Published by Rawnie at 11:55pm on Sun 29th January 2006.

Are you an only child?
I fail to understand you.
Why do you ask so much of me, when I have given you so much already.
Enough said.
I do not represtent.
I live.

Published by Chagsister at 12:01am on Mon 30th January 2006.


i bid you good night.
i fly home tomorrow.

Published by Chagsister at 12:06am on Mon 30th January 2006.

You have given nothing but meaningless waffle which I feel you fancy as polished intellect! It was YOU my friend who began dictating to me on what I need and what I should know. Your words have no weight they are like dust that blows away in the wind... they are nothing... which basically says more about you than it does about me! Its all here in black and white for all to see.. you can not stand by your own words and convictions!
State your testimony as to why YOU are so perfect and right, and why YOUR path is the one I should follow... state your testimony of your Body of Christ Church to which you represent!

Published by Rawnie at 12:06am on Mon 30th January 2006.

I didn't realise chicken's could fly Chagsister!

Published by Rawnie at 12:12am on Mon 30th January 2006.

Horse Feathers and pumpkin teeth.
I have enjoyed being you.
I wish you nothing but reasonableness.
You are sitting on a knife.
Climb off.
And sit comfortably.

See it's annoying when people talk nonsense isn't it?

Published by Chagsister at 12:12am on Mon 30th January 2006.

If you are referring to the post's we have made in defense of racisim on this site, and if you as a human being and a christian can condone the remarks that have been made about us, then you do not pray to the same God that I pray to, nor do you follow the same scriptures as I.
As Romani~Gypsies we have answered with respect and dignity every question put before us, and we have answered honestly and with fact... if you consider this to be nonsense then again, this says more about you than it does about me or any of my friends on this site. They obviously teach you good, righteous values at this Body of Christ Church for you make a mokery of every teaching of the Lord!

Published by Rawnie at 12:19am on Mon 30th January 2006.

I wished you nothing but reasonableness!
I send you a message of love.

We are chums now.

Sleep wello.
o well sleepo.

Published by Chagsister at 12:35am on Mon 30th January 2006.

Chagsister.. there is one thing to bash a bible at me, and another to stand by your testimony and convictions... You have failed indeed. Failed to get any message across, failed to make sense, failed as a christian, (supporting racism) failed as a human being, (again supporting racism) failed in love, (love thy neighbour etc) failed in hope, failed your church that you represent, and failed your God... all miserabley so!

so you have failed your own doctrine miserabley!!! You have also failed miserably in rising to my challenge of what you Bible Bash at me... it must be hard to live with such failures. Think twice before preaching to me when you can not live by your own convictions nor even know your own doctrine and scripture!!

Published by Rawnie at 12:49am on Mon 30th January 2006.

Doze off...

Published by Chagsister at 12:53am on Mon 30th January 2006.

prov. 6:9 How long wilt thou sleep O sluggard; 20:13 Love not sleep lest thou come to poverty; 24:33 Yet a little sleep a little slumber........

Now look up Hypocrite.... as Bible basher's generally are!

Published by Rawnie at 1:01am on Mon 30th January 2006.


Why are you angry?
You are the winner, if that is your thing.

Published by Chagsister at 1:23am on Mon 30th January 2006.

Only an angry person could ask such a question here... you seem to like provoking people, I didn't rise to your comments in anger but with fact... a challenge you yourself could not meet... perhaps you should learn to walk your talk instead of talk your walk!
Bible Bashing is generally done by angry people who accuse others of lacking what they have... which is usually anger mi dear!
Love Light & Twinkles!

Published by Rawnie at 9:46am on Mon 30th January 2006.

As I read down i was mightley disappointed, some would prefer it seems, that we should quietly go away and not be proud of who we are!
Well, let me say this - regardless of who you are, what language you speak, what colour, creed or race you maybe, you should have pride in that which makes you , YOU!
I see nothing wrong in being proud of my heritage, nor do i see anything wrong in others being proud of thiers, regardless of which heritage it may be!
I i can be objective n appreciative and most of all unbyast and be an equalitarian, why cant others?
Its nt like its hard or anything!
Well done to all Roma who post here and set d record straight! You have the right to be proud!
Now - were did christian ehtics fit in this posting?
Is any one as confused as me?!
A person makes various christian notations and yet when scruitnised is unable to answere?!
My Romany sister simply asked for corrobating evidence frm this person, so why is that person being so defensive and evassive!?
Surely they are able to stand by the opinions they voice, even though its nt a christian post, bt a Romany one?!
Or maybe i got it wrong? Because that was the heading i read at the top of the page!
If you wish to bring up the topic of christianity i feel that i should warn you that the Romany ladies on this post, are highly educated in that, as well as other fields, and you might do well to remember that.
I have no wish to cause discourse, merely pointing out that out.
Thank you again to the other Romany for this posting, its illuninating and interesting, and i'm sure i'll post again, kushti bok!

Published by rakli at 11:27am on Mon 30th January 2006.

I think you will find this Bible Basher began with a quote such as "pig faced, lazy and unwashed" When a Romani is asked a question we answer it with respect and clarity and stand by our own convictions, we do not try to be clever with words.. words to which we have more of than you chagsister! If you wish to bash law books I will rise to that challenge too, bash a Bible and I also rise to the challenge.. we are not the stupid uneducated people you assumed us to be!
Love & Twinkles

Published by Rawnie at 11:36am on Mon 30th January 2006.

What religion are Romany people?
Are you Catholics, or Orthadox, or something different?
I know that in Hungary there are special Romany Churches, but I'm not sure what denomination they are.
I think they are special in the sense that Romany go to them, not that the religion is exclusive, but I may be wrong.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 11:58am on Mon 30th January 2006.

Some 'ignored' post there... hot air ho hum.

Published by Rawnie at 1:12pm on Mon 30th January 2006.

Few people know that the Gypsies are a tribal people with ancient legends and magical roots, and fewer still know that these people have been practising their ancient customs and rituals on our doorstep in Britain for the past five hundred years. Although adopting many different religions, the Gypsies have usually followed their tacho Ramani drom, or their true path or way, before anything else.

Walking into Britain in the late 15th century as sorcerers, healers, fortune-tellers and as people who could instill or lift curses did not go down too well with officialdom. Gypsies were soon forced to practise their magical arts deep in the forests and behind hedgerows, where they lived a very private existence.
These strong-spirited tribes-people had seemingly appeared out of nowhere - they had in fact been pushed west by Turkish invasions in Asia. The ordinary folk held them in awe, as these peace-loving nomads dressed in colourful robes would set up camp for a few days or weeks and move on again, usually with the seasons. Their way was not to own anything, but to borrow. They did not come to conquer, nor to impose their beliefs on anyone, nor to farm or cultivate the land. People called them Egyptians, because of their great magic and mystery, but the Gypsies' original homeland was North West India. Their name Egyptian was soon shortened to 'Gypsy'.
In the early days there were no brightly-painted wagons, the wagons which in later times became such a strong feature of Gypsy life. In great numbers, with a chief and an old wise woman to guide them, they moved mostly on foot, with carts, donkeys and horses, and set up camp in benders, dome-shaped tents built of a skeleton of hazel over which they threw blankets - or in earlier days animal pelts. This structure has withstood the test of time as it was used in pre-historic Europe and Asia. It could quickly be dismantled or replaced as necessary. In more recent times Gypsies used benders for their children to sleep in, or for storage.

Gypsies became particularly adept at moving camp at a moment's notice, speedily and with very little noise, even when they were in vast numbers. Not always welcome on land they did not own, they needed to be able to move quickly to avoid any hostility. Their way was not to meet aggression but to avoid it at all costs. They were not a warring people. The only sign that foretold they had camped in an area was the remains of the fire they had made, and also the somewhat shortened grass where their animals had grazed. They otherwise left everything the way it had been before they arrived.
One sign of their passing that is peculiarly Gypsy, however, is a patteran. This is a carefully-arranged bunch of leaves or twigs which might be left beside the ashes of a fire, in a hedge, or along the nearby road. These signs were messages to other Gypsies that Gypsies had passed this way and were now moving in a particular direction. The patteran might reveal how strong the tribe or band was as well as other basic details. Through their long history this was the only form of writing they ever indulged in. It was the lexicographers who wrote Romanes down on paper.
Patrick Jasper Lee.

Published by Rawnie at 2:01pm on Mon 30th January 2006.

