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Last Gang present a night of Punk Rock with GBH + Casual Nausea + Beverley Kills Sat 26th Oct


LAST GANG IN TOWN proudly present GBH + Casual Nausea + Beverley Kills

GBH – Hailing from Birmingham, GBH were formed in 1978. They were early pioneers of English street punk and one of the key bands of the scene that gave a second wind to the UK punk rock scene.

GBH were also one of the first bands to add a strong heavy metal influence to punk rock, and have been cited as an influence by bands including Metallica and Rancid.

GBH have been active in the studio over the years and unlike most bands from their era they released new material instead of relying on an old catalog of ‘hits’. The band released their 12th studio album ‘Momentum’ in 2017 on Hellcat Records!

Expecting a run-of-the-mill performance from the band is not on the agenda because these legendary punk rock veterans go out on stage full throttle.

The current line up of features the original three members Colin Blyth on guitar, Ross Lomas on bass and frontman Colin Abrahall behind the mic. Former Bomb Disneyland/Bomb Everything member Scott Preece is their skins player and has been with the band since the mid-90s.

CASUAL NAUSEA – A glorious frantic mess. More a group of friends or some sort of deranged punk rock family than a band. Fast and aggressive with multiple vocalists yet catchy and sing along at the same time!

They’ve been compared to loads of bands across most punk sub-genres like Minor Threat, Crass and the Casualties and have been playing gigs all over the place including on Last Gang’s Hangar 161 stage at Boomtown Fair!

BEVERLEY KILLS (Rare Acoustic Set!) – Twice, local Bevs went down a storm supporting the legendary GBH, and this time they return as a duo, performing a rare acoustic set! Just a few days shy of the 11th anniversary of their first ever gig as a full band at the Portland Arms, Kate and Georgie will be pulling out some new songs, some old, and certainly a singalong cover to ease us into this banger of a night!

LAST GANG IN TOWN DJs – Punk & beyond…

Saturday 26th October 2019
Doors 7:30pm
@The Portland Arms, 129 Chesterton Road, Cambridge CB4 3BA

£10 advance / £12 on the door
Advance ticket link:

Further Info:

Published by LastGangInTown at 5:42pm on Tue 22nd October 2019. Viewed 2,363 times.

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