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It's been a while since we had a thread about snow.

I saw a muntjac in my garden yesterday. I hope it's not too cold in all the snow that's falling.

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:13am on Sun 10th December 2017. Viewed 4,000 times.

I heard a strange noise outside a few weeks back, looked out and saw two muntjac walking up the road having a chat, looking like they were on their way home from the pub.

Great things about snow #1: I get to use my favourite Dutch word, "besneeuwd" - as in, "we are besneeuwd".

Published by John Techno at 1:17pm on Sun 10th December 2017.

When you sign up to create a Google account, it shows you one of those red-yellow-green passwordometer thingies that tells you how hard your password will be to crack.

I just tried it with "besneeuwd" and Google rated it as "Strong" - the best possible classification.

So we should all change our passwords to "besneeuwd", because that'll be really secure.

In other snow-related news, today I helped a guy whose car was wheel-spinning.

It was the kind of car that rich 20-somethings drive, with tinted windows and fancy hubcaps. It didn't have a big KENWOOD decal in the rear window, but it probably should.

It also had fancy tyres which appeared to be utterly treadless and incapable of gripping anything, which could explain why he wasn't going anywhere.

One quick push and he was on his way.

I'm starting to wonder whether I've really helped him or not, in the grand scheme of things. Instead of being stuck at home, he's probably stuck somewhere miles away by now. Perhaps I should have just left him where he was.

Published by Wrongfellow at 6:40pm on Sun 10th December 2017.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:42pm on Sun 10th December 2017.

With tyres like those, he's probably stuck in a ditch. With the steering wheel stuck in his chest cavity.

That'll learn 'im.

Published by John Techno at 6:50pm on Sun 10th December 2017.

The best thing that could be said about them is that they looked a bit like Formula 1 tyres, which could be why he bought them.

I'm not sure how well a proper Formula 1 car would perform in the snow, either.

Published by Wrongfellow at 6:53pm on Sun 10th December 2017.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:53pm on Sun 10th December 2017.


Kenwood eh

Sounds a bit like Magimix if you ask me.



Published by bigmal at 6:00pm on Tue 12th December 2017.

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