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[Event Chat] Dead Media Present - The Resistance, Intermission to Saturn, The Fuzzy Lights - 09/06/0

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Dead Media Present - The Resistance, Intermission to Saturn, The Fuzzy Lights
Saturday 9th Jun 2007 | Venue: The Portland Arms
Price: £4 | Time: 8pm | View event details

Welcome to another wonderful Bigmal-annoying event chat for your pleasure. This is next weekend for your post strawberry fair, pre Glastonbury entertainment.

We have the consistantly great Fuzzy Lights playing. They are consistantly glorious.

Intermission to Saturn use sitars, harmoniums and all kinds of REALLY COOL weird stuff. They are from Leicester and this is their first Cambridge gig.

After doing the usual songs around the country the last two months The Resistance are doing lots of new material and songs we don't usually do so it will be an event in itself. This is also the last Cambridge gig we are doing for quite some time so come along.

There will also be films and sweets, as ever.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:04am on Fri 1st June 2007. Viewed 4,514 times.

Hurrah for actually being here for this!

Published by lozzy at 11:08am on Fri 1st June 2007.

Hooray! Can I pin the sheet up please?

Published by Matt Abysmal at 1:45pm on Fri 1st June 2007.

So does this (cross-thread-comment)! :-)

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 1:51pm on Fri 1st June 2007.

Fuzzy Lights and The Resistance - I'm sold.

Published by turkeyphant at 12:18pm on Sat 2nd June 2007.

Dance MF dance!

Published by Mattstep at 11:20pm on Sat 2nd June 2007.

Monday bump. Yep.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:16pm on Mon 4th June 2007.

Can't make this - playing in London.

Published by rishistar at 8:20pm on Mon 4th June 2007.

That's a good enough reason, I guess. Hopefully you won't get your sound sabotaged... ;)

Anyone (except DJOMG) got any suggestions for films? We've got two in mind but there both black and white and it'd be nice to have at least one colour one. Intermission to Saturn seem like a pretty technicolour kind of band and all.

Published by Kascha at 1:37pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Oh, and Matt; the sheet is yours. You put it up beautifully. Don't fall on Em this time though.

Published by Kascha at 1:56pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Anyone (except DJOMG) got any suggestions for films?

Flesh For Frankenstein!

Published by Mattstep at 1:58pm on Tue 5th June 2007.


How about Return to Oz?

Published by lozzy at 2:02pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 2:04pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

I need to see Flesh for Frankenstein, I completely missed your showing of it. We were thinking about showing Trash, but there's probably a few too many penises in it. Always a potential problem with Warhol films, bless him.
I've haven't seen Return to Oz either. Shameful, isn't it? Does it have flying monkeys? It's definitely a contender if it's got flying monkeys.

Published by Kascha at 2:10pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Flesh for frankenstein has nudity and is dire, Return to Oz is great and has flying monkeys and a which who changes head for different occassions. Therefore it is winner.

Published by lozzy at 2:12pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

I just went and read some stuff about it and it sounds really traumatic. This is what imdb says about it:

"Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, is somehow called back to Oz when a vain witch and the Nome King destroy everything that makes the magical land beautiful."

Psychiatric experiment? What the Christ? Still, that's a pretty compelling argument you've got there, what with the monkeys and all...

Published by Kascha at 2:20pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Flesh for frankenstein has nudity and is dire

Having nudity is surely a bonus! Also it is completely ace and well suited to a Dead Media night. It'd be a shame to miss the amazing accents though, and some of the lines. Maybe you could have subtitles on? Well, even if you don't use it, I recommend watching it.

Return to Oz is also skill though. Haven't seen that for ages.

Published by Mattstep at 2:21pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Dorothy gets sent to a mental hospital after telling her family about Oz, she escapes and goes back to Oz.

Basically the books upon which both films are based are much darker than the films, but Return is a lot more like it, and hints that Oz is somewhere Dorothy retreats to when things are hard. It is brilliant.

In other news I have just eaten 250g of joghurt covered raisins and now I feel a bit sick. In fact I may have to take a brief trip to the toilet. gross, I knew this would happen if I bought them

Published by lozzy at 2:29pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

I know I'm not allowed to make suggestions but how about La Battaglia di Algeri?

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 2:29pm on Tue 5th June 2007.


How about Jim Henson's 'The Dark Crystal'? That has lots of cool creatures too.

Published by Mattstep at 2:30pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Ok, found Return to Oz. It's downloading and I'll watch it when I get home. If I can't sleep tonight, it's all your fault.

