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Newish bike wanted

I want a fast bike thats easy to ride got about £300 to spend. Any ideas.

Published by bigmal at 10:32pm on Wed 27th May 2015. Viewed 7,800 times.

Published by tyres at 2:13am on Thu 28th May 2015.

The Carrera CX bike will be OK and has some advantages - it'll be tougher and more resistant to punctures. However, if you're more interested in speed that practicality, you can get a Mekk Pinerolo with a carbon fibre fork for the same money -

Published by John Techno at 12:00pm on Thu 28th May 2015.

Wait till Evans Cycles opens on Mitchams Corner.
They might have some good opening offers.

I bought my Kona from their shop in London Bridge.... Love it.

Published by Priority 23 at 12:29pm on Thu 28th May 2015.

Chapeau on becoming the owner of a Boardman - a wise choice, because it's well-known that red bikes are fastest (but black ones are better).

Now you need to learn some cycling lingo...

"Yeah, so I just danced up the Beechwoods; smashed my PB" ("I just rode up Beechwoods Hill; it took me half an hour but last week it took 35 minutes")

"That guy's such a chopper" ("He doesn't do things the same way as me, therefore I dislike him." Especially used upon sighting a cyclist in a yellow jersey, because "real" cyclists consider it a crime to wear a yellow jersey if you haven't won a Tour de France))

"You're such a Fred" ("You have a better bike than me, but I'm a better cyclist than you")

"You're such a Doris" ("You're a female Fred")

Published by John Techno at 8:39pm on Fri 29th May 2015.

My arse is really sore of that racing saddle, sooooo uncomfertable.

Where is the magimix?

Published by bigmal at 6:25pm on Sat 30th May 2015.

I know some motor bike lingo

"Check his/her chiken strips, only does straights".

He/her tires are not worn down the sides denoting they don't lean down far going round corners. They only go fast on straight roads. I,e. they are scarred of their bike.

Published by bigmal at 7:17pm on Sat 30th May 2015.

You'll get used to the saddle - and when you do, you'll find that a hard, narrow saddle is actually a hell of a lot more comfortable for rides longer than down the shops and back than a wide, squishy saddle is.

You can have the Magimix when you can do a sub-25min 10 mile time trial. :-)

Published by John Techno at 9:11pm on Sat 30th May 2015.

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