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Anyone who finds the McCanns utterly vile will love this

Published by Priority 23 at 12:26pm on Wed 1st March 2017. Viewed 4,542 times.

I don't find the McCanns vile. I find the way the Express feels the need to run a McCann story almost every single week a bit unwholesome.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:32am on Thu 2nd March 2017.

Well, the Princess Di stories are drying up a bit and even the "OMG NOW MEGAFUCK 10MILLION FEET OF FOREIGN SNOW ON THE WAY!!!!" stories get dull after a while, so they've got to find something to print.

Published by John Techno at 10:11pm on Sat 4th March 2017.

I would have thought that there would be more than enough "Brexit is late, evil liberals holding it back" and "1950's: The good old days, we're going back there soon" stories to post for the next few years.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:48am on Sun 5th March 2017.

Plus they've always got the " CAUSES/CURES [delete as appropriate] CANCER" to take care of two days each week.

Published by John Techno at 10:55am on Sun 5th March 2017.

'Course, once in a while the Express will surprise us all with a fine example of quality journalism. Such as this report:

Published by John Techno at 11:06am on Sun 5th March 2017.

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