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Poppers to be made illegal.

Published by Priority 23 at 1:03pm on Thu 21st January 2016. Viewed 4,727 times.

I remember about ten years ago I went to strawberry fair and I met a group of European people. They had bought a bottle of poppers and excitedly told me that it was illegal where they came from. They were taking sniff after sniff and rolling around in the floor with red faces, before feeling sick. They offered the bottle round and all the English people refused, saying that they didn't like it and there was no reason for them to do it.

I think that perfectly illustrates why making drugs illegal is an utterly stupid idea and any governments who do so are idiots.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:56am on Fri 22nd January 2016.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:54pm on Fri 22nd January 2016.

Do you think if the Government made belladonna illegal, all the idiots would rush out and kill themselves?

Published by Wrongfellow at 11:00pm on Fri 22nd January 2016.

I remember poppers was my first real high.

I managed to get hold of a small bottle from another kid and spent one summers afternoon getting high with my school friends.

I actually remember loosing the bottle in a huge farmers field, we came up with the genius idea to try and find it with a metal detector as the bottle had a metal lid but alas, the fun had come to an end.

things like that are never ent to last, like an amazing girlfriend, you know she won't be around for ever, you make the most of it when she is there but miss her when she is gone.

aw, the memories....

Published by moody l at 12:36am on Tue 26th January 2016.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:38am on Tue 26th January 2016.

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