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Moving the boundaries

People interested in the new shape of Cambridge may be interested in this.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:22pm on Mon 27th March 2017. Viewed 4,573 times.

South Cambs and Cambridge are increasingly working together, making a joint local plan, joint planning service and others. This is largely to do with government cuts, reducing budgets, but also makes sense in terms of logic. I don't understand why they don't just merge the two and form a combined authority.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:22am on Tue 28th March 2017.

The City is predominantly Labour and Liberal, where as South Cambs is Tory.
I'd rather they didn't merge.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:33pm on Tue 28th March 2017.

Large areas of scambs (Fulbourn, Melbourne, Waterbeach, Histon and Cottenham) are now LD.

The population of City is a lot more than scambs so fuck the rural Tories, we'll outvote them in a future merge.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:02am on Wed 29th March 2017.

According to our village newsletter, we are experiencing a flood of ridiculous planning applications because S Cambs District Council hasn't met its govt targets and this somehow makes it open season for building huge housing estates on areas of special scientific interest, or something.

Published by sam i at 8:43pm on Fri 31st March 2017.

Sam:under the new planning laws the coalition government introduced in 2011, local councils must be able to demonstrate a five year housing supply of sites for housing, if they can't then developers are more likely to get speculative planning applications granted on appeal.

South Cambs and Cambridge City haven't got a five year housing supply, largely because the Secretary of State examination to approve their new local plan (to allocate more housing sites) has dribbled on since 2014, and is still not finished. This is largely the fault of slow progress of the government, not the council's. For comparison East Cambs and Fenland's local plans were finished in a matter of months. It is also costing thousands of pounds a day in legal fees, which comes out of your council tax.

It's not quite as bad as huge housing estates in SSSIs because speculative housing estates still have to be sustainable in principle under the 2011 rules, but this is the reason why we've had so many terrible planning applications granted in Cambirdge city, in particular a flood of student housing instead of affordable homes for people. The university and developers have better lawyers than the council, and are exploiting this to the hilt.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:48am on Sat 1st April 2017.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 5:48am on Sat 1st April 2017.

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