I need to see for myself just how dreadful Flesh for Frankenstein is. Subtitles don't really work at these things because of the wretched bands who get the way when you're trying read them. Maybe we should show Buster Keaton films all night — but then they're black and white too. Hmm. Possibly the thing to do is ditch the whole music bit of these nights and just hire the Portland for a film night. Cinema + fully licensed bar. Yeah, that could work.

La Battaglia di Algeri? - I don't what that is, but it sounds pretty clever. Alright, you're back in but we're going to be watching you very carefully. So what is it then?

Published by Kascha at 2:32pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Pans laberinth?

Published by lozzy at 2:32pm on Tue 5th June 2007.


Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:32pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

You see? I'm making serious suggestions here. Everyone else is just suggesting rubbish 80's kids films with puppets. I hate you all.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 2:33pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

No you don't DJOMG.

ps. I can't spell but can't be arsed to edit the above post, and I take no responsibility for nightmares.

Published by lozzy at 2:34pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 2:34pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Mole isn't a rubbish 80s kids film with puppets. It's a genius 60s/70s kids Czech cartoon. So there.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:35pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Pans laberinth isn't either, I'm just a bit slow :S

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 2:36pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

>Maybe we should show Buster Keaton films all night

I was thinking this while watching one the other night. The worst thing about my copies is the musical accompaniment which is rubbish and seems not to synchronize with the action at all. I have a couple of these on DVD if you want.

Published by Mattstep at 2:37pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Or one of my all time favourite films, which I got from a newspaper: Belleville Rondevous!

Published by lozzy at 2:41pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Pink Floyd - The Wall

*runs away*

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:46pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Belleville Rondevous!


Published by Mattstep at 2:48pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Is that the same as the Triplets of Belleville? Finally! I film I've actually seen! I'm still quite freaked out about the frogs though. Eugh.

I think Buster Keaton with a sound track by the Fuzzy Lights or some guys from Leicester could be pretty cool.

Jude, do you have Mole on DVD?

Published by Kascha at 2:49pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Is that the same as the Triplets of Belleville?


Published by Mattstep at 2:50pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

If you really want to freak people out why don't you put a late 90's teen movie on the projector. Something really dispicable like a Freddie Prinze Jr film?

Published by QueenBlag (not active) at 2:55pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Awesome. Apart from the frogs anyway.

Pink Floyd - The Wall
*runs away*

There's no way on earth you're getting Mole now. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

Published by Kascha at 2:55pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

"If you really want to freak people out why don't you put a late 90's teen movie on the projector. Something really dispicable like a Freddie Prinze Jr film?"

We don't want to freak people out, we just want something that looks nice. I'm not sure I want to know what a Freddie Prinze Jr film is.

Published by Kascha at 2:57pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Did you know that if you watch the original wizard of oz whilst playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon, it fits perfectly?

I haven't tried this yet but apparently if you press play on the record when the mgm lion roars, it works...

Published by chelleywithac (not active) at 3:05pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

That only works on the same principle of serendipity that all the films at Dead Media nights sync up with the music played (and they do frequently, it's very pleasing.). Basically it's rubbish spouted by students who've smoked too many special cigarrettes.

Published by Mattstep at 3:10pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

actually, it was my bass player who told me that based, i believe, on the fact that he has done it

Published by chelleywithac (not active) at 3:11pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Wizard of Oz, 108 minutes. DSOTM, 43 minutes. Do the math as our American cousins say.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 3:12pm on Tue 5th June 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:13pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

oh, ok then... i'm only reporting what i've been told. i have obviously been misinformed

Published by chelleywithac (not active) at 3:13pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

If you google for it, it's been debunked by someone who went through it and pointed out all the bits than don't sync.

Published by simon_b (not active) at 3:14pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Don't tell me to do the math /stupid indie referencing

Published by lozzy at 3:14pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

fair dos... I'll shut up

Published by chelleywithac (not active) at 3:14pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

I once listened to DSOTM for 15 minutes on the wrong speed without noticing.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 3:16pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Damn, me and my ill-advised "joke" suggestions.... Kascha - only got Mole on video, anyway (plus, would have had to to mug a 4 year old to get it), so never mind ;-)

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 3:18pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Dark Side Of The Moon wouldn't sound much slower and duller at 16rpm than it does at 33 1/3. And The Wall is actually quite funny, albeit highly unpleasant to look at and with an unforgivable soundtrack.

