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Olympics 2016

bbc iplayer

this will be the last i'll be able to watch it on bbc iplayer (without a tv or tv licence). anyone else watching?

Published by foolscap (not active) at 8:27pm on Sun 7th August 2016. Viewed 6,190 times.

I'll be watching the bike stuff - the men's RR from yesterday and the women's RR from today online, because I was at work yesterday and at a race today.

Published by John Techno at 10:21pm on Sun 7th August 2016.

Yes, enjoying the swimming. Inspired, I looked at Parkside Pool and turns out it's £4.50 for a swim! It was about 60p last time I paid for a swim. :-(

Published by MissRegaling at 6:30am on Mon 8th August 2016.

I quite like the Olympics because you can turn it on and see lots of unusual sports that you don't usually see. It makes a nice change from the stupefyingly dull holy trinity of football, cricket and tennis of usual life.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:46am on Mon 8th August 2016.

On local swimming I've read about a Pay and Play card, not very well laid out on Cambridge City Council website or the company they have subcontracted the service to. Would be worth getting if you intended going regularly.

I think it was £10 (annual) for City residents, then swim price is £3.20 but can't find the page I saw this on a couple of days ago. I was only looking at it to go to Jesus Green and probably not worth getting for two months use, I don't even have a swimsuit that fits, mine is a 10/34 and I'm not.

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:44pm on Mon 8th August 2016.

The opening ceremony was utter shite. Basically a fire works display and some dancing. I notice that the BBC are completely ignoring the daily protests going on or the fact that a 500 year old wood is being bulldozed to make room for a 3 day sporting event... Green Olympics me arse.

Published by bigmal at 8:16pm on Mon 8th August 2016.

Why pay £4.50 when you could just swim in the Cam? If you're lucky, you might see Bigmal fishing and can sneak up and have a tug on his rod.

Published by John Techno at 12:31am on Tue 9th August 2016.

get the full Rio experience!

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:15am on Tue 9th August 2016.

I don't think that £4.50 is that much for a swim. I seem to remember that the cost of a swim has always been about the same as a pint and a bit, so it seems reasonable enough to me. Plus, as FS states, there are various ways you can save on the price.

Top Tip: Chesterton Pool is a bit cheaper, it's usually quieter than Parkside too!

Published by Silent Rob at 8:41am on Tue 9th August 2016.

Thanks FC and SR. I spotted Chesterton Pool too, and good to hear it's reasonably quiet. Prices are about 30% cheaper at Chesterton for single swims, and still 20% cheaper than Parkside when you do the pay'n'play/discount thingy.

I see the Better gym people that the council have contracted council pools to have lots all over the country, and their prices are generally more expensive than other local swimming pools.

Published by MissRegaling at 2:39pm on Tue 9th August 2016.

Still loving the olympics and have even found myself getting in to new sports I hadn't even heard of before - like the hammer throw and steeplechase. Anyone else still watching?

Published by MissRegaling at 12:35pm on Thu 18th August 2016.

In addition to the bike stuff (nice work Laura, Elinor, Ciara, Lizzie, Emma, Becky, Jo, Katy and Katie!) I've become quite interested in water polo - not a sport I've ever followed before, but it seems to be basically a massive fight in a swimming pool and is quite fun.

Published by John Techno at 12:04am on Fri 19th August 2016.

Apparently, water polo is not played on horseback - something I hadn't appreciated until quite recently.

Published by MissRegaling at 4:07am on Fri 19th August 2016.

I think we could have some more sports added, personally I'd love to see Chess added to the lineup.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:55am on Fri 19th August 2016.

chess, bridge, monopoly, scrabble... grand theft auto lol

i feel athletics and swimming already have too many individual and team categories compared to say tennis or the team sports (football, basketball, volleyball etc)

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:46pm on Fri 19th August 2016.

Chess and bridge are both on the shortlist to be considered for inclusion in the 2020 Olympics, funnily enough. I read somewhere that in the very early modern versions of the Games, painting and sculpting were included - but no idea if that was the early Modern Olympics or the Zappas Olympics*, which predate the modern Olympics.

*Sadly not the Zappa's Olympics, which would have been fun. However, the Zappas Olympics were quite fun anyway - during one race, a beggar who was asking spectators for change and a policeman who was supposed to be keeping an eye on the crowd both joined in.

Published by John Techno at 8:45pm on Fri 19th August 2016.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:46pm on Fri 19th August 2016.

How good was GB v. Netherlands in the women's hockey, then? That was almost as much fun as Maria the Pissed-Up Bride-To-Be on BBC4!

Published by John Techno at 11:13pm on Fri 19th August 2016.

How good was GB v. Netherlands in the women's hockey, then? That was almost as much fun as Maria the Pissed-Up Bride-To-Be on BBC4!

Published by John Techno at 11:51pm on Fri 19th August 2016.

I heard bridge might be on the shortlist, but I think the idea has now been dropped. At last night's closing ceremony they confirmed there'll be a total of 33 sports at Tokyo, which will include five new ones - baseball, softball, karate, skateboarding and surfing!

I'm already having olympic withdrawl symptoms. :-(

Published by MissRegaling at 12:42am on Tue 23rd August 2016.

At least we have the Paralympics still to go!

Published by John Techno at 11:44am on Wed 24th August 2016.

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