Dik and Shoon, 'watch and listen' a Gypsy is always told by elders, my grandmother always told me this. For the more you do this, the more you will know what people really mean. You will see and hear things beside and behind you as well as in front of you. An animal in the wild works with the same principle for self-preservation and for hunting.

Traditional Gypsies are skilled hunters, using their heightened senses especially when hunting on 'owned' land, because if caught, they would more than likely be accused of poaching or stealing. They also needed to cultivate their heightened senses for learning how to run, for most of the time their very lives would be in danger.

The 'charming' of animals was another specialised art employed by traditional Gypsies. They were often hired to clear pests from farmland because of the gifted way they had with wild creatures. Singing or whistling to a hare to mesmerise her, then walking a slow circle around her until you could catch her, was often the way you brought home your dinner.
Gypsies always believed that the Earth, or Puvius offered her fruits to absolutely everyone, whether human or animal. Everything crossed your path and came to you if you needed it. The gaujos, they believed, always took more than their share, more than the Earth was able to give.
In the past ordinary people consulted the Gypsies of the forest for health cures, and for spells and charms to bring about changes in their lives. A healer was called a Drabengro which means 'man of medicine' but also 'man of poison'. If you wanted to bump off your spouse the Drabengro might provide you with the most efficient potion! Equally you would be provided with cures for just about everything, particularly for your horse, which was a sacred animal to the Gypsies.

The traditional Gypsies' knowledge of herbs and magic was unrivalled and instrumental in the revival of witchcraft and herbalism in this country. Around your camp-fire you talked of witches, goblins and fairies who abounded in the underworld of the forest. Folk tales were told with great dramatic skill, long into the night, while herbs such as oak leaves, coltsfoot and others were smoked in pipes. Many of our fairy tales originated in India, carried into Europe by the great Gypsy storytellers. For the Gypsies of old these tales were real, for all folktales carried profound messages.

In the 16th century the greatest persecution in this country began as Gypsies were transported or put to death, simply for being Gypsies. In eastern Europe they were still being auctioned as slaves just 160 years ago, and in time Gypsies everywhere became outcasts. Gradually, anyone living outside the law, including other nomads, tramps, and drop-outs also became known as Gypsies. Most of these, however, have never been disciplined enough to practise the Tacho Romani drom. You are not a Gypsy simply because you live outside in the open air and rebel against society's rules, although many today think this is so. The Romani race is an ancient race in its own right.
Many non-gypsies, however, have benefited from Gypsy cures and the Gypsy way of life, for at our roots we all long to return to the ancient tacho drom. Sadly, my own great-grandfather believed that he and his family were cursed simply because he was forced to go into a house and the world of ownership, which was by no means his fault, and which has had its repercussions. I feel I am still in the process of lifting this curse today.
It may be hard to believe now that less than a hundred years ago thousands of Gypsies were roaming our lanes, people who had become a unique, attractive and necessary feature of the British countryside when they could provide us with so many cures and so much knowledge and wisdom.... those like myself who carry the blood vow to borrow rather than own. The beautiful and ancient tacho Romani drom is far from dead, and perhaps more than ever at this time, has a lot to offer us all.

Patrick Jasper Lee.

Published by Rawnie at 2:10pm on Mon 30th January 2006.

So yea, like we were saying we are Romani~Gypsies an not pikey's. (Bump)

Published by Rawnie at 2:08pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by pupik (not active) at 3:39pm on Tue 31st January 2006.


good map
well made

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 3:45pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

I am a little confused. I see a deep seated tradition in the beauty and history or Romany Gypsys. So much so that I call my girlfriend Gypsy as I say it in relation to her beauty. Would people be offended if they heard me call her that in the street. Why the derogatory association. I am aware that Gypo, is percieved as ruder in many peoples eyes (including my own), however do feel that other connotations of the same word or name have different social boundaries and understanding.

Published by waylandjam at 4:32pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

my freind there is no real harm in any given word the harm comes from the way or the person that is using it,
You are a beautiful gorga as many I know, but there are a few who go to considerable length's in trying to make us all out to be bad, with not a good rom ammoungst us, that is the act of a bully who holds them selves in very high importance, thats where the harm comes in

Published by tacho at 4:42pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

Awww waylandjam... I think thats so lovely! Your girlfriend is very lucky to have such a lovely mush as you! Mush means man by the way so I'm not being rude to you! Respect to you! To answer your question, no one I know would ever be offended if they heard you calling your girlfriend Gypsy in the street, infact I know a few gorja's who have named their daughter's Gypsy! I wish there were more decent folk like you!
Mush respect & Best wishes!

Published by Rawnie at 4:47pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

Guys ......Please.... post a new thread eh this is starting to become tiresome I think we all get and acknowledge your views and History, but please for the love of god post something different. There must be more strings to your bow ! Surely.

Published by smokin at 4:49pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

Smokin ... who asked you to bounce in here then.. if you don't like it sod off! Simple!
see ya!

Published by Rawnie at 4:51pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

As this is an OPEN forum I didn't relise I needed an invite !!
I have and will continue to be polite with regards to this, as you have now idea about me or what my views are I believe your last post is slightly hippocriticial and I believe that we live in a free society and I am able to post what I want, when I want, to whom I want. (within reason)

Published by smokin at 4:55pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

This is despicable!

Gypsies are just like the Arabs! They boil children in enormous cauldrens and dance naked on the Union Jack. They deficate on war memorials. They boo the England football team. Its TOO DAMN MUCH!!!

Vote Kilroy.

Published by Kilroy (not active) at 4:55pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

They'll think you mean that Kilroy....
If you had been oppressed by your own blood as much as these poor women, you too would have the humour of a tooth brush.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 4:58pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

loved Kilroy can never understand why his show was axed

Published by tacho at 5:06pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

Oi Kilroy... where did you get your tan, and does it go streaky in the rain??

Published by Rawnie at 5:14pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

Goosey don't be silly ... you don't have any teeth! G'won giz a waddle!

Published by Rawnie at 5:15pm on Tue 31st January 2006.

I have exsplained why I wrote the list of 10, I am guilty of being childish as I wanted the poster's here (the rasist, even if it was 2003) to feel how upsetting it is to have other's slander a group of people that mean your mother, your self your off-spring.
copied and pasted:-
Now that said I am not having ago at ALL gorga's as live and let live and good and bad in all, i believe! My post is for the Gorga's (non-romany) who are here slandering MY people Tue 24th January 2006

I do not despise any race. Even in my list of the 10 thing's I hate, I never once wrote 'ALL' only said 'THE'..... "The gorga's" that are the rasist one's, who can see only bad in all Romany's. See I never once said that I hate gorga's either!! just stated how I hate the murdering, rapest gorga e.c.t.........
I also hate a murdering Romany too!!

I suppose again I shall hear your scream's of how bad the English romany's are?

A stone I throwed, the ripples are still present. I am pleased there has been no responce, I can leave here now knowing in my heart that I have now made peace and hopefully when you next dislike something any one does, that you hold the person responcable and not their creed or colour or ethnic origion, religion or sexuallity!!
I hope that I showed with the "list of 10" how bad and wrong it is, for any one, to BLAME the hole group for the minority's action's.
Good luck to you all, may we all have learned from this,

Published by tacho at 8:26am on Thu 2nd February 2006.

kilroy learn nothing.


Published by Kilroy (not active) at 12:20pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

Kilroy you must first be capable of learning

Published by tacho at 12:51pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

perhaps i could learn a capacity to learn. or would that require a capacity to learn a capacity to learn?

enlighten me.

Published by Kilroy (not active) at 2:08pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

I find you kilroy enlightenly commical, do you always go out of you way to make other's laugh?

Published by tacho at 2:12pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

Shut it Tacho!
In the nicest possible way of course.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 2:18pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

Hello my friend who is always around for a sencible and friendly chat. Of corse i love you too, don't be jelous that i am paying another attention..... so but out big mouth i wasn't talking to you...........In the nicest possible way of course.

Published by tacho at 2:25pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

only when i'm not busy beating up foreigners and drinking carling.

vote kilroy.

Published by Kilroy (not active) at 3:11pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

isn't carling the cheap beer? and you mean to tell me rocky youv'e not yet met ya match?

Published by tacho at 6:48pm on Thu 2nd February 2006.

Hello to all Romani's

Can anyone help me please?
Stumbled across this forum and as there appear to be Romani writers, I wonder if you can help?

