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Hi I'm Luke

Hi I'm Luke, I stumbled across this forum at 1am while looking for local comments on how grim the Regal is.

After lurking a short while I thought I'd join. I've lived in Cambridge all my life originally from just outside the main city and at one point in the centre.

So a little bit about me if anyone is interested.

Short version: 26 year old graphics designer who has chronic pain and connective tissue damage, loves animals especially lizards, has a four year old son and is engaged to a Scotsman.

Long version:

I am very short, 152cm roughly which lots of people seem to enjoy. I love animals, fluffy and scalie. I have a Horsefield tortoise called Zoya, a leopard gecko called Tazi, two gorgeous dwarf lop eared bunnies called Joop and Daisy.

One of my passions in life is rehabilitating wild animals and releasing them back into the wild. I am almost always on baby bird rehab buying the spring time.

I suffer from a rare connective tissue disorder which is absoloute agony some days and I am on a lot of pain killers. Because of this it stops me from working full time so I try to earn money working as a freelance graphics designer.

I am a parent to one very energetic and happy little lad who is 4 this year. I am 26 this year and I am engaged to a lovely handsome Scottish lad who makes the most amazing Scottish Tablet.

Thanks for reading!

Published by LukeIsAFag at 1:54am on Fri 14th July 2017. Viewed 3,952 times.

Hey Luke.

You're a bit late to the party really as not many people post here these days compared to the heady days of ten years ago, but welcome nonetheless.

Published by B-bam at 4:11pm on Fri 14th July 2017.

"One of my passions in life is rehabilitating wild animals and releasing them back into the wild. I am almost always on baby bird rehab buying the spring time" - good bloke.

"the most amazing Scottish Tablet" - I have no idea what that is. If it's cake, I propose a WAN picnic soon. If it's Bigmal's iPad, I want nothing to with it because there's no way I'd want to be stopped by the police with a hard drive like that one anywhere nearby.

Published by John Techno at 11:20pm on Fri 14th July 2017.

Hang on - do iPads even have hard drives?

Published by John Techno at 11:26pm on Fri 14th July 2017.

Why do I get blamed for everything?

Published by bigmal at 2:24am on Sat 15th July 2017.

Because everything's your fault.

Published by John Techno at 11:07am on Sat 15th July 2017.

Scottish Tablet

Is that one of those blue things you see in pub urinals?

Published by Wrongfellow at 3:20pm on Sat 15th July 2017.


thumbs up for WAN picnic in August.

Published by B-bam at 12:24am on Mon 17th July 2017.

Yay! All four of us might show up!

Published by John Techno at 11:16pm on Mon 17th July 2017.


Ah thanks for the welcome!

Scottish tablet is like... more delicious fudge it's like got more of a crumbly texture and it's uh..less healthy for you. Naturally it being from Scotland I wouldn't expect any less ;)

Picure related.

Published by LukeIsAFag at 12:35am on Tue 18th July 2017.

Also know I am late to the party! I found you all by accident when looking for a description of how ropey The Regal was an found you guys.

Seems to be just the few main poster who are here now but hey! The last local forum I was on was on Facebook run by a bunch of mums who literally were banning anyone who didn't fit into their club basically!

Published by LukeIsAFag at 12:47am on Tue 18th July 2017.

Hmm - have we ever had an "Our Pets" thread on WAN? I quite like lop rabbits and wouldn't mind a couple. Trouble is, we have three ferrets and they'd probably quite like them too.

Published by John Techno at 11:21pm on Tue 18th July 2017.

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