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Beer Festival

not to be confused with the beef festival, which is apparently no joking matter in India

I hope there's some good weather next week, as I don't want to be stuck in the tent. Let there be beer :)

Published by foolscap (not active) at 2:05pm on Sun 17th May 2015. Viewed 3,971 times.

Me working weds thurs fri sats. Give me a nod I'll get you a freebee.

Published by bigmal at 10:29pm on Sun 17th May 2015.

That's kind of you, though was looking out for anyone on the other side of the table as it can be a pain losing your seat when going to get another drink. Someone who I thought would be there on Wednesday forgot about a tennis match that day #SoCambridge

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:40pm on Mon 18th May 2015.

Published by Wrongfellow at 9:41am on Tue 19th May 2015.

I picked up a guide today on my way back from the post office. There's a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster on page 40. Don't Panic

Published by foolscap (not active) at 1:52pm on Tue 19th May 2015.

Can't put my finger on it exactly, but there seems something slightly wrong to me about calling a beer "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster" (I assume it's a beer). Even if it's some demon strength stout at 10%.

I'd more expect some type of Poteen / cooking rum cocktail, possibly spiked with 20 doses of LSD and PCP.

With a slice of lemon.

Published by Silent Rob at 2:38pm on Tue 19th May 2015.

Oh, it clearly should have been on page 42 too. :)

Published by Silent Rob at 2:39pm on Tue 19th May 2015.

I still feel a bit wrecked. Maybe it was the PGGB

Published by foolscap (not active) at 9:46pm on Wed 20th May 2015.

i worked there tonight and the PGGB has sold out , apparently it was very nice too.Me working tomorrow nd Friday if anyone wants a freeby just ask.Obviously say WAN and bobs your uncle.

Published by bigmal at 12:50am on Thu 21st May 2015.

Obviously say WAN and bobs your uncle.

We need to revive the WANwave. Except I can't remember what it was.

Published by Silent Rob at 8:24am on Thu 21st May 2015.

Hows about two hands on your head, thumbs touching and the rest of the fingers flapping about.

Published by bigmal at 8:40am on Thu 21st May 2015.

I'd completely forgotten about the WAN wave! I'm pretty sure that was exactly what it was Mal.

Published by Free Will at 11:13am on Thu 21st May 2015.

That sounds more like something from an 80s children's television programme.

Thinking of another couple of drinks after this meal, at a slower pace than Wednesday afternoon though. I'll keep an eye out for any dodgy looking WANshakes

Published by foolscap (not active) at 12:15pm on Fri 22nd May 2015.

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