Does anyone know of a genuine horse dealer in Suffolk who sells Cobs? Only ask as am looking for a heavyweight Cob and am short of contacts. Doesn't have to be a coloured horse, block colour.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Many thanks, go carefully.

Sorry to interrupt and change your thread here.

Published by daisy at 1:12am on Mon 6th February 2006.

To change this thread is a breath of fresh air. I may be able to help you!! How then may I contact you? regard's

Published by tacho at 1:58am on Mon 6th February 2006.

AH! Thank you for your response tacho.
Do you, yourself deal horses or know of some one who does?
You can contact me via e-mail if it's convenient
I usually check my e-mails each day as am on net a lot searcing for a horse.
I'm off to Appleby in June (not to buy, but to take in the atmosphere, it's meant to be a true Gypsy meet and have seen footage from the 1970's recently which was true old stlye horse dealing.Great!)
I look forward to hearing from you soon, as well as anyone else who may be able to help.

Published by daisy at 7:40pm on Mon 6th February 2006.

I am from southwestern Ontario, Canada and we don't seem to have the same problems with Romanys as you do there, although I could be wrong. People here seem to romantisize the whole "Gypsy" thing. I think a lot of people are jealous. How much freedom is there in not being tied down to one place, not holding a huge mortgage, not liking your neighbours and not wanting to move because you love your house? As I am viewing this from an outsiders perspective (as I always do) I think that the nobility of your lifestyle is necessary to the survival of humankind. It was only when we began tosettle in one place that we started to have real problems with the land and diseases. When settlers were coming here to North America the government and settlers were buying land from the natives. The natives had no concept of land ownership, they believed that the Great Spirit possessed and provided everything. Statton Island was purchased for something like $1.48 and some trinkets and blankets.
I hope your culture survives and I hope that people will learn from you as they are now beginning to learn from and respect the natives here in North America.
I know that I am naive but I am still hopeful and believe that people will become mature enough to appreciate the differences in others rather ridicule them for it. Thank you for listening.

Published by ontario at 2:37pm on Tue 7th February 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by pupik (not active) at 1:28pm on Wed 8th February 2006.

Although I fear that this may drag this thread on even longer, I think the difference here ontario is that in Canada and the States there is a great deal more land for people to live on and share without fear of bumping into each other and crossing each others boundaries, whereas England is a tiny little island that only has so much room to share.

Published by FuriousGeorge at 1:49pm on Wed 8th February 2006.

no fear of dragging the thread on, just a quick note to say maybe your wright maybe your wrong but all the same good for you that you are sivallised and intelligent

Published by tacho at 9:15am on Sat 11th February 2006.

Daisy i will email you respect Tacho

Published by tacho at 9:20am on Sat 11th February 2006.

hello pupik how are you my freind?

Published by tacho at 9:21am on Sat 11th February 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by pupik (not active) at 11:09am on Sat 11th February 2006.

yes I am well, just replied a message to the one that has the photograph of a caravan site. I am finding it teribley difficault to say the lest, that these are English Romany~Gypsy's. If you live in the area would you happen to know if these people are indeed Rom or irish/new age traveller's?

Published by tacho at 4:15pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Hello pupik! Hope you are well .. just thought I'd say a quick howdy to you!

Yes Tacho, some folki here are having terrible problems in differenciating between the many groups of Gypsy and so in their ignorance are lumping us all in to the same catergory. How many times is someone going to bring this site up to US and re-quote our traditions of Mokkadi then laugh ... that is ... without doing their homework and getting their facts straight and correct??

Just to re-highlight ... Smithy Fen A14 Is NOT a Romany~Gypsy site it is an Irish Traveller Site ... Ok?

Published by Rawnie at 4:38pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Deleted Post

Published by pupik (not active) at 4:50pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Published by Rawnie at 5:06pm on Sun 12th February 2006.


Just a reply on what rawnie said about clean gypsies awhile back : One of the main cultural differences is that we practice strickt hygien rules called 'mokkadi' .. we would never allow a dog to sleep on our beds or lick plates and cups as I have seen gorja allow their dogs to do. I have been brought up in a house and the first thing my father ever did before moving into a house was to lift all the floorboards in every room and have it cleaned thoroughly, including the loft! Most gorja's will vacuum their nice carpets while filth is festering underneath! So perhaps you will bear this in mind the next time we are called 'dirty gypo's' ... gypo also being a derogatory and racist term!"
I yesterday went to the nearest council provided gypsy camp that a lot of gorga`s will recognise along side the A14(Cambidge) and took a photo of the so called strict hygiene rules ,haha . As you can see there is discarded mattresses and rubbish strewn all over and around the site even though milton refuse tip is not far to them at back of camp . I observed a car flipped over on its side and was being stripped by a gypsie ,no doubt a stolen vehicle ,many have been stolen ,stripped and burnt out at this camp. The settled community have paid for this site to be built in their taxes and pay again for it to be cleaned up ,because it is constantly abused with discarded rubbish (and burnt out cars) and vandalised (washroom widows smashed up).
The council do charge weekly for the pitches here but the inhabitating gypsies get housing benefit from one council department to pay another council dept for pitch . So us gorga`s pay for their accomodation .At the camp you can observe several commercial vehicles and hiab lorries that are used for non tax paying work i.e. garden maintenance, scrap metal collection, fascias and soffitts and block paving . I have had them personally call at my house to ask to relay my driveway.
This is the view most visitors have of Cambridge entering from the noth side via A14 , nice view !!!

Published by tombola at 7:14pm on Sun 12th February 2006.


Here is another pic of the camp ,sorry about camera work , im no david bailey (lol),but you can see a big pile of rubbish and then a a gypsy was stripping a car flipped on its side working from his white van.

Published by tombola at 7:16pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

In reply to you this site is not in Cottenham at Smithy Fen ,it is next to the A14 accessible from the King Hedges estate ,north cambridge and is not inhabitated by irish travellers, you quote Smithy fen which is about 7 to 8 miles away .I should know my locations as i lived out Cottenham way as a child and my parents still live out there and now for last twenty years live in North Cambridge.I dont think you even know Cambridge and villages in South Cambs !!!(where do you live?)
I live on a council estate , i own an ex council house ,most of the houses are still council owned on my estate , there is no rubbish in peoples gardens or around my street. I took a picture at no special angle of said camp ,all is in full view , drive yourself down A14 eastbound to see, this camp is typical of many gypsy camps in this area, i chose this camp as it is nearest one to where i live ,only 3/4 mile away . Yes you may keep the inside of your caravan clean but the mess you create around camps is terrible!!!

Published by tombola at 7:18pm on Sun 12th February 2006.


Here is a map clearly showing that Smithy Fen Cottenham is miles away from A14 camp i took photos of . Red dot on map is the Smithy Fen camp and brown dot next to A14 is council provided camp!!!! Hope this will clarify to non local ,non travelling (live in a house now and are frowned upon by the travelling community for giving up their travelling way of life) romany gypsys who incessantly post on here and dont know their facts (this is a Cambridge website) and who romanticise about ways of gypsys from 500 years ago (fairy tale stuff about being being herbalists and living close to nature ).

Published by tombola at 7:19pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Hello ... What part of read the link do you not understand???

Published by Rawnie at 7:24pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Fact 90% of Gypsies in Eurpoe are now living in houses. Anyone can be a Gypsy, but you have to be born a Romani ... Romani's are a 'race' of people and we have been in this country for more than 500 years. Romani's who live in houses, like myself, are not looked down on, or frownd upon by Travelling Romani's ... in fact, every Romani family has a mixture of travelling members, members who live on sites and members who live in houses. Despite living in houses or on sires, we still practice our traditional cultural ways. So I hope that is more clear to you.

Smith fen Site is an Irish Traveller Site ... read the link as well as the posted replies from members of the community.

I wasn't aware that the racist comments in 'Pikies' post started by Yorshire lad were only about Cambridge Gypsies??? You seem to be so keen to dismiss facts in order to vent your anger?

Published by Rawnie at 7:25pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

What part of my map dont you understand, i posted photos of A14 site NOT smithy fen ,you keep posting link to Smithy fen ,duh!!!!

Published by tombola at 7:29pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Are Romani's a race? I thought they were desended from northern Indian - the Roma. If so, if you are to force them into a race classification Indic or Nordindid might be the best fit. In reality, I imagine the group of people you are referring to comprises of many differnt races, like most modern human communities.

