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Judge says woman killed herself by wearing headphones whilst cycling.

Why isn't this utterly mindless and selfish practice illegal?
Surely the music you are listening to isn't as important as your life or the lives of other road users.......

Published by Priority 23 at 12:22pm on Tue 6th December 2016. Viewed 4,644 times.

Being devils advocate (I agree that listening to music while cycling is foolish), does it follow that you think that deaf people should be banned from cycling because they can't hear approaching lorries?

Published by Silent Rob at 1:49pm on Tue 6th December 2016.

Nah. But it seems crazy to disadvantage yourself like this when cycling. You need all your senses in full action.

Published by DeFrev at 3:08pm on Tue 6th December 2016.

Agreed. I tried cycling with a portable CD player - for about a minute, before giving up. I felt like I was blind; until that moment I'd never quite realised just how much I rely on being able to hear what's going on, particularly behind me.

Published by Wrongfellow at 5:30pm on Tue 6th December 2016.

I agree - not being able to hear what's happening aside, the very act of listening to music is distracting and with so many fuckwits on the roads (on bikes and in motorised vehicles, as well as pedestrians) it really is best to be as undistracted as possible. I think it'd be a good idea of people didn't have music on while driving, too.

Deaf people, like others with impaired senses, learn to compensate for the sense they lack; so no reasont to ban them from cycling!

Published by John Techno at 11:37pm on Tue 6th December 2016.

i'm a nervous driver so on the occasions where I drive a car I never have music on when driving. When I give people a lift the lack of music drives them spare. I usually follow it up by driving in the slow lane behind a lorry at 50mph for miles on end which has them tearing their hair out. I don't understand why car people get so cross.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:35am on Wed 7th December 2016.

The other day a woman in liberty prints, on a costly Dutch style bike, interjected in front of me from the pavement without looking, she had her headphones in, I managed to get past her, her face was so vacant, so detached, she wasn't there at all.....

Published by Priority 23 at 8:33am on Wed 7th December 2016.

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