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Visit to Cambridge

Hello everyone,

I'm Corina from Romania. Nice to meet you all!
My family and I are planning a trip to Cambridge in late October and I'm just asking around on a few forums and blogs about different locations to visit, restaurants, maybe local attractions and tourist-y types of places. Also, we're gonna be in the UK around Halloween - will restaurants and museums be open or do they have special opening times? If you happen to know, it would be a great help.

Can you guys give me a few ideas?

Published by CorinaM at 12:21pm on Tue 6th September 2016. Viewed 5,162 times.

Hey Corina,

I was also a tourist in Cambridge last year!
It's such a wonderful place to visit, I think you'll absolutely love it - I really did.
As far as sights go, whenever I'm planning a trip I always find TripAdvisor helpful. They have this list with the best places to go to, take a look to see if you like anything

I loved this little restaurant up on Chesterton Road, it's called Restaurant 22 - they have delicious food and decent prices.

Also, if you're interested in local opening times, this can come in handy - it helped me figure out what's open and when.

Hope you have a fantastic time, be sure to let me know how it all goes!

Published by daniel_89 (not active) at 10:26am on Wed 7th September 2016.

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