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Art at the Six Bells

Sunday 1st August 2010

Venue: The Six Bells
Category: Art & Exhibitions
One Liner: Fab Pictures

An Exhibition of paintings by Ranald Lawrence.

Ranald Lawrence was born and raised in Scotland, where the landscape and scenery of Ayrshire and the west coast have remained a dominant influence on his work to this day.

Educated at Jesus College, Cambridge, he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture and is currently studying for a Master of Philosophy in Environmental Design. He is an accomplished artist, and his work has been exhibited at various local galleries around Ayrshire as well as at the Cambridge University degree show in 2007 and 2009.

As an artist he mainly paints in acrylic, but he is also a keen natural photographer. His recent work focuses on the relationship between the landscape and the weather, seeking to draw out the atmosphere of place through the evocation of ever-changing light.

All that, plus he's a regular at the Six Bells!!

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