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Recruitment of study participants for Microsoft Research Cambridge

Microsoft Research Cambridge is conducting a study to explore how people think about digital content. We’re interested in interviewing people involved in coding, gaming, 3D content creation and laser cutting, as well as users of Tumblr and Pinterest. Participants will be asked to talk about and sketch out how some of their own content has been produced. The overall aim of the study is to learn how to better support users in understanding how their content has evolved and how it is being used and re-used by others.

We’d like participants to look over their own content during the interview, so they will need access to the computers that they typically use when producing it. Participants can be interviewed at a location where they use their computer within the Cambridge area, or they can bring their device to Microsoft Research’s building at 21 Station Road, Cambridge.

The study will be carried out during the months of July and August, and interviews should last up to an hour and a half. Participants will be given £30 worth of Amazon vouchers as a thank you. Participants under the age of 18 will need parental consent.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Anastasia Loukianov by emailing or phoning 01223 479821.

Published by t-anlo at 1:45pm on Thu 23rd July 2015. Viewed 4,110 times.

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