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Too. Bloody. Hot.

It is.

Published by John Techno at 2:30pm on Sat 13th July 2013. Viewed 9,050 times.


Published by ZodMod at 2:31pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

People keep saying "Isn't it a lovely day?"

I'm too polite to answer "What the fuck's lovely about it?"

Published by John Techno at 3:04pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

me sweaty

Published by bigmal at 3:10pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

It is what can be politely described as "truely fucking awful".

I've safety pinned my living room curtains shut so they can't blow open and let any sun in.

At least my hay fever seems to be easing off.

Published by Silent Rob at 3:16pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

This afternoon I'm reading a book about Shackleton. Right now I think I'd be happy to swap places with them. I'd even be happy to be the one that has to shoot the cat.

Published by Silent Rob at 3:18pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

Me been working nights and my bloody cat has woken me up. Other cats have been sneeking into the house and stealing his food so I have taken it upstairs out of reach of the other cats. A fine plan you say- No the bloody cat won't eat the food up here. It's woken me up by sitting on my face. I showed him his food and he just walks away. So I've taken the food downstairs and he's eagerly gobbled it all up.
So SR plesae feel welcome to shoot my cat.

I am sitting in my room naked.

Published by bigmal at 3:45pm on Sat 13th July 2013.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:47pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

Argh. Hot, humid and high UV - the worst possible combination.

Luckily there's no particular reason why I need to go outdoors in it again.

Climate change? BRING IT ON. Fuck that Gulf Stream bullshit.

Published by Wrongfellow at 3:50pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

Ohhh, the aforementioned cat even has her own Wikipedia page.
Fancy that.

Published by Silent Rob at 4:12pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

"I am sitting in my room naked."
Isn't any women on here going to return the favour and say photos please?

Published by ZodMod at 4:13pm on Sat 13th July 2013.

Apparently this awful weather is going to continue until at least the weekend. Gah!

At least I managed to sleep last night. That's only because I was so tired after two nights of humid sleeplessness at the weekend.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:30pm on Tue 16th July 2013.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:41pm on Tue 16th July 2013.


Bring it on. Loving the weather, even if it is a little too hot to work in. That's fine, I'm taking lots of siestas and generally pretending I'm on holiday.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 1:24pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

I'm a hot weather lover in a hot weather haters thread!!
*runs a quick lap of the room with my t shirt over my head and runs out again*


Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 1:25pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

Hot weather haters should be thankful that they aren't in Seville - it's proper hot there!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 1:43pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

I just LOLed BB. ;)

Published by Silent Rob at 1:44pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

Today someone did that thing of suggesting that this weather was so much better than winter because it wasn't cold. I just don't see their argument. If you are cold you just put more layers on. If you are too hot then there is nothing that you can do about it.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:55pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

Stop moaning, slap the waterproof suncream on, get the hose out and ENJOY!...its gonna be raining next week, u miserable bu**ers.

Published by jude_28 at 2:10pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

Exactly - it's all good and rather this than week after week of rain which is what we had last year and will probably get in August!

Hot weather is a lot sexier than cold!!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 2:27pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

*runs a quick lap of the room with my t shirt over my head and runs out again*

Photos pl... oh, I don't know why I bother. *lounges on beach with ice cream*

Published by arthurCRS at 2:27pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

Its okay Art, I have photos.

Published by Old Rocker at 2:30pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

I've just bought some bubble mix from co-op, the bubbles are suppose to be different colours and smell of different fruits. Surprise, surprise...the bubbles are clear and all have the same fruity smell, but its sunny outside and I like the not too fussed!

Published by jude_28 at 2:34pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

The school where Mrs Rhythm works is holding a Teddy Olympics today which includes Teddy Tossing - sounds like a perfect summer sport!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 3:13pm on Tue 16th July 2013.

I might have mentioned this before: a few years back on a hot summer evening one of my boys was invited to a Beavers squirting party, which still makes me cackle :)

Published by Old Rocker at 8:58am on Wed 17th July 2013.

photos please

Published by bigmal at 9:24am on Wed 17th July 2013.