Published by TheChap (not active) at 7:40pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

i my self am not responable for putting any group into race classification! See that was done for me. As all people are labelled, be it by origon, social class, religion or sexuality.
Romany's, you are correct have thought to have migrated from India, but as my ancestor's have been in england for 500 plus year's, then i can say, as my grandfather'sand their father's fought in both the world war's that I am English~Romany. I am sorry you do understand this.

Published by tacho at 7:51pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Yes, your first post referred to "slandering my race" - merely a mis classification. It sounds like you might be Norish then. It sounds to me like Romany might be a cultural group, not racial.

Published by TheChap (not active) at 7:59pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

yes we are a race of people just like Indians are a race and Africans are a race .. we are an ethnic minority and recognised by governments as being so. I am sorry I do not understand what you are implying by saying "It sounds like you might be Norish then". Prey tell what is Norish

Published by tacho at 8:20pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Think This:
Were and how would the Roma travel about, if the 'Gorga' hadn't built the roads for them to do so on?
Yet the mouthpieces of the Roma, here, Tacho and Rawnie seek to slag off the 'Gorga'.....

I re-print Tacho's Racism here: (Remember: PRIDE is an emotion of those who think they are better)

"I am a proud Romany~Gypsy who is about to give the very "Dinlo Gorga?s" that post here, slandering my race, a piece of my mind. For those who do not know Gorga means non-Roma~Gypsy. So my fellow gorga humans what is it you all hate so much about us? Lets list 10 things that are hated most, while your thinking I shall list ten things that Romany~Gypsie?s hate about you gorge?s
1./ We hate when reading the papers or seeing on the news story's of the murdering Gorga's.
2./ We hate when reading the papers or seeing on the news story's of the gorga rapist?s.
3./ We hate when reading in the paper or seeing on the news story's of the gorga child molesters.
4./ We hate when reading in the paper and seeing in the news the gorga child abusers.
5./ We hate when seeing on the news and reading in the papers about "the old house dwelling gorga lady" who's found dead of starvation and has been there for weeks.
6./ We hate that the old peoples homes are full to bursting has none of you gorge?s want to take care of your mum's and dad's.
7./ We hate that the social workers are worked to death because young gorga teenage girls are sleeping about and getting pregnant (thank god there not getting aids).
8./ We hate that the hospitals are under strain where the gorga are out binge drinking and needing medical attention.
9./ We hate that our hospitals are strained because of the gorga who are taking drugs then needing medical attention.
10./ We hate the fact the gorge?s look at the ?minority? of bad Romany~Gypsies because all the time they are concentrating on us they don't have to look at what the majority of there own gorga community are doing.


Quote Tacho.
"I do not despise any race. Even in my list of the 10 thing's I hate, I never once wrote 'ALL' only said 'THE'..... "The gorga's" that are the rasist one's, who can see only bad in all Romany's. See I never once said that I hate gorga's either!! just stated how I hate the murdering, rapest gorga e.c.t.........
I also hate a murdering Romany too!!



Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 8:22pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Thank's goosy for copying what i wrote can't get away from that! its there in black and white for all to see yes i do hate the murder...........i am worried my dear if you do not.
I did come here to get back at the one's such as your self who think you are better than other's!
Thanks for the advice but this obsession you have with me is not healthy. Every time i speak to another you are there trying to gain my attention.
In the absault nicest possible way.........leave me alone I don't like you! It will soon be valentines so you'll find some one

Published by tacho at 8:33pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

You are not a race like "Indians are a race and Africans are a race". Indian is not a race, nor is African...and nor is Romani. African has 5 races, india 2. You are a cultural group, with chosen values. Race has nothing to do with how you live.

You mentioned your family has been around the Uk for 500 years. On that rather small amount of information, the nearest calculation I can do is to say you might be Norish, i.e being of the Caucasoid or Europid subspecies. Most people haven't a clue what race they are.

Race and "ethnic minority" status are in no way connected.

Published by TheChap (not active) at 8:36pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

I have stated here relentlessly that EVERYONE IS EQUAL.
You are a ballshitter Tacho.
YOU seek to point out differences.
YOU are racist, poisoness and boring.
I have never derided any group of society, unlike you Tacho.
Shame on you!!!!!!

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 8:43pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Tacho, I am happily in relationship thankyou almost seven years now.
Your veiled Homophobia isn't like a Carry On film, it's worse.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 8:45pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

please exsplain what race are you and why?

Published by tacho at 8:47pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Half English.
Half Hungarian.
And you Tacho?

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 8:49pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Official recognition
Romani language policy has been on the agenda for several decades now. It has been on the task list of language planners as well as writers using it in the public domain; and it has been the subject of a series of international recommendations as well as state legislation.
The Council of Europe has assumed a leading role in the process of granting Romani international recognition. In 1981, the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities called on member states to recognise Romanies as ethnic minorities and to grant them "the same status and advantages as other minorities enjoy, in particular concerning respect and support for their own culture and language" (Resolution 125 (l98l) on the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities in regard to the cultural and social problems of populations of nomadic origin). In 1983, the Council of Cultural Co-operation recommended that "the Romany language and culture be used and accorded the same respect as regional languages and cultures and those of other minorities". In 1989, the Council of Ministers of Education declared as its aim to promote teaching methods and teaching materials that "give consideration for the history, culture and language of Gypsies and Travellers" and to encourage research on those topics (Resolution 89/C, 153/025). In 1993, the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly called for the establishment of "a European programme for the study of Romanes and a translation bureau specialising in the language", and recommended that "the provisions for non-territorial languages as set out in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages should be applied to Gypsy minorities" (Rec. 1203/1993). In February 2000, the Committee of Ministers recommended to the member states that "in countries where the Romani language is spoken, opportunities to learn in the mother tongue should be offered at school to Roma/Gypsy children", and that "the participation of representatives of the Roma/Gypsy community should be encouraged in the development of teaching material on the history, culture or language of the Roma/Gypsies" (Res. 2000/4).
Romani has a recognised status deriving either directly (through explicit reference) or indirectly (through general reference to minority languages) from the constitutions of several European countries, including Macedonia, Austria, Finland, and Hungary. In the European Charter for Minority and Regional Languages of 1992, Romani (Romany) is mentioned explicitly as an example of a non-territorial language, to which some parts of the Charter may be applied. Of the eighteen states that have ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, ten apply it to Romani: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and Sweden. (You can view the official country reports on the implementation of the Charter). In many of these countries, however, concrete implementation of the Charter in respect of Romani is yet to be achieved. In some countries, concrete measures have been implemented, in collaboration with community representatives and experts, such as weekly or even daily Romani-language broadcasting, provision of translation and interpreting facilities, financial support for the creation of teaching materials and language documentation, the appointment of coordinators for a Romani curriculum, and experimental introduction of Romani into the teaching curriculum (usually, however, on an irregular basis).
On the whole, however, most initiatives to promote Romani in culture, media, and education, still originate in, and are run by, NGOs. Romani is still largely absent from the state-run education system. The strongest practical support for Romani within the education system is found in Romania, where a national Romani language curriculum was adopted in 1999, and has since received widescale implementation, through all levels, from pre-school to higher education. Initiatives to introduce a centralised curriculum are underway in a number of countries.

Published by Rawnie at 8:56pm on Sun 12th February 2006.


Hungarian Gypsy.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 8:57pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

I have bo idea what race i am, not without a genetic test. I know I belong to the Human species, Caucasoid or Europid Subspecies, and therefore, one of the following races:
Mediterranid race
Dinaric race
Alpine race
Nordish or Northern European race
Armenid race
Turanid race
Irano-Afghan race
Indic or Nordindid race
Dravidic race

Published by TheChap (not active) at 8:57pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Hi Chap in that case my human brother I also am any of the ubove listed. Hope that has pleased you?

Published by tacho at 9:00pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

you have come to my point.

Published by TheChap (not active) at 9:01pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

These groups are now all recognised to have protection under the 'Race Relations Act' as they have been finally recognised as minority ethnic communities in law.


Romany Gypsies who have arrived in the U.K. this century. Most have come as refugees or asylum seekers from Eastern Europe where they have often been subject to racist attacks.

Romany Gypsies

The largest group of Travellers in the U.K. They first arrived in England in the 1500?s and were thought to have come from Egypt and so were called Egyptians. This was shortened to ?Gypsy.? They had originally travelled from Northern India from about 1000 A.D.

They speak Romani, which originated from Sanskrit spoken in India. Most Gypsies use English as a first language and retain Romani for family and community use. English Romani having English syntax and Romani words.

