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[Event Chat] Family Gaming Night - Sat 29th Aug 2015 - Centre for Computing History



An evening of video gaming that you won't forget!!

We'll have more video games consoles and computers out for you to play than you can shake a stick at!

Can you beat dad at Space Invaders, or mum at Pac-Man? Find out at our 'Maxxed Out Gaming' evening!

We'll be opening at 6pm for a solid 4 hours of digital fun in a fun and family friendly environment. There will be games that everyone can play from retro classics like Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Tetris to some of the modern versions like Wii, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. It's a great chance for kids and parents to come together, share experiences, compete against each other and talk, talk, talk about how technology and gaming have changed over the years.

An entertaining event for all the family - kids young and old!!

The Pac Lunch shop will be open offering tea, coffee, cold drinks, chocolate, crisps and cereal bars to keep you going!

The event starts at 6pm and finishes at 10pm
Under 5's are free.

£7 Adults / £5 Children / £20 Family

Published by JetSetWilly at 2:04pm on Sun 16th August 2015. Viewed 4,275 times.

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