Published by Old Rocker at 9:51am on Wed 17th July 2013.


Published by Manda Panda at 12:15pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

Today I am feeling confused as to why this week the M25 has been closed because of melting tarmac and parts of the London Underground are shut because of the rail lines buckling in the heat. Yes it is hot, but it's not like it isn't this hot for at least a few days every year.

Surely they have roads and railway lines in hot places places like Spain, Cairo, Greece and India? I know for a fact that there is a tarmac highway running through Death Valley because I can see it here:,-117....

So why does it happen to us and not elsewhere? Why are English people so useless?

Published by Silent Rob at 12:32pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

I think this every year, including every time I read a thread like this complaining about the weather ;)

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 2:44pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

I must admit I do it too when people complain about the cold in winter. Realise that you get frost in the winter and you need to make sure that trains still need to run. And if you're cold then put another jumper on you fucking numpty! ;)

Published by Silent Rob at 2:49pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

So why does it happen to us and not elsewhere?

Why do you think it doesn't happen elsewhere? It certainly happened in the States last year:

America's infrastructure just can't take the heat.

So far this year, the concrete, steel, and engineering that holds the country together has been tested by extreme weather of all kinds - and it has barely passed.

A jet bound for Charleston, SC, got stuck in the tarmac as it melted under 100-degree weather, while roads in Texas needed emergency repairs to fix the 'horrendous' cracks that were caused by the temperatures. A subway in D.C. even derailed after the tracks got too hot to ride.

As the roads, rails and planes are mangled by the weather, the farms that are suffering under the drought will bring their own punishment next year, when experts are forecasting a sharp increase in food prices.

Published by Wrongfellow at 2:49pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

Now you point that put WF I remember I was working in an office in 2000 when this happened in Greece:

I had to send a fax to Greece and it wouldn't go through so I phoned up who it was supposed to go to. I was told that I shouldn't be suprised that it hasn't gone though, it was 45 degrees in his office and his fax machine had partially melted.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:56pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

The only beef I have with the weather is the accompanying preponderance of flies. Flies Are Spies From Hell.

Published by arthurCRS at 6:12pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

Having beef with this weather is probably what's attracting them.

Published by bad-timing at 6:53pm on Wed 17th July 2013.

For gods sake, now the weather says it's going to carry on into next week as well. There's stuff I want to do but I can't because it's too hot goddamnit! I tried doing some artwork last night but the extra heat coming from my laptop made me feel faint so I had to stop.

*shakes fist at the sky and pulls comical furious expression*

Published by Silent Rob at 8:44am on Thu 18th July 2013.

I love your h.o.t.t. rants Rob.

Published by Manda Panda at 9:06am on Thu 18th July 2013.

I've heard its going to last all summer *sniggers*

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 9:12am on Thu 18th July 2013.

The first thing I heard this morning was the woman on Radio 4 reading the weather forecast. She said that it was going to be the same as yesterday and described it as "Beautiful", taking special care to extend the "e" sound at the start of the word.

I said some extremely unkind things about what I thought of her and her unprofessional biased opinions.

My weather station read 29 degrees indoors when I went to bed last night.

Published by Silent Rob at 9:44am on Thu 18th July 2013.

You have a weather station by your bed . . . Im not surprised :)

Published by joosypigeon at 9:51am on Thu 18th July 2013.

It has a sensor outdoors as well so it tells me the exact temperature indoors as well as out. Yesterday got to a peak 32.5 degrees outdoors at 5.15 PM. It was a consistant 29 indoors all evening, even when it dropped to 20 degrees outdoors at bedtime. It was still 28 degrees indoors when I got up.

If you are going to complain about the weather then I think that you need to be scientific about it.

Published by Silent Rob at 9:58am on Thu 18th July 2013.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 10:22am on Thu 18th July 2013.