Published by Rawnie at 9:02pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Goosy you have far to much time on your hands since we parted!! Please get over it ........i do not like you.

Published by tacho at 9:03pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

I know you don't like me, along with most other people.
You say you 'hate' them.
How can we have parted, I have never met you?
You really are an arse aren't you...?

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 9:05pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Sanskrit is so bloody hard to get your head round, fascinating though.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 9:06pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Gypsies and Travellers welcomed to the House of Lords
Event: Gypsies & Travellers: Playing a Part in Communities

When: Tuesday October 18th

Where: The House of Lords

Gypsies and Travellers will be welcomed to the House of Lords next week in a bid to illustrate the unrecognised but vital voluntary work that many of them perform.

Playing a Part in Communities, on Tuesday October 18th, will feature more than a dozen Gypsies and Travellers discussing their work, including:

Richard O'Neill from Manchester, who performs important work for health, including founding National Men's Health Week

Siobhan Spencer from Matlock, who helped create Pride Not Prejudice, an annual forum helping to break down barriers between Travellers and the police

Bridie Jones from Canterbury, who works with local schools and police to improve relations with the Gypsy community and prevent bullying

Andrew Ryder, policy worker for the Gypsy and Traveller Law Reform Coalition, which was awarded the Liberty Human Rights Award in 2004, said:

"Gypsies and Travellers have the lowest life expectancy and the highest child mortality rates in the UK, and according to Trevor Phillips they probably suffer the most discrimination in this country. But many of them continue to volunteer their time for the benefit of their, and the wider, community.

"Hopefully by having their voices heard at the highest court in the land, some of the stereotypes will be broken. Gypsies and Travellers will perhaps get the praise they deserve, allowing their community as a whole to take pride in knowing that the work being done is appreciated."
The event will also feature live traditional music and will be hosted by Lord Avebury, Secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Traveller Law Reform and Julie Morgan MP, Chair of the Group.

Published by Rawnie at 9:08pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Why on earth do these threads keep getting bumped? And who really cares what race anyone is

Wow, I've added to the incessant nonsense in here. It shan't happen again.

Published by Robadob at 9:10pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Hello Rawni, I should have been invited also phen, i may gate crash ahahahah
I must go soon, i am just waighting for goosy girl, see she get's confused only see us as one not indaviduals. Bless her

Published by tacho at 9:12pm on Sun 12th February 2006.


Full power

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 9:13pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

this thread will continue my friend all the time others (i'll mention no names) are infatuated with me

Published by tacho at 9:17pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Interesting taste in art Gossey .. do you have these as posters on your wall?

Published by Rawnie at 9:17pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Rawni wrong genda dear!

Published by tacho at 9:19pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

I just don't see what more there is to say. You're Romany-Gypsies. Well done, now move along, and maybe contribute to the site

Published by Robadob at 9:19pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Hungarian Gypsy Music Heros....
Rather than behaving like a ignortant crettin, you might indulge in learning about your Roma people rather than blanketly cutting and pasting.

For some reason you think I dislike Roma, far from it, you as a people have contributed greatly to the cultures of the countries you have settled in.

It is you two obnoxious wasters I dislike, and get great pleasure winding up.

May it continue in all it's pointlessness.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 9:22pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Yes thank you Robadob dear .. now close the gate as you leave ... that will be all thank you!

Published by Rawnie at 9:23pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

thats the conection goosy can you feel it???

Published by tacho at 9:24pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Ohhh now we NOW you love us Goosey. *Mwah*

We have to copy and paste, you see some folki don't believe us an they call us liars.. but you would never do that now would you Goosey coz you love us!

Love is in the air la la la la la la

Published by Rawnie at 9:26pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

What don't they believe?
What is the point in any of what you say?
I believe you are no better or worse than any one else.
You believe you are better.
That's it.

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 9:28pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Robadob!! Well done to you also. When i get a compliment i like to give one back. It's the likes of your fellow goosy that keeps us here. Maybe we could have contributed and got along but goosy wont leave me alone every where i go she is there. May i point out other than the thread i started and the pikey one i post on, no where else to i intrude, I am not that rude, but to the likes of the other's here i have no respect for! there for shall show no mannor's too.

Published by tacho at 9:29pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Ohhh we do love you Goosey!! I don't know why they don't believe ... I think they may be racist. Sad innit

Published by Rawnie at 9:29pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

What do you believe in?

Published by Goose Speaking Bread at 9:34pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

I believe in YOU, and know that we will always be here for you Goosey.

Published by Rawnie at 9:36pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Could be alien's?

Published by tacho at 9:37pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Who Goosey ... is she an alien innit

Published by Rawnie at 9:46pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

I dunno be carefull is alien a race? dunno! do me face look bothered?

Published by tacho at 9:48pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

now i have to bid you good night, rest a sure I shall return endless lovin vibes transmitted to you, Love Tachoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Published by tacho at 9:53pm on Sun 12th February 2006.


Published by Chagsister at 9:57pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Ohhh No its the bible basher again!!!

Nite nite all sleep tight! Sweeet dreamzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Published by Rawnie at 11:00pm on Sun 12th February 2006.

Ok I have been watching this post for a few days now, I live a 2 Min drive from the A14 Cambridge Council travellers Camp and unfortunatly have to drive past it daily to get to work. The Pictures posted by tombola did'nt really show the extent of all the refuse It really is Disgusting. With disguarded push chairs broken chairs disguarded matresses etc. There is always a number of cars that are often being dismantled, then burnt out. They seem to throw there house hold rubbish over the 6ft high fence, which piles up over the months, not to mention it getting blown allover. The Council then come and clean it all away, only for them to start the ritual all over again. Why do they not use BINS like everyone alse?. Wonder what our visitors to Cambridge think when they see this along the main entry route to Cambridge. Is'nt it a criminal Offence to disguard/Dump rubbish/litter?? OH I forgot the Law dose'nt apply to Travellers they have there own it seems.

Published by MissPoppy at 2:25pm on Mon 13th February 2006.

Travellers in this country are a pain in the backside, no doubt about that, they move onto land and leave it like the local tip, they make the lives of people living close to their camps hell, but why are they treated different to any other race of people? Why are they not supplied with land to live on? Why are they not given the right to education and benefits like any British Subject?

Being treated with such contempt is it any wonder they act like they do?

Terrorists get Legal Aid, and a 12-year-old Muslim girl who lost her High Court challenge to her school's ban on wearing full-face veil, received Legal Aid, this was at a cost of £500,000 to us.

ONE of Britain’s worst paedophiles is using legal aid to fight his punishment for calling a jail official a “Kraut”, evil Roger Gleaves, 71, spent 40 YEARS abusing youngsters.

We even used to send money to Kenya to pay for Legal Aid for the poor, it was only stopped after it was suspected it was going to Muslim terrorist groups.

Multi-millionaire Nicholas van Hoogstraten funded the fight to clear his name with £1million of Legal Aid.

So while I can see why people are jubilant that Travellers are not to receive Legal Aid, in fairness to the Travellers I feel it only right that people are aware of the full facts, I hope that now people have been made aware of all the other people that are receiving Legal Aid, their consciences will make them change their view on this subject.

Why are Travellers constantly harassed and victimised, when other people can come here and are welcomed with open arms, supplied with benefits and living accommodation, many of the Travellers are British subjects, born here and entitled to live here like anyone else, nothing is forcing asylum seekers to travel half way round the world to come to Britain, they come here by choice.

Published by FaireplaySupporter at 10:49pm on Fri 6th April 2007.

oh, do fuck off.

Published by joshua at 10:55pm on Fri 6th April 2007.

And the award for dragging up the oldest post ever goes to.......

Published by Teresa at 11:47pm on Fri 6th April 2007.

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Published by royston (not active) at 12:03am on Sat 7th April 2007.

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Published by wally (not active) at 12:28am on Sat 7th April 2007.

WELL EXCUSE ME...talking as one of the few taxi drivers that actually go down fen road ....
i really do agree with the plight of the romany gypsy i really do .being a scots i know what its like to have sweeping genarlisations put upon you
1/ your a drunk
2/your a skintflint.
3/ you hate the english
they are many more but i cant be arsed going into them.but what fucks me right off ,is when travellers from a certain country across the irish sea try and pass themselves off as romany gypsies and try and say that they have no support or a place to lay their head at night .well i know a place where they can go ,its called ...IRELAND .for a group of people that hate the home based tax paying majority but are more than happy to live of the benefits this country hands out, i find it very hard to have a good f$%^£"!g word to say .