Published by saline drip at 3:19pm on Tue 5th June 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:21pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by actionfist (not active) at 3:20pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

one for all and all for one
muskehounds are always ready
one for all and all for one
helping everybody

Published by chelleywithac (not active) at 3:22pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by actionfist (not active) at 3:26pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

stuff Dogtanian, what about Albert the fifth musketeer? One of those cartoons that were worth watching even though you were out of the target age range.

In fact, how about a classic montage of kids animation? no?

Published by lozzy at 3:26pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Have you still got that version of the Quantum Leap theme tune?

Published by simon_b (not active) at 3:26pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by actionfist (not active) at 3:34pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by actionfist (not active) at 3:36pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

We ran a (long) series of nights featuring dogtanian, and we don't really want to re-cover old ground, awesome though it was. There could be something in the Quantum Leap thing though. Maybe when Kettles Yard give us an exhibition we can run it for two months straight with a soundtrack by pink floyd played at 0.5% of the original tempo. I'll get on to the Arts Council in the morning...

Published by Kascha at 4:39pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by actionfist (not active) at 4:47pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

After the success of our Quantum Leap season there's no way they could refuse us Cities of Gold. I was about six when that started running and nineteen when it finished. It did finish, didn't it?

Published by Kascha at 4:56pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

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Published by actionfist (not active) at 4:58pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

Probably with algorithmic plot generation so that it will run for all eternity. Pah indeed!

Published by Kascha at 5:06pm on Tue 5th June 2007.

It's always nice when you start a thread when you go away and you get back to find that it's had 50 replies. Top work people. :)

Published by Silent Rob at 5:49pm on Thu 7th June 2007.

Shoalin Soccer with the Resistance music would be beautiful.

Published by rishistar at 6:28pm on Thu 7th June 2007.

It might be worth mentioning that this may well be the last Resistance gig in the band's current form. So come along. And don't forget the Fuzzy Lights and Intermission to Saturn are both very good.

What's Shoalin Soccer?

Published by Silent Rob at 10:11pm on Thu 7th June 2007.

"in the band's current form"!!! Intrigue.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 10:17pm on Thu 7th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 10:47pm on Thu 7th June 2007.

Ooh, I'm all interested now. Is it going to be an addition or a subtraction, SR? Any clues you can give?

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 9:25am on Fri 8th June 2007.

Oh, Rob, you can't tease us like that, it's cruel!

Published by Mattstep at 1:07pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

I have an idea, but I shall just go back to my hole

Published by lozzy at 1:08pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

*still intrigued*

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 1:08pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

I'm saying nothing until we sort out details. Hopefully it will add an air of mystique to proceedings.

This will also be the last Resistance gig where we can smoke onstage. I don't usually smoke onstage because the Alex James pose usually ends up with smoke in my eye. But I'm going to try my damnest to do it anyway.
*looks into booking gigs in still smoking and proud Germany*

Published by Silent Rob at 1:19pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 1:21pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

How exactly does one stand like a cheese correspondent?

Published by Silent Rob at 1:37pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

*sigh* I LOVE Alex James... I may buy his autobiography.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 1:50pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

I love biographies written by one member of a band without the others. They usually end up dishing the dirt on the others. I look forward to hearing previously untold stories about Damon Alban's massive ego, Graham Coxon's alcoholism and what a smashing bloke Dave Rowntree is. They'll probably be some stuff about champagne drinking, space and growing a massive fringe too.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:05pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

It's being billed as "by the second-drunkest member of Blur". I like the title too. I just basically really like Alex James.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:10pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Graham must be the drunkest? Although I once met Damon Albarn at feet first in Camden. He was so drunk he couldn't stand up. Later in the evening he was spotted passed out in the toilets.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:14pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

I was assuming it was a reference to Graham, yes. Sorry - we've digressed quite a lot away from the forthcoming fabulousness of tomorrow night :-)

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:15pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

It keeps the thread at the top. ;) Blur could be quite wonderful apart from their alarming habit of releasing many of the most annoying tracks as singles. Inertia, Luminous, This is a Low, Oily Water, Yuko and Hiro, He Thought of Cars, Battle, and Trim Trabb all go unreleased when the odious Charmless Man, Stereotypes, Bang, Sunday Sunday and Tender all get played to death.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:32pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

But yeah, sitars and REALLY COOL stuff.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:33pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Sitars? REALLY COOL stuff?


Published by Kascha at 2:36pm on Fri 8th June 2007.


Lots of REALLY COOL stuff.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:40pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Outta sight!

