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We must all be loaded...

from the guardian wrap:


The richer people become, the further they cycle, the Times reports,
somewhat surprisingly.

The richest fifth of the population cycle, on average, two and a half
times as far in a year as the poorest fifth, the paper says,
dispelling old theories that the bicycle is largely a "poor man's
mode of transport".

A national survey by the Department for Transport indicated that the
poorest fifth, despite being five times less likely to have access to
a car, were very unlikely to consider cycling as a solution to their
transport needs.

The London Cycling Campaign said people on higher incomes tended to be
better educated about the health benefits of cycling. People living
on council estates, especially those in high-rise blocks, were less
likely to have a secure place to park their bikes.

Cycling groups have blamed the absence of role models for
disadvantaged groups. Footballers and pop stars are not regularly
pictured on bicycles, the paper points out.

* Times: Ride a bike? You must be rich ( )

Published by lozzy at 3:24pm on Fri 21st September 2007. Viewed 1,589 times.

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