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What the Fuck's All That About, Then?

Mods! Seize him!

So, I have been thinking about hiring an SEO company to really obnoxiously promote my website.

Ideally, I am looking for some guys that can really spam the shite out of any web forum that isn't even vaguely tangentially relevant, because I have heard that is a really good way to get higher up in the SEO rankings.

Ideally they'd have their own click factory attached so they can click my website into kingdom come and really help make Google think it is a brilliant website, because I have heard they aren't all that good at picking up this kind of abuse, even when it is really fukcing blatant.

Does anyone know anyone who could help me?


Contribsx/Michael Green/Grant Shapps

Published by Noodles Aaronson at 2:15pm on Thu 21st May 2015. Viewed 4,055 times.

It ought to be be fairly simple to change WAN to hide ignored posts completely, rather than just substituting them with "Ignored Post".

Two quick clicks and "the well verse web design and development company in Chennai" is gone entirely from the front page, for registered users at least.

Hopefully one day this sodding domain transfer will be sorted out and I'll be able to actually do stuff like this, rather than just posting about it...

Published by Wrongfellow at 2:25pm on Thu 21st May 2015.

Google translate seems to be much better these days. I just tried translating the spam back and forth between several langages, you don't get anywhere near the same level of gibberish as you used to.

One day Google translate might have Sooty language on there though.

Published by Silent Rob at 10:59am on Fri 22nd May 2015.

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