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Bring it on!


I love a good storm.

Published by Wrongfellow at 12:25pm on Tue 20th June 2017. Viewed 4,487 times.

Blimey. I've got to go out at about midday. Maybe I'll end up in the Magical Land of Oz. Lucky I was planning to wear my gingham frock and shiny red high heels.

Published by John Techno at 10:58pm on Tue 20th June 2017.

Where did you get that map from Wrongfellow? Is it for Cambridge?

Published by MissRegaling at 10:42am on Wed 21st June 2017.

That's the "StormWatch" forecast which is under one of the menus at the top. It's the Ely one, and is also a day out of date by now!

Edit: it's Summer -> Forecasts -> StormWatch on the mobile version of the site.

Published by Wrongfellow at 12:34pm on Wed 21st June 2017.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:36pm on Wed 21st June 2017.

Thanks Wrongfellow, that's really useful and more detailed than other websites.

Published by MissRegaling at 1:24pm on Thu 22nd June 2017.

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