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This thread is about absolutely everything

It therefore cannot possibly go off topic, whatever you post.

Published by Spacefrog at 5:16pm on Mon 25th September 2006. Viewed 5,507 times.

That's it - problem solved. Delete all other threads.

Published by Matt H at 5:17pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

Published by Robadob at 5:18pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

Gherkin (French cornichon) is a young cucumber (Cucumis sativus), picked when 1 to 3 inches (3 to 8 cm) in length and pickled in jars or cans with vinegar (often flavoured with herbs, particularly dill; hence, ‘dill pickle’) or brine.

The term can also be used to refer to the West Indian Burr Gherkin (Cucumis anguria), a related plant species, originally West African, that was introduced to the West Indies, probably by the Portuguese. This ‘true’ or Burr Gherkin or badunga cannot interbreed with the ‘true’ cucumber (Cucumis sativus), which is the condiment vegetable now generally known as the gherkin or dill pickle. The West Indian Burr Gherkin is edible and may be pickled but must be picked when no longer than 1.5 inches (4 cm) long, since it becomes bitter and spiny if allowed to grow larger.

Published by mwhite (not active) at 5:18pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

Yummy! Like mini Snozzcumbers, only tastier ;o)

Published by Foxysmasher at 5:19pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

Did I manage to go off topic yet?

Published by Robadob at 5:20pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 6:39pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

And still nobody's even chuckled at my slightly existential joke of trying to be off topic in a thread about everything by leaving a post with nothing in it.

Don't playa hate, you know you love the wit.

Published by Robadob at 6:42pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

i made cheesy chips with beans for dinner , now i have a lump of grated cheese stuck on my foot .

its very odd

Published by General lee at 6:43pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

i come from a very small town in the northern isles

I come form Cornwall. We solve the problem in a different way by keeping it in the family...

Published by Nuts and Raisins at 6:44pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

*humms anthrax song of same name*

*plays banjo*

Published by General lee at 6:45pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

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Published by bluebelle (not active) at 6:48pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

i come from the fens

we eat the family

Published by General lee at 6:49pm on Mon 25th September 2006.


That's right Robadob - everything is nothing and all that... You massive wit you.

Published by greenfred (not active) at 6:53pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

Did you know that, over short distances, the mamba can outrun a horse?

Published by greenfred (not active) at 6:56pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

yeah but i knwo which one i would rather catch me .

did you knwo that the male platipus (yeah like i can spell that ! ) is posionus (or that )

Published by General lee at 6:59pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

did you also know that when you try to put macs on to a windows 98 network with 500 odd users it dosen't work and you just get a load of it technitions standing looking at thing scratching their heads

Published by flaming_guy90 at 7:01pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

actually i did .

if you take a mac and blow it up , it makes me happy /.

Published by General lee at 7:02pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

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Published by royston (not active) at 7:17pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

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Published by royston (not active) at 7:17pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

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Published by The Chocoholic (not active) at 8:09pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

*GL, what Anthrax song are you on about? All I can think of is "Keep it in the family" but I don't think that's in.*

you would be right , trust your instincts

*I have a drink problem!*

whats that ? 2 hands on only one mouth

Published by General lee at 8:10pm on Mon 25th September 2006.

It therefore cannot possibly go off topic, whatever you post.

Even GL ? Now there's a challenge

Published by Blacque Jacque at 11:06pm on Mon 25th September 2006.


How fucking easy is it to make up a healdine that creates friction.. yet..

the glis glis, a 7 inch rodent inhabiting, uninvited, many many homes in the home counties, was originally introduced by Nathaniel Rothschild who bred them and freed them into the woods in the town of Tring in hertfordshire, today the area is infested. he freed// about a dozen. Nathaniel founded his own museum, still open, which he originally started in a small shed as a child. He was also famed throughout the area for riding thru the town in a carriage, drawn by Zebra.

Published by honest tom at 12:02am on Tue 26th September 2006.

Tring! I used to live there (for the first 3 years of my life).

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 9:09am on Tue 26th September 2006.

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 9:10am on Tue 26th September 2006.

sadly i lived there for about 10, but escaped by tunneling at night and carrying the earth out inthe turnups of my trousers. We made it on the second attempt by tunneling under the A41, past the Rose and Crown and up into the park, coming out near Nell Gwyn's monument. Still on the run, never going back. Yuk :)

Published by honest tom at 9:13am on Tue 26th September 2006.

Weird, Honest Tom, you lived (or at least, went to school) in Aylesbury too, didn't you? Your dentist in Tring may very well have been my Dad...

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 9:19am on Tue 26th September 2006.

Pinky the Pig spoke yesterday of the heartbreak he felt on learning that his musical partner of over forty years had died after a long battle with swine flu.

Pinky and Perky dominated the media in the 1960s with their helium-voiced cover versions of hit records and were thought at the time to be a porcine answer to the Beatles. Perky the Pig was born in Czechoslovakia in 1938 and emigrated to Britain with his younger brother Pinky after the war. Both spoke no English but a knack for jokey speeded-up versions of popular songs soon endeared them to a massive following and gave them a series of number one hits. "Perky was one of the old school," said Pinky, his piping falsetto trembling with emotion. "We shall not see his like again." Perky leaves a sow and three strings of sausages.

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 9:36am on Tue 26th September 2006.

Most diseases sound like new cars.
E.g. The all new Siphilis 2000 (sic). For a really infectious drive.
Soriasis - or maybe Xema - The drive that gets under you skin.
Cystitis – Become inflamed!

Published by greenfred (not active) at 2:13pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

a dermatological pedant writes:

"actually, it's psoriasis and eczema. thanks for reading."

this message was brought to you by the scab advisory council

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 2:16pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

Now I understand why you're itchen so much...

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:21pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

I put (sic) once. I thought any committees wanting to workshop any change in spelling would apply that same pedantic verve to common sense. You shall be receiving my bill in due course.

Published by greenfred (not active) at 2:21pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

i'm not as daft as i act. my name has multiple connotations. and for fuck's sake jude, don't follow the link on the "nasty insects" thread. trust me on this one...

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 2:22pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

Do'h - see my post, just did :-(

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:24pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

You're lucky. I don't act as daft as I am. But I am as daft as I am. Unfortunately.

Published by greenfred (not active) at 2:24pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

Lazytown - educational or just plain disturbing - I can't decide.

Published by Dr Rhythm at 2:26pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

How does your daftness compare with that of a brush. A brush is the unit of daftness, in the same way as Wales is the unit of area (eg "the forest fire razed an area twice the size of Wales" etc)

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 2:27pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

lazytown = genius

especially robbie rotten

Published by Itchen Ferry (not active) at 2:28pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

He's kind of like a satanic Max Headroom which I suppose is what you get when you make children's TV in Iceland......or any TV probably!

Published by Dr Rhythm at 2:44pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

"i'm not as daft as i act"

As a wise man once said, liar liar pants on fire : )

Published by hairyarsenal at 2:45pm on Tue 26th September 2006.

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Published by semechkabrew (not active) at 1:25pm on Wed 5th April 2017.

Everything except spam, that is...

Published by Wrongfellow at 6:25pm on Wed 5th April 2017.

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Published by Enotrix (not active) at 8:31pm on Tue 9th May 2017.

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