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Privileged school children show disrespect by stealing from concentration camp.

So they didn't think, in a place were you should do nothing but think.

Published by Priority 23 at 1:00pm on Wed 24th June 2015. Viewed 4,190 times.

This is a bit unfair, although privalidged (and as such should be shot come the revolution) you cannot blame kids for mucking about in such a place. My brother went there once with a school trip and they were all joking and pissing about asking ther guides how much the gas bill was etc etc.

Published by bigmal at 7:01pm on Thu 25th June 2015.

They may be privileged - but at least they can spell!

Published by stephen at 7:31pm on Thu 25th June 2015.

The making of a place of mass murder into a tourist attraction is dubious in the first place, to tolerate "pissing about asking the guides how much the gas bill was" is unfathomable.

Published by Priority 23 at 10:06am on Fri 26th June 2015.



Published by bigmal at 8:31pm on Fri 26th June 2015.

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