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Pretentios record shops

Published by bigmal at 8:37pm on Sat 18th April 2015. Viewed 4,230 times.

I'm reminded of a chap who came into Andy's Records one day and asked if anyone knew anything about jazz. I like a bit of jazz, so I said I'd help him. "I heard a CD at my friend's house and I'd like to buy a copy," he said. "I don't know what it's called or who it's by, but I have the catalogue number."

"Right you are, boss," I said, or words to that effect. "I can look it up and find out what it is, and if we don't have it in stock I can order it for you."

So then he gave me a bit of paper with "CD-R" written on it.

"Er - a CD-R is a kind of recordable CD, not a catalogue number. You record audio files onto them with your computer," I told him.

For the next ten minutes or so, he argued that this was not in fact the case and informed me that I was such a total idiot with no knowledge of the music industry that I shouldn't be working in a record shop, at which point the manager asked him to fuck off. I heard a week later he'd rung Andy's head office to complain, and they'd told him to fuck off too.

Published by John Techno at 10:03pm on Sat 18th April 2015.

I was once stopped in Germany by two store detectives, one was sure I was concealing a CD from Saturn shop in Cologne. I wasn't, but one wouldn't accept I was innocent and asked me how I did that trick. I never went back either. Awful experience.

Published by cherryhintonguy at 10:48pm on Sat 18th April 2015.

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