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lost car key - question for honest Tom

annoyingly, I lost all my keys yesterday, including the the one set I have for my car and my car immobilizer. Will I have to get all the locks changed in my car or can I just get a replacement key? It's a fairly old Peugeot 306.......Cheers!

Published by swanlike at 10:05am on Fri 25th August 2006. Viewed 25,987 times.

You should be able to get a replacement set from a Peugeot dealer. Pretty much all cars (especially older ones) have "sets" of keys, so your keys would have worked on a number of other 306s.
Go to a dealer, tell them your registration number and they should be able to look it up and get you a replacement set.

Published by Kaladyr at 10:13am on Fri 25th August 2006.

There are two problems here:

1 the keys, presuming your keys were all the same, ( one key to fit all locks) then its quite simple, either Peugeot will have a listing for your Key Code OR someone can take one lock apart, read the codes from the levers and make a key to fit, usually we take the boot lock apart thats the easiest.

2 IMMOBILISER.. if it is a part of your key, then it is directly linked to a section of the main ECU ( Electronic control unit). It may well bee that you have to buy an immobiliser replacement kit, which includes the immobiliser and two key fobs.

A lot of this depends on the age of your car and the records kept by peugeot. Kaladyr is kinda right about the keys, but not so simple for the rest. If you want some help, call me on 078840 78590

Published by honest tom at 10:29am on Fri 25th August 2006.

wow, that's cheered me up. Somebody has handed my keys in at Cambridge station. panic over......thanks for you help though......

Published by swanlike at 10:51am on Fri 25th August 2006.

How about an M-reg 306 where the key fob battery seems to have died? Do you know what you might have to pay a dealer to get it brought back to life? I took it to a shop that cut keys and sold watch batteries thinking I was sorted, but the guy said that you should take them to a dealer to be sure that you don't "lose" key code. Is he right? Ta.

Published by strangelights at 10:52am on Fri 25th August 2006.

secret is, how long ago did it work, if only a few days, the chances are it will work with simply changing the batteries. otherwise PM me with the vehicle year,make and model and I will try and send you info on reseting it.. essentially if you are lucky its a simple change batts, otherwise you have to "re introduce" the car to the fob

Published by honest tom at 11:06am on Fri 25th August 2006.

I've got the same problem with mine - the central locking bit on the key stopped working ages ago........but it's an L reg, so everything's stopping working!

Published by swanlike at 11:06am on Fri 25th August 2006.

otherwise you have to "re introduce" the car to the fob

Does that mean you have to buy it flowers and promise to have it home by midnight,


I'll go now

Published by Rich page (not active) at 11:07am on Fri 25th August 2006.

1) rich is a prat

2) swanlike.. same deal, send me the details I will look it up and let u know what you can try

Published by honest tom at 11:09am on Fri 25th August 2006.

I like you today tom for you brief but effective humour

i find a screwdriver fixes all key problems

Published by General lee at 11:11am on Fri 25th August 2006.

1) rich is a prat

Thanks tom, that is the nicest thing that you have ever said to me!

Published by Rich page (not active) at 11:19am on Fri 25th August 2006.

> secret is, how long ago did it work, if only a few days,

Couple of months, I think.

> the chances are it will work with simply changing the batteries. otherwise PM me with the
> vehicle year,make and model and I will try and send you info on reseting it.. essentially if you
> are lucky its a simple change batts, otherwise you have to "re introduce" the car to the fob

Cheers, will do.

Published by strangelights at 11:25am on Fri 25th August 2006.

strangelights, got your PM, will reply asap. Tom

Published by honest tom at 2:42pm on Fri 25th August 2006.

I have sent PM to you. Wont print info on here as will end up being accused of putting info out to help thieves. It wouldnt help them but there is always one ejut. hope it helps


Published by honest tom at 2:52pm on Fri 25th August 2006.

Many thanks Tom, I will try that out.

Published by strangelights at 3:00pm on Fri 25th August 2006.

My 306(2000) keys have died, tried changing the battery but with no luck. Any top tips that will save me shelling out to the main dealer (quoted £80+ for new unit and re-coding)would be much appreciated.
Cheers, Pete

Published by summit to sea at 1:31pm on Tue 29th August 2006.

need to know one thing, can you open, start and drive the car?

Published by honest tom at 1:41pm on Tue 29th August 2006.

