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Weasels - enemies of scientific progress!

Large Hadron Collider: Weasel causes shutdown

Published by John Techno at 8:49pm on Fri 29th April 2016. Viewed 4,203 times.

A few weeks back, Bella (A Ferret) knocked a cup of coffee over my laptop. The above story is pretty much the same, but taken to extremes.

Published by John Techno at 9:01pm on Fri 29th April 2016.

Mysterious particles such as pentaquarks, gravitons and dark matter may be waiting to be discovered.

Pfffffft, well-done boys here's another 5 billion quid.

Published by bigmal at 9:26pm on Fri 29th April 2016.

"Boys..?" Sexist!

Published by John Techno at 9:39pm on Fri 29th April 2016.

"Hey, guys, look, we found the Higgs Boson!"

"Nice one, lads! Off to the pub for a beer or two, then, is it?"

"Well, yeah, in a bit. We've just got this other thing to find first. Don't worrry, we'll only need to build one Even Larger Hadron Collider to find it. Then we'll be right with you. Promise!"

Published by Wrongfellow at 12:16am on Sat 30th April 2016.

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