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Store card tabs

There was a discussion on these pages about store card tabs and data protection. I lost a bunch of keys in November. It included my car, house and a number of subsidiary keys. I had made all the inquiries I could imagine and was about to give up when I thought it may be worth a shot on Facebook. The car key was a Jaguar and anybody with the key could have been away with the car in seconds. Because of the time lag I thought they had not been discovered. I put a note on Facebook and it attracted somebody from Tesco who thought the keys had been handed in and I got a message. I went to the local store and sure enough my keys missing for 5 months were back in my hands. There appears to be Data protection to prevent the store from accessing your details from the store card. I don’t know how long they had been kept.

Published by Bichon at 10:15pm on Sat 7th March 2020. Viewed 2,153 times.

I've heard a few dodgy story's about the store card tabs - staff giving them out to the wrong people etc.

Published by bigmal at 8:34pm on Thu 2nd April 2020.

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