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UKIP - The Starry Firmament

Published by John Techno at 9:05pm on Wed 7th June 2017. Viewed 4,567 times.

So, having achieved independence from Europe, now they want us to declare independence from the rest of the planet, too?

Published by Wrongfellow at 10:53am on Thu 8th June 2017.

Hey, if they want to get in to a rocket and blast off into space, I'll chip in.

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 11:04am on Thu 8th June 2017.

I'd actually be supportive of providing money for stuff like that (provided the party proposing it wasn't a bunch of racist idiots like UKIP), but as the New Scientist pointed out today, how far would £1.2 billion actually get you towards these aims when HS2 is predicted to cost £56 billion?

Published by John Techno at 10:00pm on Thu 8th June 2017.

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