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Art Language Location 2015

Robert Good plans ALL

When Cambridge artist Robert Good posted a callout to friends on social media for an art exhibition that he was organising back in 2012, he had no idea it would turn into a major arts event today. For Art Language Location (ALL) has since grown into an art festival like no other, featuring over 70 artists from Cambridge and across the UK who use text in their work.

'I only had three Likes from that first post' he recalls. But the aim of the exhibition was always to bring new, experimental art to Cambridge, and to work with whoever wanted to share this goal. 'So we started small, with twelve Cambridge artists and twelve from further afield. And we've just not stopped growing.'

Now with a committed committee and support and funding from the likes of Arts Council England, Anglia Ruskin University and Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Robert and his team are able to think big.

This year ALL features Supertext - an exhibition of art and text around the campus at Anglia Ruskin University, ShowTime! - a day of pop-ups, performance and participation, and Satellites - artworks out and about around Cambridge and beyond.

'There really is a huge array of talent coming to Cambridge this October, we are very fortunate' says Robert. 'And there are loads of ways for people to get involved. So do join us on Saturday October 17th for ShowTime! at Anglia Ruskin University. We've got walks, discussions, performances and our ALL pop-up Shop - don't miss!'

Art Language Location runs from 15 October - 1 November. Visit for full details or pick up a leaflet around town.

Published by rosecat at 3:25pm on Tue 15th September 2015. Viewed 4,095 times.

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