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Regent Construction: Inconsiderate Contractors

My neighbours decided to have their house pulled down and a new one built in its place. This is obviously deeply unpleasant for the adjoining terraced houses, and the noise, dust, and disruption have already been going on for over a year, and look likely to last at least until the new year. Crucial to this process is an Award which specifies what the builders can and can’t do, which is supposed to minimise the disruption. I am a musician and academic, so work at night a lot. The builders are allowed to start at 8, which reduces my sleep substantially. What is unacceptable is that Regent Construction, despite repeated requests and the threat of an injunction, regularly started between 7 and 8, reducing my sleep further. They also blocked the lane at the back of the house at times, in contravention of the Award. They seem a throughly professional outfit in terms of the actual building they do, but that is only part of the job. Repeated requests for an apology after they finally started obeying the Award (which is legally binding) and for them not to have a radio blaring out disturbung the whole neighbourhood have been ignored. If you are looking for builders you might want to remember this, as keeping good relations with the neighbours is crucial. Regent Construction in this respect get a big fail.

Published by andrewbowie at 11:58am on Mon 20th July 2015. Viewed 6,227 times.

All those 'academics' kept the whole city awake with their clichey parties a few months ago, the 'academic' rowers shouting instructions to each other at 5am are equally tedious and disturbing.
If you decide to outcast your self by 'working' at night, why should there be any concession made to your lifestyle choice?

Published by Priority 23 at 3:14pm on Tue 21st July 2015.

The point, if you had read the post, is that they broke the law by waking me even earlier than they were legally allowed to. Jazz musicians happen to play at night, so they have no choice about going to bed early. I just asked the builders to obey the law and have some consideration. They didn't. I don't work for Cambridge University, and have no time for May Balls, but they are confined to one week a year. The building goes on every morning for probably 18 months. So your post misses the point completely and I wonder why you bothered to post it. I was complaining about illegal practices and warning against this lot of builders who, unlike some of the other builders who have worked on the project, like Osbourne's, who were excellent, clearly don't give a damn about other people.

Published by andrewbowie at 4:05pm on Tue 21st July 2015.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:16pm on Tue 28th July 2015.

"The builders are allowed to start at 8, which reduces my sleep substantially."
"Jazz musicians happen to play at night"
"So your post misses the point completely"
"The Andy Bowie Quartet play every Sunday night at 8.00 (note changed time) at the Tram Depot"


Maybe it's a class thing, maybe you are an Academic, Musician and a Snob....
When you practice your instrument, do you consider your neighbours?

Mrs Thumbnail at number 18 can hear you, as a convinced top 40 fan, she is driven to distraction by the baritone barrage, the tenor torment and the hideous alto onslaught.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:07am on Wed 22nd July 2015.

Tip top trolling Priority 23!

I'm with Andy on this one: just obey the rules and play it straight.

Published by DeFrev at 9:10am on Wed 22nd July 2015.

He's still sleeping.....

Published by Priority 23 at 9:39am on Wed 22nd July 2015.

No, we also play Thursdays at the Anchor (Must list this - start at 7), and at a variety of other events during the week, private and public. Come and have a listen to the band. I have checked with the neighbours, and they say they like the sax practice. If they didn't I would organise times when it doesn't bother them. I also, like many academics, write my books at night when I have a deadline. The builders, in contrast, insist on playing a radio very loud just outside where I am trying to write during the day (yes, academics work day and night). I have repeatedly politely asked them to stop. They ignore me.

Published by andrewbowie at 3:05pm on Wed 22nd July 2015.

Oh, and with reference to
'If you decide to outcast your self by 'working' at night, why should there be any concession made to your lifestyle choice?' I assume you include nurses, shift workers, police and fire services, I could go on. What selfish lifestyle choices, eh? And no, I'm not comparing myself to these people, just pointing out how mistaken your view is. Though writing books and reading enough to teach future generations well seems much like 'work' to me, as does teaching. Even playing music involves rather a lot of work, actually. Oh, I see, it's you who is the snob.

Published by andrewbowie at 3:55pm on Wed 22nd July 2015.

"I have repeatedly politely asked them to stop. They ignore me."

Do they really just ignore you, like turn their back ignore you?

From what I can see you are self obsessed. The number of times you mention your self in these posts is remarkable.
And the builders ignore you.....
With all those sacrifices you make "writing books and reading enough to teach future generations"
You're like a cross between Joan or Arc and Jesus Christ.

Do they really just ignore you, like turn their back ignore you?

Published by Priority 23 at 8:16am on Thu 23rd July 2015.

No, they don't reply to emails, having given me their email address to contact them if I have a complaint. I posted this originally to warn people how to avoid trouble with builders. What's your aim in this? Have you nothing better to do with your life beyond trolling? I suspect you are a bit sad.

Published by andrewbowie at 12:21pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

No aim really, just found your postings and boasting a tad pompous, and hence an easy person to wind up, which I have successfully done.
Changing the subject: Do you do rabbit impersonations using two tampax in your nostrils? I have you down as the kind of person that would do that as a party piece.

Published by Priority 23 at 1:06pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

You really are a saddo, aren't you? What do you do the rest of the time when you are failing to be funny? Ever thought that the kind of posts you put up identify you as a waste of space?

Published by andrewbowie at 1:29pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

So sorry Andrew, I shall try harder in the future.... I really value your opinion on me and will never steal your thunder by trying to copy your rabbit impersonations ever again....

Published by Priority 23 at 1:40pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

Got to agree with Andrew there. You sound a bit like a twat Priority, troll or not... If only it were funny trolling, but it's not. Just shit trolling, shrolling.

Published by pan-pan at 1:40pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

I agree with you pan pan.

Published by Priority 23 at 1:57pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

i'm going to guess this is 5 victoria road, or thereabouts. hardly a quiet spot at any time of day given the traffic around mitchams corner up/down chesterton road/victoria road

Published by foolscap (not active) at 9:25pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

Got it in one foolscap. It is actually amazingly quiet, because the people who had the house before me did all the right things with double glazing, etc. But it's not quiet now. and hasn't been for over a year. The latest estimate, after we were told 9 months to begin with (yeah, right), is November, which is 17 months. I bet it will be after Christmas, given the record of previous forecasts.

Published by andrewbowie at 10:37pm on Thu 23rd July 2015.

Published by andrewbowie at 8:34pm on Tue 28th July 2015.

Seething is such a waste of energy Andrew.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:18pm on Wed 29th July 2015.

surely happy artists make boring music, and need some drama?

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:23pm on Wed 29th July 2015.

Yeah, right, drama of someone banging next door for 18 months. :-)

Published by andrewbowie at 1:33pm on Wed 29th July 2015.

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