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Cambridge local TV

Well the website tells you nada.
Any one got the foggiest idea when the local TV channel 'Cambridge Presents' is to hit our screens?

Even those local channels in big cities like London are struggling to keep to their promises of local news and other costly things.

What would the one in Cambridge be like with just 5 viewers? Red TV.... Remember that one...

Published by Priority 23 at 12:59pm on Tue 16th June 2015. Viewed 4,733 times.

I imagine that with internet streaming it is much cheaper to put out a TV channel than it used to be. My media server box has access to hundreds of online channels I've never even looked it, nor am I likely to.

Published by Silent Rob at 10:24am on Wed 17th June 2015.

They'd best get a move on:

Ofcom's Broadcast Licensing Committee ('BLC') awarded a local digital television programme service (L-DTPS) licence [to Cambridge Presents] on 22 October 2013.


All L-DTPSs must begin broadcasting within two years of licence award otherwise Ofcom may re-advertise the licence.

Published by Wrongfellow at 3:19pm on Wed 17th June 2015.

with internet streaming it is much cheaper to put out a TV channel than it used to be

I don't know how things work with these new-fangled digital TV channels, but it used to be that if you had an analogue broadcast licence, you had to broadcast, or you lost your licence. Keeping your TV station going all the time is quite expensive.

The Internet is completely ad-hoc: you can broadcast when you like, and stop when you like. Much easier to do on a shoestring budget.

So if you want underground/grassroots stuff I'm sure the Internet will serve you better.

Published by Wrongfellow at 3:35pm on Wed 17th June 2015.

I actually met someone recently who told me they were going to be producing (arts) programmes for this. So I guess it is happening though I haven't heard any official announcements.

Published by bad-timing at 6:39pm on Wed 17th June 2015.

This hasn't got a whole lot to do with internet streaming or that sort of thing.

This is the supposedly new TV station on Freeview, Sky and Cable. Like a proper TV Station.

Cambridge Presents.

Published by Priority 23 at 6:39pm on Wed 17th June 2015.

Aha, it's there now! Just noticed it. Went live two days ago apparently.

And on Friday they're going head-to-head with BBC4's 9pm music slot.

The Music Magazine Show
Acoustic Fiver
Local bands and Artists perform at the Junction.

Published by DarrylW at 11:38pm on Thu 20th August 2015.

It's on 159 now!
guess that's what they call a soft launch.
schedule is here:

good luck Cambridge TV!

Published by Priority 23 at 12:24pm on Fri 21st August 2015.

Just saw your post P23 and have now re-tuned the telly! :-) It's channel 8 on freeview. Good business programme on now, followed by the intriguingly titled 'Scouse Pop' at half two... .

Published by MissRegaling at 1:58pm on Fri 21st August 2015.

I was impressed with the camera work, watched the 8pm news on Friday.
Each feature maybe lasted a tad too long, but overall it was a good effort. They have adverts for national products like Harpic. Like all start up channels these adverts were repeated a fair bit.
To make it a compelling channel to watch is a gigantic task, hope it goes well.

Published by Priority 23 at 8:00am on Mon 24th August 2015.

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