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A night of Punk with The Restarts + The Rebel Riot (Burma)



THE RESTARTS - The Restarts first crawled out of the North London Squat scene well over 20 years ago. Serial dole scroungers the lot of them, they named their band after the dreaded 'back to work' interviews and set about touting their stroppy four-chord punk to spiky-haired audiences around the world.

Clawing their way to the top of the underground pile, yet staying true to their ideals and the DIY culture at the true subversive heart of punk, the Restarts have toured all over Europe, the US and Canada, and with numerous releases have found themselves playing their part in the worldwide network of DIY Punk Rock.

Combining their socially aware lyrics with raw vocals and plenty of chorus “shout-a-longs” their abrasive yet catchy UK punk sounds are coming back to Cambridge. DIY political punk for the 21st century!!

THE REBEL RIOT – The Rebel Riot are a punk band from Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). Over the past 10 years they have captured the world’s attention with their outspoken music and have put their ideals into action by feeding Burma’s homeless with their Food Not Bombs project.

The Rebel Riot, and their friends in Yangon’s Common Street punk collective, have been using music to fight against injustice, poverty, harsh censorship laws, and violent government crackdowns. In a country where punk is very much an act of rebellion, the Rebel Riot have given a voice to those who are angry, frustrated, and disenchanted with the injustice around them.

They put their words into action and have had articles written about them by the Guardian and Vice.
They are extremely vocal about the government sanctioned ethnic genocide in their country to their own selfless peril. For us in the west we are somewhat protected and permitted to scream barbed critiques of our government where as in Myanmar this could land you in jail for a very long time.

Despite the high media attention brought to this rebellious group, the group and their friends still live a subsistence existence, many living communally, trying to make a living collectively by printing their own t-shirts, tattooing and hair-dressing, all while organising to support people worse-off than themselves.

This will be the first ever tour of a Burmese punk band in the UK and will help promote the life changing work of The Rebel Riot and the Common Street punk collective.

A screening of the film My Buddha is Punk, the story of how Rebel Riot singer, Kyaw Kyaw and his friends have been trying to spread the message and the music of punk throughout Myanmar, will take place at the gig.

Thursday 19th October 2017

7:30pm – 11pm

@The Corner House, 231 Newmarket Road, Cambridge CB5 8JE

£5 entry

Further Info:

Published by LastGangInTown at 7:19pm on Thu 7th September 2017. Viewed 4,187 times.

Fantastic news for a Monday morning......The Rebel Riot have had their visas approved!!!

This is going to be a very very special gig, with the first ever Burmese punk band to tour the UK!

Please spread the word, invite your friends and share the event.

All proceeds from this gig will go to support the band's Food Not Bombs project.

Published by LastGangInTown at 11:11am on Mon 9th October 2017.

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