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Someone gave me a lift in one of these today

Published by sam i at 10:16pm on Wed 9th September 2015. Viewed 4,066 times.

If you poop yourself driving one it's known as a tesla coil

Published by ed____ at 12:27pm on Thu 10th September 2015.

I nearly did poop myself. It goes like shit off a shovel.

Published by sam i at 7:11pm on Thu 10th September 2015.

The thing I love about the Tesla S is that while other sports cars have a setting called something like "Sports" or "Autobahn," the S has one called "Ludicrous Mode."

Just by doing that, Tesla made electric cars cool, even by the standards of Clarksonesque petrolheads.

(When Tesla said they "won't be going after anyone who uses our technology," giving as their reason a belief that development of electric vehicles is more important than protecting their own patents, was pretty fucking cool too.)

And just to prove how cool electric cars can be, here's an electric Ariel Atom quite literally pissing in the face of a couple of supercars...

Published by John Techno at 9:53pm on Fri 11th September 2015.

You know how some cars have a dial on the dashboard showing you the miles per gallon?

I think I'd like to add a "Super Turbo Mode" that just lifts that dial up say 20% further, without affecting anything else.

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:32pm on Fri 11th September 2015.

Incidentally, since we're talking about future methods of transport, Stuff magazine has a fun article about the EM drive this month.

Published by John Techno at 10:54pm on Sat 12th September 2015.

Incidentally, since we're talking about future methods of transport, Stuff magazine has a fun article about the EM drive this month.

(This appeared twice because I've recently built my own EM drive out of old beer cans and some superconducting stuff I happened to have in the fridge, and it's now so amazingly efficient and fast that it actually went into the future and, like, some quantum stuff happened, or something.)

Published by John Techno at 10:57pm on Sat 12th September 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:00pm on Sat 12th September 2015.

My gut feeling is that the EM drive will turn out to be similar to the superluminal neutrinos: they used a dodgy cable. Or perhaps it was a thermal effect:

I'm still rooting for them, though, basically because I would love to see it work.

some superconducting stuff I happened to have in the fridge

How cold does your fridge get, exactly? How long do you have to wait for your food to thaw out before you can eat it?

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:30pm on Sat 12th September 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:32pm on Sat 12th September 2015.

"I'm still rooting for them, though, basically because I would love to see it work" - my thoughts exactly. It's one of those "if it works, we're sorted" things.

"How cold does your fridge get, exactly?" - sometimes, I accidentally nudge the temperature control up to 5 when carelessly inserting large foodstuffs such as pizza. This makes it cold enough to freeze grapes. Any physicist will tell you that this is "really cold."

Published by John Techno at 11:40pm on Sat 12th September 2015.

It's one of those "if it works, we're sorted" things

And the rest of the Universe can go fuck itself. We're coming for you, motherfuckers.

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:47pm on Sat 12th September 2015.

Saved for reading at some future point when I'm not pissed (probably on the bog at work).

Published by John Techno at 12:09am on Sun 13th September 2015.

Hmm. I'm starting to think my pulsejet cigarette lighter idea wasn't ambitious enough...

Published by John Techno at 12:14am on Sun 13th September 2015.

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