Published by Kascha at 2:44pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Indeed. :)

Published by Silent Rob at 2:47pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Here's hoping no-one breaks your MOTHERFUCKIN' SITAR!

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 3:06pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Sitars are actually really light and fragile. They are very easy to break in onstage fights.

Published by Silent Rob at 3:13pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

We haven't had a fight onstage for like three months now. It'll be fine...

Published by Kascha at 3:14pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Woody Guthrie never said "this sitar kills fascists". With very good reason.
(x 100)

Published by saline drip at 3:17pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

Last bumb. Tomorrow people!

REALLY COOL weird stuff! ;)

Published by Silent Rob at 9:18pm on Fri 8th June 2007.

I like having a sitar in the house. Isn't there a shamisen as well- or did I imagine it?

Which instrument was the one DJOMG was playing in our back garden?

Published by ax_coterie at 2:49am on Sat 9th June 2007.

There isn't a sitar in the house. My sitar is at our studio. I've been meaning to bring it round to show you but it's 4 and a half feet long and Mill Rd is full of sitar muggers. Plus the bloody thing takes n hour to tune with it's 19 strings. There is a shamisen in the house, which DJohmygod was playing at the BBQ.

There's pics of both on the images page of my myspace page

Published by Silent Rob at 4:58pm on Sat 9th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 6:09pm on Sat 9th June 2007.

DJOMG was the bomb at shamisen.

Published by DJ Ohmygod at 6:35pm on Sat 9th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 1:02am on Sun 10th June 2007.

so i went to the toilet instead

if only more people would vent their anger through going to the loo the world'd be a happier place......

Published by mad_man_jac at 1:30am on Sun 10th June 2007.

You did have to be there. 'Twas fun. I tried to break my tele with a bit of wood, but the bit of wood, then the cable broke before the guitar. Damnit. The laptop fell off the organ but didn't break which was very good indeed. The Fuzzy Lights were exceptional and left their t shirts behind. Intermission to Saturn were very good despite someone throwing their poleroid camera at them. Cheers for all for coming. It was tremendous fun. I'm currently working through a bottle of Baileys feeling pleased.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:48am on Sun 10th June 2007.

It was great. I held my breath a bit when the laptop crashed to the floor, but was relieved when the 'apple' light came on again. I liked the maraca- and tambourine-wrangling.

For once I've not woken up the morning after with a resistance symbol in felt-tip on my cheek. One of the benefits of sobriety is that I now remember to wash it off my hand when I get home! Intermission to Saturn were really drowse-inducing in a GOOD way, I could totally have happily drifted off listening to them (this could be partly cos I got a seat near the front to listen to them on). Fuzzy Lights are awesome, and I greatly regret not really having seen them properly before (and missing the beginning of their set).

Top night.

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 12:03pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

Sorry I missed. I was on the worst date EVER. Wish I'd come to this instead :'(

Published by ax_coterie at 5:21pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 5:44pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

What did they do?

Published by simon_b (not active) at 5:48pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

aw ax, how rubbish. I stayed in cos I'd got myself all unhappy which was silly, so watched Inspector Morse and then went to bed.

Just think nothing ventured nothing gained, and then buy yourself some chocolate x

Published by lozzy at 6:55pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

yes ax, chalk it up to experience. and then buy a gun and become a MAN MURDERER.

's'all good

pity i missed the resistance. i was wankered in stourbridge grove.

*edited to add - HELLO ROB!*

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 7:02pm on Sun 10th June 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 7:06pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

What were you doing in Stourbridge Grove? I used to live at number 56.

I was rather worried that it was me who was to be the murderee rather than becoming a man murderer myself.

I'm sure I'll tell you what happened at some point but at the moment all I'll say is that the police are aware of what happened.

Published by ax_coterie at 7:42pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

Oh god ax, that sounds worrying.

Bluebelle what did this policewoman say to you in the pub? I seem to have missed something.

Published by simon_b (not active) at 8:03pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 9:25pm on Sun 10th June 2007.


Published by simon_b (not active) at 9:25pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

What were you doing in Stourbridge Grove?

getting wankered on strong continental lagers, rumandcokes and, er stuff.

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 9:45pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 9:52pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

>>i'm sure wearing a spaghetti strap top with no bra and a thong had nothing whatsoever to do with it ;)

You had trousers/ skirt on 'tho didn't you? Or do you often go out in just your knickers.
I'd love to go bra less but my boobs would rest on my stomach if I did.

Published by Teresa at 10:05pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 10:16pm on Sun 10th June 2007.

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