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biking from Wales to Cambridge

Is there a good mapping site that tells you a save route for such a long journey.

Published by bigmal at 8:58pm on Fri 25th November 2016. Viewed 4,950 times.

Published by Silent Rob at 5:50am on Sat 26th November 2016.

Do it without a map, and make a point of talking to as many strangers as possible on the way. It'll be much more fun that way!

Published by John Techno at 8:25pm on Sat 26th November 2016.

A few years ago I was biking near St Ives and lost my way. I asked a local which was the best way to get to Cambridge. I followed his advice and several miles later discovered that I had been directed to the A14. While that might be the best way to get to Cambridge in a car, I would disagree that it was the best route on a bike. Maybe the local was having a laugh.

Published by Silent Rob at 11:21am on Mon 28th November 2016.

Or maybe he just didn't think about it. It seems quite common for car drivers to assume that everyone else is driving, too, even when they can clearly see what kind of vehicle you've got!

Published by Wrongfellow at 2:19pm on Mon 28th November 2016.

Either way, if Bigmal tries just asking the way from strangers, he'll have all sorts of stories like mine at the end of his journey.

Published by Silent Rob at 3:38pm on Mon 28th November 2016.

He could try asking the way from me, and I'll probably tell him to catch a nonexistent bus, again ;)

Published by Wrongfellow at 4:28pm on Mon 28th November 2016.

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