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Aldi news

New opening times from the 7th I think.

8 - 11pm mon to sat
11 - 5pm sun

more opps for quiet late night shopping eh foolscap :)

Published by B-bam at 10:21pm on Mon 24th October 2016. Viewed 5,328 times.

Thanks. It's ironic that with the added space in the aisles, now filled with restocking pallets, it seems like there is less space in there than before, so peak hours to be avoided.

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:53pm on Tue 25th October 2016.

defo. it's not a remotely salubrious shopping experience. it's too easy for me to nip in for odd supplies here and there but i'd really like to cut the number of visits I make.

Published by B-bam at 11:44am on Thu 27th October 2016.

I rather use independent retailers like the farm shop and the ecclesiastical distributers
I am not interested in discounted additives
My children have never eaten any frozen roosters shape, I make my own routine.

Published by Malformed at 10:34pm on Thu 27th October 2016.

Well said Malformed, people like B-bam are the ones to blame for the obesity crisis stalking the UK at the minute. And that foolscrap is just as much to blame, I saw her the other day begging the managers of Aldi to start stocking deep fried mars bars.

Published by bigmal at 2:44pm on Fri 28th October 2016.

it's 17 years since i've been north of the border. what i really miss at the chip shop are haggis and white puddings

Published by foolscap (not active) at 4:01pm on Fri 28th October 2016.

I saw a 'sausage pizza' in Scotland that had real sausages on it rather than pepperoni.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:32am on Sat 29th October 2016.

Foolscap - shopping in Aldi after ten is a dream if you haven't already tried it. There''s usually a maximum of three customers from experience this past week.

Published by B-bam at 3:38pm on Tue 15th November 2016.

I say a dream, but this of course is in comparison to what it's like at any time during the day.

Published by B-bam at 3:39pm on Tue 15th November 2016.

too tired after late gym and studying on Saturday night. the signs aren't clear enough, if you hadn't mentioned it I wouldn't have known, rarely pick up the flyers instore though I was there after 4pm on Sunday afternoon and it was really quiet. one day I will get some lemon&ginger tea (always sold out)

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:53am on Wed 16th November 2016.



Published by Priority 23 at 8:29am on Wed 16th November 2016.

"Due to Customer demand we are opening Aisle 6. Please make your way to Aisle 6..

(10 seconds later) We are closing Aisle 6..."

Published by foolscap (not active) at 4:39pm on Wed 16th November 2016.

Aldi has got one thing going for it (over Asda).... no fucking Slade! will need to remember headphones next time

Published by foolscap (not active) at 4:58pm on Mon 21st November 2016.

oh god. i need to go to asda too. thanks for the heads up. And have you been to any of the jazz festival foolscap?

Published by B-bam at 9:18pm on Mon 21st November 2016.

pity I missed Andrew McCormack tonight, been 3 weeks with this cold
Trio HLK at Hot Numbers looks good for Friday, but not with this cough

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:06am on Tue 22nd November 2016.

I discovered Mammal Hands last Friday at Jazz at St John's. I was and continue to be completely blown away by them.

Published by B-bam at 1:03am on Tue 22nd November 2016.

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