Published by bigmal at 3:27am on Sat 7th April 2007.

has anyone else on wan listened to rocka radio (apolagies if worded wrong) it is broadcasted on bbc radio cambridge on sunday is actually very good factual and honest attempt to talk about the problems faceing the travelling community in the three countys in a very fair way.
"rocka" means talk in romany.

Published by bigmal at 3:58am on Sat 7th April 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 4:04am on Sat 7th April 2007.

This reply is not directed at anyone in particular, but this is my opinion, feel free to comment. Personally, ive had good and bad experiences from travellers, exactly like ive had good and bad experiences from all people. there's plenty of people who talk about how they always get hassled or attacked by travellers when they go anywhere near a traveller site, firstly this is mostly an unfair statement as there are very few gorja who frequently pass a traveller site and therefore very few gorja who can make a fair judgement, but there are people in cambridge who will go out on a friday night with the intention of fighting.
My band have been practicing at the fen industrial estate, right next to the traveller site several times a month for the past year. We have only ever once had any trouble from anyone down there, and that was just a few rowdy kids who decided they wanted to kick a football at us. far worse things have happened in town to be honest.
Fair enough, the reputation of travellers is by no means perfect, but its much easier for a minority (racial or cultural, whatever you call it) to be picked on than it is to say "white brits are all thugs" despite the fact that a percentage of white brits decide to get into fights for no reason, a percentage of travellers are the same. just my opinion. cheers

Published by theedelweisspirates at 12:34pm on Sat 7th April 2007.

Everyone seems to hate Tacho stating his opinion, yet everyone thinks its perfectly ok to slag off gypsies of every nationality. You're all oh-so-happy to mouth off your opinions, at least let him air his!!

Published by romany_star at 5:34pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

I have no bother with travellers or gypsies who are hard working... the minority that go out stealing I dislike but every other romany or other denomination of traveller I treat the same as anyone

Published by Jordan C (not active) at 5:39pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

yet everyone thinks its perfectly ok to slag off gypsies of every nationality.

yes, of course, that's absolutely right. we also hate homosexuals, didn't you know that?

Published by Chapel (not active) at 5:55pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

this person (thread creator) last posted nearly 2.5 years ago and has only posted once (presumably on this thread, account still active).

so, why are you feeding the troll?

Published by adele (not active) at 6:00pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

because i'm generous. and the troll is hungry.

ok, i'll stop.

Published by Chapel (not active) at 6:03pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

this from bigmal made me laugh:

>i really do agree with the plight of the romany gypsy i really do .being a scots i know what its like to have sweeping genarlisations put upon you
1/ your a drunk
2/your a skintflint.
3/ you hate the english

Published by ms scott at 6:05pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

Oi I represent that remark .

Published by bigmal at 8:10pm on Mon 30th June 2008.


Published by ms scott at 8:12pm on Mon 30th June 2008.

I think the hate is pushed both ways between gypsy's and gorga's. There are bad on both sides but we both need to look for the good. I am a gorga myself but have grown up with gypsy's, and have a lot of gypsy friends. I think they are wonderful people and respect them and their way of life. I have had a relationship with a gypsy boy but had to end it because of the barrier of hate between gypsy's and gorga's. I think most gorga's are too focused on listening to the bad things they hear about gypsy's. The people criticising have probably never even spoken to a gypsy or got to know one but still they give abuse. I would like to know from a gypsy would a gorga girl be welcomed to the family if she were to marry a gypsy boy?

Published by caitlinx at 7:13pm on Sun 29th March 2009.

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Published by madachood (not active) at 7:24pm on Sun 29th March 2009.

Wow, this thread never seems to die.

"The people criticising have probably never even spoken to a gypsy or got to know one but still they give abuse."

You're right, I've never had a good chat with a gypsy. I've been punched in the face by one for no reason but not had a good chinwag. I'm sure they're all lovely people.

Published by Bruno S (not active) at 7:54am on Mon 30th March 2009.

I worked in a Cambridge hotel for years, and had lots of contact with Gypsies. For the most part they were absolutely horrible people. Rude, ignorant, abusive, violent, they were absolutely vile. They had no respect for us staff, and some of them used to leave their rooms in a filthy state. We had rooms with shit, vomit, spunk, you name it, left on the floors, walls, linen. Used condoms left around, arses wiped on towels. We had a party once that actually ended with the gypsies attacking other guests, we had to lead them out via the kitchens. We had to get the police out to deal with that one. I've been threatened on several occasions. I like to think of myself as quite a liberal, tolerant, fair minded person, but when it comes to Gypsies, I have nothing good to say about them and very little sympathy for them.

Published by grumpyoldpunk at 11:18am on Mon 30th March 2009.

I have not read every post here by the way, but have something to add!!
Firstly I used to live in a village and nearby the council setup up a travellers site. The effect this has on the village was pretty drastic and actually lead to the police banning all travellers from the village. Theft went through the roof, esspecially building products it became talk of the town and they were also banned for bad behaviour.

Now i grew up with this going on around me and at the time it was a big deal to everyone, so I obviously had a negative view of travellers as a result, the young ones around our age were trouble to us, we used to get in fights, they would go out of there way to cause you trouble, intimidate you, knowing that they were 'untouchable' was a pretty strange time and made for some hairy trips to your mates house incase you got ambushed by them!!

I also used to work for a local vet doing work experience when I was 14ish and we got called out to the site to look at a sick horse. I was pretty curious about setting foot on site, as the local police were not allowed to go there unless there was 'X' ammount of them apparently and it was all pretty new at the time.

Now this was an eye opener and something ill never forget, the mare was carrying a dead foal and the rain was lashing down like you wouldnt believe! The vet had tied a rope to its hooves as me the vet and several travellers were all pulling at this rope in the pouring rain, whilst the women were watching and fetching us tea, the kids were all gathered around....the rain, the horse...the location, it was pretty dramatic!

As soon as it was over the sun popped out behind the black sky and we all just fell down knackered, i remember sitting on this pallet of lead roofing tiles ; ) to escape the mud, as a ton of tea headed towards us.

As i sat there all soaked drinking tea it felt like a nice place to be, just a big family all sad about the foal but happy we saved the horse...i remember the women who brought the tea over and how all the guys loved her to bits, you could see it!

I can't ignore the impact this site had on the village i lived in though and i remember hearing stories of travellers going to jail for this, fights, thieving all sorts...but mostly i remember it being a case of 'they don't like us, so we don't like them'

I was taught to respect the land as well, my old great grandad used to be a farmer, I look after my dog, love my little boy, take him to the woods, will teach him to fish...etc....!!! So to read a list of 'We hate....generalisations' ...your not the only one who hates reading about an old women who starved etc...does that mean we are all like that, because if so this might go against your 'we never mistreat any animal' and 'we pride ourselves on our horsemanship '....

I remember when a travellers dog ended up at our vets with 3 legs and half dead, due to the 'surgery' it recieved by its owner, it did sound like the leg needed to be amputated, but..probably by a vet....but i would'nt go onto say all travellers are cruel to their dogs as a result of that day well as the fact the vet said the foal could have been dead for as long as a week before we removed it.

...but there is one thing that no gorga(first time i've heard that word!) would want to hear and thats ' you've fucked off the travellers, a few of them were in hear the other day and one of them is asking after you' !!! ha ha I think that will always remain the same!]

I became friends with a few gypsies who eventually settled in houses in the village and i havent heard any bad stories from the site in a long time either and its still very much there!

So maybe its time to accept the fact we all have wrong'uns on both sides of the fence, but good family values on both sides too...

Spread the love man!!!! : )

Published by Floyd at 11:30am on Mon 30th March 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:34am on Mon 30th March 2009.

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Published by madachood (not active) at 1:26pm on Mon 30th March 2009.

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Published by madachood (not active) at 1:47pm on Mon 30th March 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 1:47pm on Mon 30th March 2009.

Now there's a nice, balanced view. Good on you Madachood.

Published by Old Rocker at 1:50pm on Mon 30th March 2009.

