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Disco Kenny

i haven't seen him in ages, or the Ginger Ninja, or that Beatbox Bike guy. is Cambridge losing its weirdos / personalities / characters (delete as applicable)?

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:52pm on Mon 14th September 2015. Viewed 5,435 times.

I last saw kenny in June at strawberry fair. He's still around somewhere.

Is ginger ninja the chap with the waist length dreads and a love of Blazers? Nice chap, actually met him last year.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:45pm on Mon 14th September 2015.

the chap with the waist length dreads...

If you mean "ankle-length dreads, when he's got them tied back so they don't drag in the dirt", he's a friend of mine, and I've never heard him called the Ginger Ninja.

He's a really useful guy to know - especially when you're at a festival, talking to someone else on the phone, and trying to help them find you in the crowd.

Published by Wrongfellow at 9:29pm on Mon 14th September 2015.

I saw Disco Kenny a couple of weeks ago, resplendent in blazer and straw hat.

Published by DeFrev at 9:59pm on Mon 14th September 2015.

World's gone mad!

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:56pm on Mon 14th September 2015.

i've not seen ginger ninja so don't really know what they look like tbh. the guy with dreads i saw in the last couple of months, and the dreads are not as long, more like somewhere between waist and shoulder

Published by foolscap (not active) at 11:12pm on Mon 14th September 2015.

He has a Facebook page "The Disco Kenny Appreciation Society".
spotting's and regular updates are posted.

Published by bigmal at 12:13am on Tue 15th September 2015.

Ginger Ninja, I assume, is the chap that did the traffic reports for local radio. Cambridge does seem to have fewer characters these days, though. I hope Me Corbyn will propose a fund to encourage and support them in future.

Published by John Techno at 1:03am on Tue 15th September 2015.

Weekly pay, weekly pay.

Published by Priority 23 at 10:45am on Tue 15th September 2015.

I saw the beatbox bike guy a couple of weeks ago. Needs to change his batteries!

Published by marcosthebubble at 1:32pm on Tue 15th September 2015.

Just spotted Disco Kenny on his bike, cycling up Milton Road.

Rumours of his death are greatly exaggerated.

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:50pm on Thu 15th October 2015.

I love seeing Kenny cycling. He still goes "hello, how you doing gotta laugh" even though everyone is going past him at great speed.

Published by Silent Rob at 6:07pm on Thu 15th October 2015.

I saw "bloke with very long ginger dreads" (who is indeed a good chap) today. He was wearing a coat with his dreads inside, hanging out the back like a tail.

Published by John Techno at 11:41pm on Thu 15th October 2015.

Personally, my dreads are just getting to the point where I can use them to wipe my ass in an emergency.

(One thing I'll give the Americans credit for is that their spelling of the word "ass" kicks our "arse" in the ass.)

Published by Wrongfellow at 9:14pm on Mon 19th October 2015.

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