Got your Email but..
bugger me you're miles away, liverpool??

Ok so if it works and locks and runs fine, then there is v little wrong with the unit IN THE CAR. so the problem lies within the Key. ( most likely). If you split the key open you might well find one of the little contacts that sits on the battery has snapped off, ( very common) else the key needs checking and someone needs to try and marry it to the car unit, Its possible you will need to get a key or at least a fob but dlr should hbe able to order a key fob ( remote bit) to match your car, since peugeot keeps good records of codes etc. If you were local I could ask you to bring it over for a quick look, but Liverpool is not just around the corner.

Hope this helps a little


Published by honest tom at 1:56pm on Tue 29th August 2006.

have sent you instructions by PM to try and re marry unit, see if that works afore you pay loadsamoney

Published by honest tom at 4:49pm on Tue 29th August 2006.

I was wondering if this is possible with the transponder remotes and if so how do you pair the remote with the car.

Published by kahless at 5:27am on Wed 7th February 2007.


You need the help of a specailist car locksmith. Try these

Best of luck

Published by autolock at 4:36pm on Mon 5th November 2007.

isn't it a coincidence that someone called autolck is guiding folks to a site called autolock?


Published by scratcher (not active) at 4:38pm on Mon 5th November 2007.


Published by arthurCRS at 4:48pm on Mon 5th November 2007.

It would appear that the most important info here is not to but a 306!

Published by the_phantom_s at 7:13pm on Mon 5th November 2007.

*overdue thread update* I found my keys in the end - I'd left them on the train. If you ever get chance, pop into the lost property office on Cambridge station - the bloke who runs it is very entertaining and will tell you about all the bizarre stuff that people lose - from surfboards to skulls, and pretty much everything in between. They also sell off the lost property too once it hasn't been claimed for a while - I bought myself a slightly columbo-esque mac for £1.50 when I got my keys back.

Anyway, in other news, I've sold my 306 now - somewhat suprisingly - and I've now got a 206 which seems a bit more reliable *touches wood*

Published by swanlike at 11:52pm on Mon 5th November 2007.

There would have been no need to replace the locks. It is possible to program new keys and delete the old keys from the immobiliser system. peugeot keys can replaced by

This service is cheaper then main dealer costs and will get a professional to come to you at the roadside

Published by autolock at 9:41pm on Thu 20th March 2008.

NOW you tell us!

Published by Kuryakin at 11:20pm on Thu 20th March 2008.

Help!! Ive lost my peugeot 307 car key .. I have the spare but need another with remote opening. My local keycutter says i need to go to main dealer because of immobiliser..Anyone with any other ideas? would be very grateful, thanks

Published by deowra at 10:59am on Mon 28th April 2008.

i just came back from holiday and my 306 battery has gone flat. i can jump start the car but the alarm will also be turned on (remote control key fob is not working since ages ago). can i get a replacement key from a dealer and change the weak battery? please help as i really hate taking the bus to work.

Published by snasirin at 4:33am on Mon 21st July 2008.

You can use an auto locksmith as above. I have a 2004 Toyota which required a new transponder as well as the car key itself. I initially went to my dealer but they wanted so much money! I used a guy called Daren (, but thats when i lived in London. Much cheaper.

Published by TomDavies123 at 3:48pm on Thu 25th September 2008.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 3:49pm on Thu 25th September 2008.

Have lost my keys for my peugeot 306 d-turbo hdi on a W reg 2000 plate and i dont have a spare.
My main concern in getting a rigid key as i can get a second hand fob and reprogram it myself hopefully from what i read above.
My question is, if i get a blank to fit in the key fob, or a non electronic key blank, who can i get to cut the key from the Key Number which lukily i have written down?
I am in Swansea so the people above are no good but can i go to any locksmith or where would i have to go?
Also am i correct in thinking a key fob of the correct type will reprogramme and work for my car if i can find a good second hand one?
I also have the transponder code written down if i need that, by the way.

Published by james_adams at 11:54pm on Sun 12th October 2008.

Deleted Post

Published by Ryan123 (not active) at 1:30pm on Wed 13th September 2017.

Pro tip: if you're going to pretend to be a satisfied customer, don't sign up using an email address that matches the web site you're trying to promote.

Published by Wrongfellow at 2:45pm on Wed 13th September 2017.

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