It's a cool 21.7 degrees in my house right now. I'm keeping all the curtains shut on the sunny side during the day and the windows open on the cool side. It's not a good idea to have windows open on the sunny side because it just lets hot air in.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 10:39am on Thu 18th July 2013.

I think there is something wrong with my flat. It was built four years ago and features all modern insulation and double glazing which means that it gets really hot in summer.

I keep the curtains shut all the time in all the rooms. I keep the windows open in summer and I have a fan but it still stays more than 25 degrees all the time and gets up to 30+ at peak times. I'll try keeping the windows shut on the sunny side tonight.

Yesterday it got so hot that I couldn't open my balcony door because the doorframe had expanded!

Published by Silent Rob at 10:46am on Thu 18th July 2013.

you need to keep the windows shut on the sunny side during the day, not at night :P

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 10:48am on Thu 18th July 2013.

Ooo he has a balcony door.

Published by ZodMod at 10:51am on Thu 18th July 2013.

Even the Trotter Family in Only Fools and Horses had a balcony door, as do problem families living in brutalist tower blocks from the 1960's. It's not terribly highbrow. I'd say it's far more la dee da to NOT have a balcony door because it shows that you have a proper garden and patio doors.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:06am on Thu 18th July 2013.

I couldn't open my balcony door because the doorframe had expanded!

I read that as "exploded" at first.

Now that's too warm.

Published by Wrongfellow at 12:08pm on Thu 18th July 2013.

Patio doors? Nah - it's all about aluminium bi-folds and Japanese urban style these days!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 12:15pm on Thu 18th July 2013.

^ swanky Londoner Dr R ...... or should I say non Cambridge service user ;-)

Published by Manda Panda at 5:03pm on Thu 18th July 2013.

Grovelling apologies :0) !

Published by Dr Rhythm at 5:52pm on Thu 18th July 2013.

No apologies needed at all .... :-)

Published by Manda Panda at 6:03pm on Thu 18th July 2013.

Outside was a perfectly nice 17 degrees this morning.

However my flat was 28 degrees when I got up. My office is currently 27.

It WAS a little better yesterday because of the wind.

I am hoping climatologists will be able to use this thread as a valuble source of secondary information in the distant future.

Published by Silent Rob at 8:28am on Fri 19th July 2013.

Oooh, look at them CAPE figures:

I'm tempted to pop home and unplug all my electronics.

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:43am on Mon 22nd July 2013.

Are you happier now Silent Rob?

Published by Manda Panda at 9:17am on Tue 23rd July 2013.

It's still too muggy but this is a definite improvement. Bring it on! :D

Published by Silent Rob at 9:26am on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Impressive thunder and lightening last night, looks like we will see some more today.

Published by Manda Panda at 9:40am on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Wow. I think that was some of the most spectacular lightning I've ever seen.

If it hadn't been a work day today I'd have gone outside and watched it properly.

Published by Wrongfellow at 9:58am on Tue 23rd July 2013.

The full moon, thunder and lightning yesterday, the Anti-Christ has just been born.

Published by ZodMod at 10:46am on Tue 23rd July 2013.

^ Yesterday and today I have been very much enjoying watching lots of republicans get all in a huff about too much royal coverage in the press and internet, as they talk about royal coverage in the press and on the internet.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:20am on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Royal baby sweepstake, anyone?

Take yer pick or add yer own: George, Albert, Kevin, Tupac, Ethelbert, Daz, Gaz, Mohammed.

Published by John Techno at 12:35pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

King Fish Pie the erm 1st

Published by bigmal at 12:38pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 1:19am on Wed 24th July 2013.

It's not going to be John, Richard, Charles or Edward because of negative associations. I'm going with George. It was the name of choice for Windsors for years now.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:05pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

nobody in my office has mentioned royal sprog once today. Does this mean that the wider public are just not as interested as the media, especially the royalist sycophants at the BBC, think we are.
Anyway my money is on 'Legoland' (Windsor) as a first name

Published by marcosthebubble at 1:06pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Since members of the Royal Family tend to live for so long, barring accidents or revolution, chances are extremely good that every single person reading this thread will be dead by the time this baby accends the throne.

