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Headline of the Decade:

Published by Mrs Robinson at 12:14pm on Thu 10th April 2008. Viewed 4,907 times.

That. Is. Awesome.

Published by sam i at 12:15pm on Thu 10th April 2008.


To make matters worse, the maverick frontman went on to add that he 'wouldn't have a problem' with running over seagulls for fun.

Published by Old Rocker at 12:18pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

Squirrels scare me o_O

Published by Teresa at 12:18pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

The group - whose songs include Disney's Dream Debased and DIY Meat

Now I wonder why they picked those two to mention :)

Published by katemac at 12:18pm on Thu 10th April 2008.


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 12:33pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

The comments (actual comments! from actual people!) make me weep with laughter...

Evil, irresponsible jerk. I hope he gets all that he deserves.

- Cas, Worcs. UK

He's a moron so why do people interview him, his band is rubbish, he is rubbish and he should be arrested for inciting cruelty to animals, specially protected ones.

- Nigel, Somerset

What a vile person.

- Penny, Eastbourne, UK.

This guy should not be given the oxygen of publicity. Shock value statements for teenagers trying to get parents' attentions, not middle-aged men trying to sound hard or edgy.

- Maggie, Bournemouth

Obviously he has too much free time on his hands now that he has been consigned to the forgotten loser's list.

- Linda, Birmingham

Published by Mrs Robinson at 2:57pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

This reminds me of when Keef Richard admitted (pretended) he had snorted his dad's ashes...

How on earth would you kill a squirrel with a hedge trimmer anyway? Has anyone ever come close to actually catching a live squirrel?

Published by Old Rocker at 3:02pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

I dunno, Nigel had some points...mainly about his band...

Published by JazzRTC at 3:05pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

Ha ha! Splendid. Though not so splendid for the poor squirrels!

I've nearly caught one once. I used to feed my grey squirrels and they used to come and eat from my hands. I would imagine it would be pretty hard to actually shred one with a hedge trimmer. For a start, you'd have to keep your fingers on the trigger switch the whole time whilst running like a loon! Lol. :D

Published by MissG at 3:06pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

I like Squirrels but the Fall are the biggest piece of shit ever and his voice sounds like someone shoved two homosexual squirrels up his arse dressed in studded leathers and soaked in poppers.

Published by ababoonsass at 3:08pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

How on earth would you kill a squirrel with a hedge trimmer anyway? Has anyone ever come close to actually catching a live squirrel?

Mark E Smith isn't exactly a paragon of speed, strength and agility, either.

Published by Robadob at 4:50pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

Mark E Smith isn't exactly a paragon of speed. Not a paragon, perhaps, but surely a voracious consumer...


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 4:57pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

Mark E Smith isn't exactly a paragon of speed, strength and agility, either.

True, but he also seems quite devoted to things he beleives in. I'm sure that if he wanted to kill Squirrels he would find a way.

Published by Silent Rob at 4:57pm on Thu 10th April 2008.

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