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The compliance of silence.

Is the 2 minute silence and the poppy sale showing that you are complicit to war, or respectful of those that died?
What if they died for a war that was illegal?
What about the civilians caught up in the nonsense of war?
Should we only buy poppies for those that served in defensive wars like the world wars, rather than wars about ideology, religion or oil?

Published by Priority 23 at 12:55pm on Wed 11th November 2015. Viewed 3,657 times.

On this very day, about two or three years ago, I was asked "Why are we celebrating this?"

I didn't thump her. I'm not warlike enough.

Published by Wrongfellow at 5:04pm on Wed 11th November 2015.

Good question Priority, when I do wear a poppy it is white as I feel the red poppy is glorying in the death of millions (the glorious dead). I don't think those killed in modern day condflicts should be remembered in the same way the soldiers of WW1 and WW2 are, simply because then people dids not really have much of a choice- other than serve or be a conshy.
Today its simple - if you don't want to fight don't join up- and if you do and get killed or injured thats your own bloody life descision and don't expect any sympathy from me and sure as hell don't expect to be called a hero.

Published by bigmal at 10:00pm on Wed 11th November 2015.

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Published by bigmal at 11:33pm on Wed 11th November 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:33pm on Wed 11th November 2015.

WW2 certainly was a no brainer, I'm pleased 'our boys' (n girls) fought off the Bosch.
But fiascoes like Nam, Iraq and Korea aren't the same, they aren't heroic they were political.
It's a pity you can't wear a Poppy that distinguishes between these types of wars.
"Celebration" certainly an odd word to describe something so somber.
They fought for our freedom, we are told, yet if you step out of line the moral majority condemns you.

Published by Priority 23 at 9:09am on Thu 12th November 2015.

I think Priority 23 has hit the nail on the head. I would have fought during WWII, but I cannot condone any 'war' (sic) that has been fought since. Shurely the World took a breather after it was over? They certainly should have. In history books, the global VE and VJ 'days' do seem to have been short lived affairs, almost like a one-day party after which everybody agreed, "Right, lets get back to killing each other". How the hell could CND (more my generation) not ever win their stance?

Published by Foxsch at 4:28pm on Sun 15th November 2015.

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Published by Xavier Bollo (not active) at 1:49pm on Sun 22nd November 2015.

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