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She was accused of being clairvainent.

She was accused.
She the questioned the word 'clairvainent' (which doesn't exist)
She then denied being clairvainent.
How can you deny being something that doesn't exist. A sign of a guilty concourse.
She will no examine her life and behaviors.
Her husband is reluctant to assist her in her lookings.

Published by Martin Alkone at 12:49pm on Fri 5th June 2015. Viewed 4,073 times.

Her letter to to government reading like this:

We are both delighted to be presented with those awards.
I baking cake for you and the freedom of our children.

They will be remarked upon in a clairvoyant fashion, ignoring the predicted sentencing sand holiday requirements.

Published by Martin Alkone at 12:40pm on Fri 12th June 2015.

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