Im a young Romani man and I'm sick to death of the ridecule by the media, I come from a long line of fighters but unlike most of you think I'm educated, on t.v if I called a black man a dirty thieving bigger cunt I'd be put in prison, but everyone else can call a gypsy a dirty pikie and nothing happens. Never mistake a Romany for a White moosh, if you ever try to belittle me sir vein a superior race I will break your jaw along with your brothers face and your fathers arms. I'm a Beng chavvie! If any of you gorger cunts have anything to say we will arange a strieghtner with a fairplay man, I'm 17 and ten stone, il fight any man any size because I've had enough of to no good pricks trim to put me down, you have no moals and no loalty kushti bok god bless your mothers a luvne

Published by Gypsie prince at 11:53pm on Sun 26th April 2009.

Well done on that education of yours.

Published by Rocket Dog at 11:58pm on Sun 26th April 2009.

You dont like us when we travel and you don't like us when we don't. Most forgets have no loyaltys manners or pride, you all derive from the French, however my race started in India protecting the raj, he got killed so we rebelled, without fear becoming the most powerful fighting force on the earth. My family have been in England since 1544, so although my blood is Romany I'm more English then you!!

Published by Gypsie prince at 12:00am on Mon 27th April 2009.

You must be so proud of your Father in the band the Gipsy Kings, Gypsie prince.

Published by daggg at 12:11am on Mon 27th April 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:16am on Mon 27th April 2009.


Well, you're more English than me.

Published by Lily Bloom (not active) at 12:24am on Mon 27th April 2009.


Published by Lily Bloom (not active) at 12:25am on Mon 27th April 2009.


Published by Lily Bloom (not active) at 12:26am on Mon 27th April 2009.


Published by Lily Bloom (not active) at 12:27am on Mon 27th April 2009.


Published by Lily Bloom (not active) at 12:27am on Mon 27th April 2009.

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Published by Doris (not active) at 1:03am on Mon 27th April 2009.

^^^^if you ever try to belittle me sir vein a superior race I will break your jaw along with your brothers face and your fathers arms. I'm a Beng chavvie! If any of you gorger cunts have anything to say we will arange a strieghtner with a fairplay man

Gypsy Prince, I cant think of why anyone would think your post represents everything that is wrong with the traveling community.Obviously being 17 (& ten stone) you have a vast array of life experiance under your belt and know it all.Threatening to break my fathers arms really does endure you to me and Im sure that Tacho would be proud to call you a fellow gypsy.

Published by bigmal at 4:08am on Mon 27th April 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:30am on Mon 27th April 2009.

>>Well done on that education of yours.


Published by Teresa at 7:03am on Mon 27th April 2009.

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Published by madachood (not active) at 8:17am on Mon 27th April 2009.

Roy Castle! Surely that should be Dead E Cation?

Published by tallthinkev (not active) at 11:41am on Mon 27th April 2009.

La?o dives rromale! Mange si drago so si rroma katka ande engleska, mada akana von si majbut nevi generacijake. Te tuke naj drago kudo narodo, jebo ti pas mater.

Published by Bosanac at 6:08pm on Sun 16th August 2009.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:17pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

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Published by Suffering Anita (not active) at 6:27pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

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Published by Suffering Anita (not active) at 6:34pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

Are you ok? Would you like a glass of wter?

Published by Clean and Serene (not active) at 8:08pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

Hvala Tony.

Published by will_ at 8:14pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

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Published by Suffering Anita (not active) at 8:21pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

La?o dives rromale! Mange si drago so si rroma katka ande engleska, mada akana von si majbut nevi generacijake. Te tuke naj drago kudo narodo, jebo ti pas mater.

Toata dragostea mea pentru diavola!

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:44pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

CACA's is the name for the ones who frequent "Smithy Fen" and other places @night and break into several places and CAC everywhere.(Even in Chillies Stake BAARR) Luckily DNA has come on strides and Plod occasional process the miscreants message to "Civilisation". (Cryptic for;- Shit on you Gorga's, You get it?)This all happens when no-ones about, Except those who live close????????? Or is it you you dirty Shitter (CACA)? Come Clean and save your Sole, H-a-l-el-uuu-Ya, Praise Da Lawed>- Owning Land is Theft, so they let U know their "Thoughts about having sumit prohibited by Law? Got to go for a Poo now where's my Sand Paper?

Published by alexanderhaley at 11:15pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

Has no one noticed how late that 17stone 10year old Gorger is up? or is my Rolex bought off a man with a Big Brass buckled belt and Laderhosen, who I've never seen before Officer, telling the WONG TIME! He Must be getting ready for Tech, Tech this Tech that and sell it in the morning.

Published by alexanderhaley at 11:32pm on Sun 16th August 2009.

Here, Grumpyoldpunk, That which you refere to with the Caca's Shitting everwhere!
Was it the Crown Plaza Hotel, they had spats from them Caca's, but they didn't get in when me and Carl were on the door he could tell just by one look who was Cacapoopoositha's.
We had a load "Rush the main door" when we delt with a distraction, but Manners, Civility enthused them to leave the High Table. (undfuckenrightoff)

Published by alexanderhaley at 2:29pm on Mon 17th August 2009.

iam gypsy and proud.. i live in a kener.. trailer was never for me but it dont take away who iam. i cant fucking spell or right propley and is thick as shit on this computer...coz when i was born god said to me you got 2 whishes you can be educated or be a good sex lover so fuck the education...the way i see this problem there is good and bad in gypys and i no some right low lifes as you might say iam one of em but i no right from wrong if your traverler you no wot i mean..and then you got the nice travelers...just like the gorge,s there are some nice ones and i get on all right with em and then you get the right shit cunts... hay gypsy prince you say a lot of good stuff a gypsy is never aloan nor will run from his mates wen in stuk not like gorge,s chavieswots this new word iam hereing cushty bok never herd of it well one part i comes from tv bugs in may... poacher.. fuck the game keepers

Published by poacher at 11:16pm on Wed 24th November 2010.

This is the thread that everyone forgets about, then it gets bumped by a new person about once a year.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:28pm on Wed 24th November 2010.

Isn't point 3 and point 4 of the original post basically the same thing..........

Published by Cinister09 at 8:12am on Thu 25th November 2010.

... and then it hangs around for about 3 months. A bit like hayfever season or a decent russian winter.

Published by Silent Rob at 8:35am on Thu 25th November 2010.

Deleted Post

Published by Tops cat food (not active) at 2:03pm on Thu 25th November 2010.

Buds In May , not bugs in may. Buds.
Ive seen that episode too poacher. I hope you will post again.
Do you listen to Roka radio?

Published by bigmal at 7:25pm on Thu 25th November 2010.

I have a question to ask my mums father was full romany her mother was romany italian and jewish my fathers mother is full romany but his dad isnt what does that make me ?My parents did sadly seperate but my mummy took us to kent to live in static caravans on a very old holiday sight that didnt ahve running water and toilet blocks Her and my step daddy and me sisters used to pick all the fruits and vegetables in teh seasons cockling and me mammy would make home made jams cakes etc the smellf orm the caravan was beautiful .my mummy was very funny as to who cam ein her caravan and always madep eople bring there own cups also she used to go crazy with cleaning after people had left everytjhing had to be cleaned .we had two bowls one for wahsing one for rinsing my mum idnt mix with anyone else on the site unless it were family or friends visiting .Alsso us girls were never allowed to wear short skirts and if we had skirts ha dto wear shorts underneath we wasnt allowed fires on teh site but we alsway had barbecues and we lways had to coolect driftwood of the beach cause my step daddy said it gave the best flavour and helped the food cook better .not many of my other family members live dthis way a few cousins still go to appleby.My mum aslo was very funny about us going into town we had to go in large groups like baout 18 of us and if i bought a friend back to caravan she didnt like shed literally tell them to stay away from us she was always right though lol .Quite often me mammy and a family friends wed grown up with would sit in the caravan and the two women would teach me how to read the cards the tea leaves and fortues .we never really ever wnt to any of the fairs and my mum just kept us mainly to ourselves my lil sisi got pick on very badly cause she live din acaravan and like my mum both of us barely ever went to school .My confusion has always been why my mother kept me away from other fmailies only the ones we grew up with and now that i am married iwth three children i would love my own children to have the ssame upbringing i had there dad is only quarter romany .So this always leave sme to question wetehr i am romany or even if i had a traditional upbrining its really odd question i know byt like i say my family were strange i cant ask otehr roma families cause i dont wnat to loook silly and me mam only spoke two words of romany but i was taught alot how to rocker the romanie by bill smith from up north .can anyone please hep me make sens eof this please thankyou rosie x

Published by rosiered999 at 8:54am on Wed 2nd May 2012.

