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FAO WANMaster Wrongfellow

There's summat up with the photo uploading thingy. Whenever I try to upload a pic, I get the error message saying it's an odd file rather than a .jpeg or .gif - it's a .jpeg and it's an acceptable size. Sometimes, after several attempts, the pic uploads; other times I give up after ten or so tries. Any ideas?

Published by John Techno at 11:44pm on Thu 9th July 2015. Viewed 4,573 times.

Well, that's very odd.

Hopefully I'll get some time tomorrow to go through the logs and try to work out what's happened.

Has anyone else had similar problems? I know I've posted at least one picture since the changeover, and it worked for me, but that doesn't really say a lot.

Published by Wrongfellow at 8:22am on Fri 10th July 2015.

I've checked everything I can think of this end, including using different image editing programs just in case Paintshop saves in some weird pseudo-.jpeg. The odd thing is WAN will sometimes accept the image after several attempts without me making any changes to it.

Published by John Techno at 9:07pm on Fri 10th July 2015.

Yup. It definitely sounds like a problem with WAN rather than a problem at your end. That's why I'm interested to know if anyone else has had trouble.

Published by Wrongfellow at 2:04pm on Sat 11th July 2015.

I've had several alerts from google in the last few days saying they've blocked login attempts to a few old gmail accounts I'd forgotten I'd ever created. The common thread was that all had probably been used to create accounts on here back in the mists of yore.

Is a bot scraping this database? Is wrongfellow really bored? Are google making it up to try and sell me a solution?

Published by troll at 11:26am on Mon 13th July 2015.


(This is Timmy the Test Kitten. He's helping me to figure out what's going wrong.)

Is a bot scraping this database?

WAN gets an amazing amount of attention from various malicious bots. I'm not aware of any of them having got in. It's not impossible, though.

Published by Wrongfellow at 1:23pm on Sun 19th July 2015.

Well done Timmy!

John - can you have another go, and keep trying until it succeeds? That should tell me exactly what the problem is.

Is wrongfellow really bored?

Yes, I am, but that doesn't have much to do with the emails you're getting.

Published by Wrongfellow at 1:28pm on Sun 19th July 2015.


Several attempts with .jpgs to no avail, but ok with a .gif

Published by John Techno at 11:06am on Wed 22nd July 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:07am on Wed 22nd July 2015.



Published by John Techno at 11:10am on Wed 22nd July 2015.



Published by John Techno at 11:11am on Wed 22nd July 2015.

OK, looks like it might just be that the image files that failed were too big - didn't think of that because the error message says "odd file" rather than too big!

Actually, forget that. I reckon WAN thinks .jpeg images saved on Paintshop with compression set to "1" aren't .jpegs. If I set it to "2," it's fine.

Published by John Techno at 11:15am on Wed 22nd July 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:19am on Wed 22nd July 2015.



Published by John Techno at 11:17am on Wed 22nd July 2015.

Is this one of your own pics? More interested in the boat in the background, wherever that is...

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:56pm on Wed 22nd July 2015.

Yup. Taken at Southwold the other day. I'm more interested in seagulls than boats, though, so I don't have a photo of the boat!

Published by John Techno at 2:26pm on Wed 22nd July 2015.

OK, looks like it might just be that the image files that failed were too big - didn't think of that because the error message says "odd file" rather than too big!

Actually, forget that. I reckon WAN thinks .jpeg images saved on Paintshop with compression set to "1" aren't .jpegs. If I set it to "2," it's fine.

I'm not sure either of these really makes sense. A file that's too big, or only lightly compressed, shouldn't trigger that message.

Still, I should have something useful in the logs now, so I'll have a look when I get the time (which isn't likely to be before Sunday).

Published by Wrongfellow at 7:43am on Thu 23rd July 2015.


Compression factor: 1 - "It appears that your trying to upload an odd file? This form only accepts JPEGs or GIFs. Please try and save the image again in either of these formats. Back to the form."

Compression factor: 2 -

Published by John Techno at 11:51am on Thu 23rd July 2015.

From the logs it looks like you've tried to upload a few 0-byte long files! Can you check the size of the file you get when you save on compression level 1? If it's 0 bytes then we've found the problem (and it isn't my end).

Published by Wrongfellow at 12:07pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.


Edit: this one is compression = 1 and uploaded no problem. I looked at the size of previous images also set to 1, they're not 0kb here!

Published by John Techno at 12:22pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:24pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

Deleted Post

Published by John Techno at 12:26pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 12:26pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.


237,748 bytes, compression = 1: "It appears that your trying to upload an odd file?"

187,813 bytes, compression = 2:

Published by John Techno at 12:37pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

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