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F**k people who want to drive in the City Centre

unless you are disabled, what possible reason other than laziness would you want to drive in the city centre.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:18pm on Thu 6th October 2016. Viewed 5,255 times.

Not sure if you're just trying to start shit, but I have to say I more or less agree with this.

I hadn't realised that the fine was going to be £60, I thought it would be more like a congestion charge £5-type thing. That is a bit steep.

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 12:56pm on Thu 6th October 2016.

What if you live in the City Centre and work outside the city in a location with shit public transport? I realise that if you live on a road with PCCP you will be exempt, but you'll still probably have to use one of the PCCP routes to get out of the city (or it will force traffic onto quieter roads). Furthermore there have been significant problems with the City Deal consultation, lots of people haven't been consulted, and if they were lots of the questions were misleading. It's a good idea in principle, but it's not quite as black and white as you say.

However, I would largely agree that those people who drive their kids to school half a mile away, or drive to the shop to get a loaf of bread, yeah fuck them.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:44pm on Thu 6th October 2016.

I'm sorry but you sound like someone who either doesn't have a car, can't afford a car and/or has no reason to own a car. Not everyone is the same. For many of us car owners, especially those with families, we heavily depend on our cars. Getting public transport isn't a very easy option for mums like me and sadly, a bike isn't an option either.

Published by Felixstone at 4:12pm on Thu 6th October 2016.

Just image how poor you'd have to be to not afford a car, it should be your right to have the ability to needlessly pollute and clog the city.

Published by Priority 23 at 7:35pm on Thu 6th October 2016.

SR - If you live on a road with a PCCP you won't be exempt by the way. I was at a meeting last week and heard the Council officers say this themselves. The Council are keen to make money and I think see the £60 fine as a good earner.
P23 - There are lots of people who might not be disabled but are unable to walk far (e.g. illness, elderly relative), and there are businesses who make/receive deliveries at these times and will genuinely struggle to sustain their businesses. Totally agree we need to discourage driving in to the city, but I think a carrot of reliable, affordable public transport at appropriate times will help more than imposed fines.

I think if they built proper cycle lanes and sorted out bus timetabling (some buses from villages will get you in to work in the morning, but not home again in the evening or at all if you do shift work - so for some the only way to get to work in Cambridge and back is to drive) some people would choose these options over driving.

Published by MissRegaling at 7:23pm on Fri 7th October 2016.

But the charges are probably going to be during rush hour - 7am to 10am and 4pm to 6.30pm, when it is dickheaded to drive into the city anyway and when buses should be reasonably regular. If you work shifts, that should put you outside of these hours, no?

Would have thought deliveries could be scheduled around it too and that they should be, not just for the charges but for the common sense of it.

The point they are also making is they can't make the public transport reliable and regular because of the volume of traffic. getting the cars off the roads means the buses can run better better, quicker, more efficiently and more reliably.

Something needs to be done and I don't think this is a bad start.

I think the charge is a bit high and frankly I'd have gone for a lower congestion charge so that if people want to pay it (when it is more than the cost of a dayrider) they can. Would have thought that would have been more of a money earner too, the charge is much higher but would probably actually put people off driving, which can only be a good thing. I suspect that it is very difficult to model what this will actually do and it will all be subject to change when it is put in place, but it needs to be a big, bold decision that will cause a real change.

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 10:04am on Mon 10th October 2016.

The money generated by the inner city multistories is something the council wont want to give up, the fact the exist sends a mixed message.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:09pm on Mon 10th October 2016.

Public transport is affordable, a week pass is £14, that's pretty reasonable.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:32pm on Mon 10th October 2016.

No one has addressed people who live in Cambridge and work outside. I work in Cambourne, which has a good bus service and occasionally I cycle so it isn't a problem. When I (rarely) do drive to work I go the opposite way to most people and quickly pass traffic backed up for miles going the other way so I don't contribute to the congestion at all. However there are lots of places outside the city where people work which simply do not have public transport from Cambridge to get there, people who live in Cambridge who work there will really struggle. This has arisen because public transport has been neglected and the government should have done something about it decades ago.

This is a good idea in principle and I agree that something needs to be done, but there are some problems with the proposals and how they are implemented. I also don't accept the "I have children, I need a car". I have children and we never have to drive them anywhere during rush hour.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:08am on Tue 11th October 2016.

I live in the city and work in Bar hill, I take the bus or cycle, via Madingly.... Simples

Something self-righteous happens when people have children, and "I have children, I need a car". is a classic example of this

Published by Priority 23 at 12:18pm on Tue 11th October 2016.

Like I said,Bar Hill and Cambourne have good bus links. What if you work somewhere that doesn't? What if you work in an industrial estate near bury St Edmunds which it is not possible to reach via public transport without a three change journey that first arrives at 10.30?

Having children doesn't make everyone self important thank you very much. I understand that there are situations where it is not appropriate to bring my daughter to and it annoys me when other parents think the world revolves around them when they have spawned.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:50am on Wed 12th October 2016.

He doesn't understand nuanced arguments SR. There's no point trying.

Published by B-bam at 11:04am on Wed 12th October 2016.


Published by Silent Rob at 1:29pm on Wed 12th October 2016.

How dare you be so rude, I demand that i drive my children to school, how dare you interfere with me.

Published by Malformed at 12:46pm on Mon 17th October 2016.


Published by foolscap (not active) at 7:09pm on Mon 17th October 2016.

it's probably priority seat creating new identities so he can argue with someone. lol.

Published by B-bam at 8:35pm on Mon 17th October 2016.

I thought it might have been Troll, making a return. LOL!

Published by Silent Rob at 6:04am on Tue 18th October 2016.

funny, I thought about troll the other day. lol.

Published by B-bam at 10:03am on Tue 18th October 2016.

There seems to have been an EXPLOSION in LOLing this week doesn't there? LOL.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:10pm on Tue 18th October 2016.

I know. it's brilliant, isn't it? LOL.

Published by B-bam at 12:43pm on Tue 18th October 2016.


Published by Silent Rob at 12:57pm on Tue 18th October 2016.

I estimate I've LOLed 18 times since Sunday.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:58pm on Tue 18th October 2016.

^19 including that LOL.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:58pm on Tue 18th October 2016.

^ and 20 including that one. :D

Published by Silent Rob at 12:59pm on Tue 18th October 2016.


Published by B-bam at 2:00pm on Tue 18th October 2016.

What's so funny about driving my children to their classes and workshops?
You laugh while I am looking for the purpose of this communication.

Published by at 11:14pm on Thu 20th October 2016.

Fans of the bollards will be sad to hear they've stopped rising!

Published by Priority 23 at 8:31am on Fri 21st October 2016.

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