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[Event Chat] Back To The Future - Wed 21st Oct

Guess the Portland don't use WAN for events. Not seen either film, at least not the whole film

Published by foolscap (not active) at 3:27pm on Mon 19th October 2015. Viewed 4,328 times.

WHAT???!! You've never seen it? Back to the Future is the only film trilogy which doesn't have one duff film.

Published by Silent Rob at 4:46pm on Mon 19th October 2015.

I'd actually be interested to hear what you think of it viewed from a contemporary perspective, not filtered through childhood trips to the cinema.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:24pm on Mon 19th October 2015.

There are lots of films I haven't seen. Some like Back To The Future which are so well known do you really need to watch to know what they're about. I heard ET went home, so never got around to that one too

Published by foolscap (not active) at 7:26pm on Mon 19th October 2015.

Hmm. I'm actually sort of tempted by this. It's been a while since I watched any of the BTTF films.

It's a shame I'm not generally in Cambridge on Wednesdays.

Published by Wrongfellow at 8:20pm on Mon 19th October 2015.

ET is overrated foolscap. Far too much Speilberg sentiment and not nearly enough story in that one.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:03am on Tue 20th October 2015.

I've also not seen the Star Wars menace trilogy, LOTR or the Hobbit, though I finally got around to the Nolan Batman trilogy, partly let down by a dodgy dvd freezing in the last scene of the 1st film which I watched 2nd because y'know having Begins in the title was not enough of a clue it was #1 in sequence.

Published by foolscap (not active) at 2:17pm on Tue 20th October 2015.

The prequel Star Wars films are mostly shite. There are some fairly amusing in jokes in episode 2 and there's a bit at the end of number three where someone gets their arms and legs chopped off and then burnt by lava and it is more graphic than you'd expect.

The LOTR films are overlong and full of self indulgent Hollywood acting and scenes which outstay their welcome. Utter toss from start to finish. You'd be much better off reading the books.

There. I've saved you at least ten hours of your life. Any other films you want reviewing?

Published by Silent Rob at 6:03pm on Tue 20th October 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:18am on Wed 21st October 2015.

So foolscap, did you go to this and if so - what did you think of this beloved 1980's movie?

Published by Silent Rob at 6:25am on Sat 24th October 2015.

nope. I think in the olde dayes when there were a lot of people around I wouldn't have felt so conscious of going to The Portland on a non gig night there on my own, but... drinking games? quiz?

oh, and online commentary: (pros) (cons)

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:27pm on Sat 24th October 2015.

Deleted Post

Published by Xavier Bollo (not active) at 1:53pm on Sun 22nd November 2015.

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