Lovely thought isn't it?

Published by Silent Rob at 1:07pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Wish it'd been a girl. I'd go for Barbara. Has a nice ring.

Published by DeFrev at 1:32pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.


Published by ZodMod at 1:42pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Vlad? Genghis? Caligula?

Published by Wrongfellow at 1:53pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

The full moon, thunder and lightning yesterday, the Anti-Christ has just been born.

It's been "raining" frogs, too:

The frogs mean nothing, of course. The real miracle here is that Raymond Brown used scare quotes.

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:47pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

I am looking forward to more dramatic weather, minus the frogs this evening :-)

Published by Manda Panda at 6:41pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

This was my office for the last two weeks...

Published by randomandtwisted at 8:13pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

So you have not been a Cambridge based service user then young lady?

Raises eyebrow

Published by bigmal at 10:00pm on Tue 23rd July 2013.

Lovely Dorsetshire, young lady - the county where renegades defy the internet police by smuggling in irritating abbreviations at a famous natural stone arch landmark...

Published by randomandtwisted at 8:19am on Wed 24th July 2013.

...near a famous stone arch landmark. I've just checked. It looks like the internet police have taken matters into their own hands and renamed Lolworth Cove as Lulworth Cove. How did that happen?

Published by randomandtwisted at 8:22am on Wed 24th July 2013.


Published by Manda Panda at 9:26am on Wed 24th July 2013.

I've not had cause to moan about the bloody weather for nearly a week now!

Today looks like it's going to be bloody AWFUL.

Published by Silent Rob at 8:19am on Thu 1st August 2013.


This is not good.

Published by Wrongfellow at 9:47am on Thu 1st August 2013.

This is very good, especially as I'm not working today.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 10:53am on Thu 1st August 2013.

yes agree with BB. I am taking the afternoon off

Published by marcosthebubble at 11:02am on Thu 1st August 2013.

^ Agreed. When it is too hot then it is much better to have it when you don't have to work because you can stay indoors all day and avoid it.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:13am on Thu 1st August 2013.

To those who love the hot weather...

You are wrong.

That is all.

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:00pm on Thu 1st August 2013.

When will this sunshiney, Summery hell end!

Published by joosypigeon at 5:36pm on Thu 1st August 2013.


ha, hahahahaha, hahahahahahahahahaha

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 7:21pm on Thu 1st August 2013.

Damn. I just found my old landline phone, which I could have given to Bigmal, but it appears to have melted in the heat.

Published by Wrongfellow at 7:31pm on Thu 1st August 2013.

ha, hahahahaha, hahahahahahahahahaha

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 7:33pm on Thu 1st August 2013.

See other thread.

Published by bigmal at 9:16pm on Thu 1st August 2013.

Published by Silent Rob at 9:39am on Mon 19th August 2013.

I find heatwaves marginally more tolerable at this time of year, despite the fact that an August heatwave can be the most airless and oppressive of all, because it's not too long now until September. September can be almost as unpleasant as August, but as soon as it's over it's October - and even though these days October can have some weather that's far warmer than October weather used to be (remember seeing the first frosts during October walks to school when you were a kid? And they were proper frosts too, not like these namby-pamby frosts you get nowadays), halfway through the month you get the switch into Autumn weather.

Published by John Techno at 9:51am on Mon 19th August 2013.

Autumn is easily my favourite season. All the trees and countryside always look amazing, plus everything seems so much more atmospheric and worthy because of the light and shadows. I do most of my walking and bike rides in Autumn. By contrast in August everything just looks sunbleached and flat.

Published by Silent Rob at 10:03am on Mon 19th August 2013.

In interests of being positive (I find that WAN is rather good at people complaining about things) I'd like to say that the weather over the last fortnight has been brilliant. It's not been too hot or cold, I've been out and about and been all over the place - even been cycling in the evenings, which you can't do at other times of the year.

