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Grantchester livens up a bit.

Published by bigmal at 8:47am on Fri 19th June 2015. Viewed 3,972 times.

I like the Red Lion pub in Grantchester precisely because it isn't lively and you can get a drink on a Friday evening without have to shout or punch someone in the ribs to get near enough to the bar, and get a seat on a sofa. Kind of a bridge between staying in and going out. Weird

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:41pm on Fri 19th June 2015.

I hate the place, the Green Man is better.
The Red Lion is a yuppy pub where they serve you a burger on a slate, and and 18 year old waitress, with an educated lisp, call Harriet tells you, you need to book a table to sit down and drink.
i've seen their customers standing up eating overpriced roast dinner.
It's not a pub you see, it's an eating experience.....

Published by Priority 23 at 12:53pm on Fri 19th June 2015.

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