I am a full blooded Italian, parents born Italy.
I thoroughly enjoy watching stories about gypsies.
They have control over their children.
The girls can clean and cook.
The men provide for their wife and family.
They are close to their family.

That is what the tradition used to be in America and frankly should have stayed that way !

Go gypsies.
If I were younger, I would try to marry a gypsy, if they would have a gorga with the same values they have !!!

Published by Italian at 12:50am on Mon 2nd July 2012.

I blame Silent Rob for this years bump...

Published by happyted at 10:32am on Mon 2nd July 2012.

Values= traditional values

Published by Grape Face at 12:34pm on Mon 2nd July 2012.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:22pm on Mon 2nd July 2012.

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Published by ijfqiqkua (not active) at 1:24pm on Fri 11th July 2014.

That was marginally less boring that those so called gypsters wasting their time.

Published by Grape Face at 1:36pm on Fri 11th July 2014.

gobbley gookey

Published by Grape Face at 1:37pm on Fri 11th July 2014.

Oh for fucks sake, not this thread again!!! *hides*

Published by Silent Rob at 4:02pm on Fri 11th July 2014.


Hi 'brethren'...X
I call you that self named Romany's because I consider myself one!x Qualifications??? Went to 27 'schools'...several institutions had 5 separate Dads none being my own and all achieved before the age of 18. That experience set me up to 'travel' earning me keep consistently on average 1000 miles a week around the UK since 1983 and peaking this year since January 2014 to date clocking up an unbelievable 60,000 6 months collated by driving the entire Coast from Inverness taking in the Isle of Wight...Mann and up to Kirkudbright.....and every pass going across the Dales...Moors through Welsh valleys and Scottish Highlands. All can be verified quite simply via the net. Travellers....????....not many I know can look me in the eye and tell me I ain't one....! Stopped at Appleby t'other week to shake hands with many and have pics taken together....we luv it!!x

I have DJ'd for the Travelling Community be they Irish...English or Eastern Block for the past 30 yeears nearly. I have sorted over 100 marriages and every Religious 'party' out for them all. Indeed I am the only 1 serving theee Travelling Community's reliably and without fuss for a 30 mile radii of Cambridge with Limousines and have been for 15 years or so. I go down the Irish sites with my Union Jack shirt on....and am all. They expect to see it flying me. The Police can't go down there....! A testament to my sincere and earnt friendship among them all. I know most of the 'gaffas' of 'sites' around the UK due to my activities among the Community's out have gathered an 'opinion'!x
The Fair folk I have had a relationship with since 1976 when I first helped a man set up his slot machine arcade at the Summer Fair. He gave me a £5 note when I was expecting £2/3. I remember it being my first 'note' as a wage really!x Happy days and it has stayed with me to this day such a feeling. In the 90's I had my own stall each Summer Fair and did super every time. During the mid 2000's I ran the Zebra Pub in Maids Causeway with a partner. The 'gaffas' of the Fair came to our Pub to escape the riff raff and we reserved the pub and served them exclusively...which generated long term relationships to this day. I have friends in Romania...Bulgaria....and most Eastern Block States that would be deemed of a Gypsy faction over here too!x
Point is......after all the 'mixing and trixing'.....there is good....and humanity!x's a human trait of hate. Ask the Neanderthals....if you can find one!x
It's times like this that I am glad I don't know my ethnicity....don't have any inherent Culture....just gathered one from people from all around the UK and among different 'groups'....Sooty to all...end of! It's that 'neutrality' that gets me far among Community's of all factions. Honestly....with all me you a Gypsy....Homey....Christian...Jew or like me...or white/yellow or's irrelevant i've found....when folk are looking at whats 'within'. They do that with me....I ain;t one of them whoever....i'm 'me'...and individual without allegiances or alignment with any other 'thing' out there....and smile at all each day. It's a way of life I can sincerely recommend...! Just thought i'd share it....X

...go to this link and you will see several Travelling family's who I have had the pleasure of 'uniting''s what I do best!x

The pic is of a 'brother'...Irinel from Romania. I have had 2 folks from Romania stay with me for 4 months. They were tooo wild and 'uncouth' for this Country I figured so I flew them home. They would lay their lives down for me question. But....'travellers'???...Gypsys??...Pikeys...Romany's...New Age....Fenmen??...beeeehave....lightweights honestly...never ever seen anything like I see them 2 'sort' it fix a limo on the side of the road....or catch a carp at my lake....with their bare hands. Never seen the like like it....nope. Possibly 100-150 years ago.....yup...but not today....but yes I have witnessed it.....and many of them come from that background of learning. So...we all have summink to look to others for and take the positive....methinks!x

....he was shocked that we didn't eat them...........!!!x Chased looooads of EB folk from pits and rivers around the UK....with rod....and Tesco carrier bag. Sigh....X

Published by SOOTY at 8:12am on Sat 12th July 2014.

"It's a way of life I can sincerely recommend"
Really... Why

Published by Grape Face at 12:51pm on Mon 14th July 2014.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 4:59pm on Mon 14th July 2014.

Published by Grape Face at 12:58pm on Mon 14th July 2014.


Why not Grape Face?x Independent of all factions...religions...cultures and isms......just an individual who stands happy to face humanity with who he is outside of all that malarkey!x Perhaps you thought I was recommending a particular lifestyle???...nope...i'm admonishing stepping outside of these 'boxes'...parameters and 'groups'....and folk like it....I find!x

...look at the pic...bottom line is they are Irish Catholic....staunch......yet want a their functions!x Kids want to see this 'individual' who makes a positive impact on their life in our short time together.....nowt else. See em smile?x

Published by SOOTY at 6:40pm on Mon 14th July 2014.

The girls can clean and cook.
The men provide for their wife and family.

Yay twenty-first century!

Published by arthurCRS at 11:33am on Tue 15th July 2014.

This Sooty person is defending sexism, and homophobia. I can't be bothered with that, so I'm ignoring the ramblings of this nut-case.

Published by Grape Face at 12:29pm on Tue 15th July 2014.

...dunno how you figured that Grape Face??!!x Pruned down a bit....?!x

Published by SOOTY at 8:43pm on Tue 15th July 2014.

Pikies., as we gorgas call you dirty arrogant twats,are hypocites.....and dirty low life arrogant bastards.....WHO.....




IF YOUR A "TRAVELLER".....then why dont you go and travel.......quitely.....and try not to leave shit and piss every place you camp on!!.......and try not to rob anymore innocent people...........thats why you and your scum inbreads are so hated........your horrible nasty filthy low life bastards..........

Published by arrogant pikies at 1:36am on Sun 3rd May 2015.


Published by troll at 1:11pm on Sun 3rd May 2015.

Published by Cmouse at 10:58pm on Sun 3rd May 2015.

@ A P = Micro-penis.....

Published by Priority 23 at 5:55pm on Mon 4th May 2015.

looks like sooty's hand to me

can't believe this thread is still going. it needs killing. with fire.

Published by andy_landy at 2:10pm on Thu 7th May 2015.

Thats what I first thought, the type and layout is the same as Sooty but the essence is not.

Published by bigmal at 7:11pm on Thu 7th May 2015.

Deleted Post

Published by SOOTY at 8:04am on Sat 9th May 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:05am on Sat 9th May 2015.


Thank you Big Mal...X I post under my own name proudly....if there is a need for doesn't come in the form of the written be shuuuuure. Travellin' man....init.

Published by SOOTY at 8:07am on Sat 9th May 2015.

Deleted Post

Published by SOOTY at 8:18am on Sat 9th May 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:21am on Sat 9th May 2015.


...erm.....I could just say 'wrongfellow' mate. That's based on 'sussing' such things out on platforms like these since report would say. Yawn.

Published by SOOTY at 8:22am on Sat 9th May 2015.

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Published by Arpssss at 6:21pm on Wed 25th November 2015.

You tell em Igor!!

Published by pan-pan at 9:50am on Thu 26th November 2015.

лошадь перья

Published by Priority 23 at 12:06pm on Thu 26th November 2015.

любитель лошадей

Published by pan-pan at 9:42am on Fri 27th November 2015.

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Published by Simakina8412 (not active) at 2:29am on Fri 9th September 2016.

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Published by Antoshkagob (not active) at 4:18am on Tue 21st February 2017.

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Published by WilliamTuh (not active) at 9:38am on Thu 21st December 2017.

Никакой спам, пожалуйста, это Рождество.

Published by Wrongfellow at 3:12pm on Thu 21st December 2017.

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