Published by Silent Rob at 10:09am on Mon 19th August 2013.

Wooo. I'm taking a week off work next week to loaf and catch up with shit so some lovely warm weather would be just lovely.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 11:08am on Mon 19th August 2013.

Thank God its over!!!

Published by joosypigeon at 12:27pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

I'm going to the South of France tomorrow. They are currently having an unseasonal heatwave. :/

Published by Silent Rob at 12:30pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

It's horribly cold. Come back summer.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 12:46pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

It's nice out now. Not lovely, though. It won't be lovely for another couple of months yet.

Published by John Techno at 1:12pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

It's shit and that's that. Come back summer. I misssss youuuuuuouuououououuuuuu.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 1:37pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

*glares at JP, JT and SR* happy now huh? ;-)

Published by Manda Panda at 1:43pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

I wore gloves to cycle to work this morning. Not happy.

Published by Old Rocker at 1:46pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

It was quite nice towards the end of August. I say that we make it a nice 18 - 20 degrees from now on. That way no one is too hot or cold. No one is really happy, but no one really suffers.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:52pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

You're too kind. ;)

Published by arthurCRS at 5:32pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

I've had to put the heater on in my workshop.

Published by Rocket Dog at 6:51pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

I say that we make it a nice 18 - 20 degrees from now on. That way no one is too hot or cold. No one is really happy, but no one really suffers.

I say we make it -18 to -20 degrees from now on. Us sensible, normal people have been suffering the heat you weirdos for some reason claim to like for several months, so now it's our turn!

Published by John Techno at 6:56pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

Christ it was pouring down going to work tonight. Pitch black and in the pissing rain is not a good cobimbination on a motorbike. Oncoming traffic blinds you and you basically have to sit behind a car and follow their red lights hoping you wont die. I blame you for this JT in fact your on the list buster...

Published by bigmal at 9:35pm on Tue 10th September 2013.

Time to resurrect this thread I think.


Published by Silent Rob at 12:12pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

Tip of the day: if you put a plastic bottle of water in the freezer until it freezes, then wrap a tea towel around it then you can use it as an anti hot water bottle during times of extreme hardship such as this.

This is no use for when you leave the house though. :(

Published by Silent Rob at 12:14pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

It's times like these when it would be useful to live next to a nice cold sea. ;)

Published by arthurCRS at 1:17pm on Fri 18th July 2014.,-0.137286&spn=0...

Look, they've put the palace peir onto streetview! Good for them.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:30pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

Hahaha (lol) ^

I'm going to the lido tomorrow eve to have a splash about, which I'm looking forward to, but I love love love this weather and the easy lethargy that follows.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 1:40pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

Brighton People: Is Saltdean Lido still open? I used to drive past it a few times a year when I went to visit my gran in Peacehaven. I also had an artistically insane art teacher at school who showed us a film about the artistic beauty of concrete, featuring a long section about the Lido. We all rolled our eyes as we so often did when she got going.,-0.042152&...

Published by Silent Rob at 1:45pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

I was in Brighton when the Grand Hotel got bombed. It really annoyed me (aged 6) at the time because all the roads were shut and I couldn't get to the funfair on the beach. Bloody terrorists!

Published by Silent Rob at 1:47pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

SR, no Saltdean lido's closed and being renovated for about a year, though has been acquired by a local community nfp, which is quite cool. The building's great, if a bit tired looking at the moment, like so many of the modernist stuff on the South coast.

Published by arthurCRS at 1:59pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

A lot of modernist stuff isn't maintained as it should have been so it often ends up looking a bit scruffy. I'm very glad that the lido is still there and is being converted into something better.

I never got to swim there when I was younger. Seems a bit odd since I went past it literally 20 times a year from 1978 until about 1992 when my gran died.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:09pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

Oooh, look at them CAPE figures:

I'm tempted to pop home and unplug all my electronics.

