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Yes, androids do dream of electric sheep

Next step: scanning parts of the human brain and putting them in feedback loops like this. I don't think it'll take too long to come up with a piece of software that believes in God.

Published by Wrongfellow at 1:44pm on Sat 20th June 2015. Viewed 4,141 times.

KRYTEN: "He's an android. His brain could not handle the concept of there being no silicon heaven."

LISTER: "So how come yours can?"

KRYTEN: "Because I knew something he didn't."

LISTER: "What?"

KRYTEN: "I knew that I was lying. Seriously, sir. 'No silicon heaven'? Preposterous! Where would all the calculators go?"

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 9:57am on Mon 22nd June 2015.

^ I thought of that too. :)

Published by Silent Rob at 12:32pm on Mon 22nd June 2015.

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