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Cambs News Taxi Loler

This is an interesting little ditty from the snooz, but if you look at the replies someone from wan is loling and I want to know who it is. Their snooz name is Cantab. Own up buster you know it's the right thing to do.

Published by bigmal at 10:58pm on Tue 12th February 2013. Viewed 4,823 times.

No doubt the wankers at CN will sensor my reply for some reason, so here it is....

12/02/2013 21:58
God taxi drivers can't win. I used to drive for a taxi cowboy firm called Panther around 5 years ago and got loads of abuse from the punters. The worst were the old Irish drunks wanting to be taken a few hundred yards up the road without the meter being turned on. But by far the worst were the old women who were rude, lazy, arogant, openly racist and just downright fowel and sometimes they would openly urinate on the seats. Blow me if you complained to an oldie, by god the wrath of god could not be worse. I got this old timer in my cab one time and she pointesd at the building she wanted me to take her too. It was rush hour traffic which meant nothing to this old bat. She was sooooo rude then when we did arrive 100 yards up the road (if that) she handed me a taxi card and £1 although the meter had gone up to over £4. Is it any wonder taxi drivers occasionaly trip these people up as they get out the cabs. THE WORST ONES ARE THE LOLLIPOP WOMEN. Oh don't get me started.
12/02/2013 21:58

And here is the reply from Cantab......
@bigmal lollllllzzzzz! Splendid work, young lady!

12/02/2013 22:18

Published by bigmal at 11:03pm on Tue 12th February 2013.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 11:03pm on Tue 12th February 2013.

sometimes they would openly urinate on the seats, THE WORST ONES ARE THE LOLLIPOP WOMEN!
There's an image

Published by Grape Face at 8:13am on Wed 13th February 2013.

I must admit that I am presently suprised that my original reply is still on the CN web page, I wonder how long it will be untill my replyto Cantab's question is pulled.

here is Cantabs question....@bigmal: I am intrigued by your reference to lollypop ladies. How do you know their profession? Is it the big pole with the disc on top that gives it away? I can imagine they'd be hard to store in the car. Or do they regale you with crossing-related stories during their 100m journey? So many details are missing here!

And here is my reply

@Cantab, where to begin my friend. I had a lollipop women in the cab years ago called lollipop Lil, Christ what a trumpet. I would pick her up from the Arbury and take her to Shirley school in Chesterton. She was all dressed up in her bright yellow jacket and her lollipop. We could not get the lollipop in the cab so she would hang on to it out the window. She got me to drive round all the other primary schools on the way to Shirley and if she saw another lollipop woman, Lil would get me to broadside her with my cab and whoosh she would knock the lollipop woman for six with her big lollipop. Haha how we laughed.Sometimes she would rent me out at lunchtimes and we would see how many lollipops we could steal of the lollipop women in other areas. We got seven in one day one time.The cab was so full of them Lil had to stand on the roof car surfing. Not bad for a 65yr old is it. Mind you she would still wave her huge lollipop at me when I was doing 50mph up Chesterton High Street.

Published by bigmal at 6:49am on Fri 15th February 2013.

was this cambridge or Royston Varsey?

Published by marcosthebubble at 12:29pm on Fri 15th February 2013.

A kind, old lollipop lady cleaned the snow off my windscreen for me this morning.

Though I think the impact helped her a bit ;-]

Published by daggg at 1:32pm on Sun 17th February 2013.

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