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:43am on Mon 22nd July 2013.

History repeats itself...

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:03pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

My scientific weather station tells me that it is 36.2 outside, 31 inside my flat, and 32.1 in my bedroom.

Published by Silent Rob at 4:42pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

surely this warm weather is what Beer Gardens were invented for?

Published by foolscap (not active) at 5:04pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

I don't know if it was the warm weather wot done it, but one of the glass panels on our (useless) Juliet balcony exploded today - literally shattered into Hackney diamonds, like a smashed car window. The only thing I can imagine that would have caused this, assuming it wasn't a meteorite, is the sun heating up the metalwork to such a high temperature that it warped enough to aggravate a weak spot in the panel. Fucking pain in the arse, whatever it was.

Published by John Techno at 10:12pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

Oh I rather like Juliet balconies. Not as much as proper balconies but they facilitate full length doors above the ground floor, which I like.

Carry on.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 10:40pm on Fri 18th July 2014.

Christ on a bike it's blowing a gale, the rain is like a monsoon and the lightning and thunder are right on top of me wooooo.

Published by bigmal at 3:51am on Sat 19th July 2014.

Oh I rather like Juliet balconies. Not as much as proper balconies but they facilitate full length doors above the ground floor, which I like.

What's the point of a balcony if you can't have a barbecue on it, though?

Published by John Techno at 2:46pm on Mon 21st July 2014.

like fresh air and you get more of it, and feel closer to being outdoors, if you have a door open rather than a window.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 11:37pm on Mon 21st July 2014.

Gosh, this weather is tedious isn't it? Always the same for a week now. Too hot. You get so much more variety in autumn. The heat has really GOT to me this year. I've been feeling drained and headachey all week, today I'm almost feeling Ill enough to call in sick.

BB gave me a water spray bottle thing last week, which has been cooling me off a bit though. So Thanks BB!

Published by Silent Rob at 5:45pm on Thu 24th July 2014.

Pffffft she does not cool me off any more....

Published by bigmal at 6:57pm on Thu 24th July 2014.

I have sunburnt arms what is the best thing for it.

Published by bigmal at 8:05pm on Thu 24th July 2014.

The best thing for sunburn is to spend long periods outside in the direct sunlight without using suncream. ;)

Published by Silent Rob at 9:48am on Fri 25th July 2014.

Lovely weather, eh?

Published by arthurCRS at 11:20am on Fri 25th July 2014.

I'm loving it. I can't be arsed to work though :-)

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 12:28pm on Fri 25th July 2014.

I must say that this sort of weather is a lot more bearable when you don't have to do anything. When you have to work in an office from 8 until 4 every day then it is a lot less fun. It is also far too hot to do any of the hobbies I like doing in the evening, so I'm basically sitting feeling a bit bored in the evenings. Moan moan moan. ;)

Published by Silent Rob at 1:22pm on Fri 25th July 2014.

How come it's so flipping HOT but I've gone down with a stinking blimming flipping COLD? What's that all about, then, eh? Do I get five pounds for grumpy weather related post of the day?

Published by randomandtwisted at 8:11pm on Sat 26th July 2014.

You certainly win the post of yesterday.

I always get colds in summer because my immune system struggles with the heat and I'm generally all blocked up anyway because of hay fever. I usually fly through winter without catching anything at all.

Do more elderly and "vulnerable people" die in extreme weather in summer or winter? I'll have to find out, if it's summer then I could finally prove that summer is worst with some good statistics and some graphs. :)

Published by Silent Rob at 8:41am on Sun 27th July 2014.

Bloody Hell! :(

Published by Silent Rob at 9:29am on Wed 1st July 2015.

apparently it's not British to complain about the hot weather. stiff upper lip 'n all that

Published by foolscap (not active) at 2:11pm on Wed 1st July 2015.

Talking about the weather is what British people do best.

"What about this weather?!"
"Rather bracing!"

Published by Silent Rob at 2:35pm on Wed 1st July 2015.

Bollocks to this.

Published by John Techno at 4:16pm on Wed 1st July 2015.

I have just been sleeping through it.

Come midnight, I'll be very relaxed.

And wide awake.

Published by Wrongfellow at 5:52pm on Wed 1st July 2015.

I put ice in my umbilicus hole, this prevented me from boiling like an egg.

Published by Martin Alkone at 1:05pm on Fri 3rd July 2015.

A frappuccino enema is another way to cool off. Frap that crack.

Published by ed____ at 2:20pm on Fri 3rd July 2015.

Bumping threads from a few years ago seems to be popular at the moment, so let's have this one again.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:10pm on Tue 19th July 2016.

Yesterday morning, just as it was starting to get hot, I noticed flying ants starting to emerge from the patio.

Dilemma: do I have a house that's too hot, or a house that's full of ants?

Luckily they all seem to have flown in the other direction.

Published by Wrongfellow at 1:04pm on Tue 19th July 2016.

This highlights people's misconceptions with hot weather: if you keep windows and doors open then all it does is let the hot/warm air in the house whereas if you keep everything shut including the curtains it will stay much cooler.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 4:07pm on Tue 19th July 2016.

Depends which side of the house you're on. My bedroom has a south facing window and no curtains; keeping the window closed turns it into a greenhouse on days like this, but leaving it open, and having another open door/window elsewhere, makes it a lot more comfortable.

(At my old flat in Cambridge it worked just as you suggest, with north/west facing windows and light coloured curtains.)

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:26pm on Tue 19th July 2016.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 4:29pm on Tue 19th July 2016.

ah yes, you need some curtains young man! that will help a lot. Can't you rig up a blanket or something? My flat is south facing and has huge windows so turns into a greenhouse if i don't close the curtains, windows and doors. it's still facking hot, mind.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 5:10pm on Tue 19th July 2016.

My flat is north facing, I have curtains but it still peaked at 34 degrees indoors last night.

I think temperatures of more than 25 degrees should be banned immediately. I will let winter hating people specify a minimum temperature too, I will add this to my extreme weather act.

Published by Silent Rob at 8:05am on Wed 20th July 2016.

if you relocated to my home town the high temperature during this mini-heatwave is 16C

Published by foolscap (not active) at 10:24am on Wed 20th July 2016.

Two years ago I went on an August holiday to Tromso in Norway, 350 miles north of the arctic circle. It was about a sensible temperature there.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:02am on Wed 20th July 2016.

don't worry, winter is coming... lol

and some thunder

Published by foolscap (not active) at 11:12am on Wed 20th July 2016.

I've often wondered what the Starks say when winter actually comes. "Winter is here"? "It's nearly Christmas"?

Looking forward to the rain, lol.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:41am on Wed 20th July 2016.

Just went for a lunchtime stroll. Still very humid, but nicely overcast and a strong cooling breeze. Hopefully the heavens will open at about 5.45 this evening when I'm safely at home.

Published by Silent Rob at 12:35pm on Wed 20th July 2016.

No no, not allowed. I need to get in more cardio later this evening.
Just back from posting a few records to Germany. I hate selling to DJs.

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:41pm on Wed 20th July 2016.

If the people from the villages with their warm breath and inquisitive natures kept away from the city in the hotter months, it would significantly reduce the basic temperature we city dwellers endure.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:25am on Thu 21st July 2016.

I think they say "Summer is coming". It doesn't sound anywhere near as ominous, which is why ASoIaF/Game of Thrones is set at that particular point in history.

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:24am on Thu 21st July 2016.


Published by Silent Rob at 6:32pm on Fri 8th July 2022.

I'm driving a delivery van now, it's like being in an oven.

Published by bigmal at 2:29am on Sat 9th July 2022.

its a bit too warm to ride a bike with the visor down to avoid all the flies

Published by _0_1_2_3_ at 1:54am on Mon 18th July 2022.

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